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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Beatrice Cuffee, 47 years old, born on February 28, 1970, and passed away on August 23, 2017. We will remember her forever.

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My mother

June 1, 2021
I remember when i was a kid and i had my 6th birthday and they had to use every ounce of money for me to have a fantastic birthday. My name is Xavion cuffee and i am her son i miss my mother vary much every day i think why can’t i be with her do you understand what that feels like. I hate that the police took me away from her and I don’t understand why god would take her from me. What did i do that was so wrong to deserve this punishment. Does god reallly love me or am i by myself. Please Ineed someone to talk to about this.

 I miss you momma i love you so much.

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