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My Forever Most Loving Mother

Nothing compares to a mother’s love. And the unfillable space that is left when it comes to time for her to leave this earth, brings a sort of grief that never quite ends. As the days shall pass and special holidays come around, especially Mother's Day, our hearts will feel even heavier. While nothing can be said that will ever hold a candle to the incredible bond between US (Your Family & Loved Ones) and You; Our mother, nor will it fill in for the absence of your laughter and good spirit. 

The world will change from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you, shall never pass away.

I remember your prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life, guiding and directing my path. I want to immensely thank you for all the love and care you showered upon me during your time with me on earth, I will forever hold on to it so dearly mummy.

 We understand death only after it has placed its hands on someone we love and so truly mummy death has really placed it's hands on someone we truly love. We will miss you mummy, may you continue to rest in the bosom of the almighty forever, Amen.

Mummy Doowo

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