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My Bestfriend

January 7, 2012

It was a spring day, when I met him we became friends instantly,We played tag football in the church yard when ever we could. He was always there to listen with a open ear and try to help me out . He moved away after his father passed and we lost touch ... i had three of my four children ... one day he seen me fighting with the kids dad and he stopped and said are you alright i said yes. Like i said always willing to help that was what kinda man my dear husband was.. We got back together  and helped me raise my girls and soon after that on came my fourth child a boy .. He was a very hard worker to take care of us .. we rented two houses .. he even helped me through the pain of the lost of our oldest child when she was murder he was with me every step of the way... to get me back on my feet .. you never forget or forgive and always remember but he got me to function again. We bought our first house together and then we got married.. well we did things kinda backward but we love each other unconditionally .. we fought we argued but, we were always there for each other..He was my shinning star and the day he left me hurts me every bit today as it did that early one christmas morning.. he also took on raising our granddaughter .. Angelina  with out a second thought he took that on and he never complained about it. cause like i said he was a great man

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