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July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Dear Cousin Mme Beloe .
 Your cousin my father George Ntuba Ntua on his dying bed in Tiko, had just one cry on his lips to his widow, Fule Tecla Akama Ntuba, go fast to Kumba and bring me Akwo. She came fast and took me to my dad but he had entered his last coma and died into heaven. I know how you longed for your Akwo.
In sacred heart high school, the first cycle was not to mix freely with us in high school but as first eleven, I had a special place and each time your Akwo came to your Cousin,s Akwo, I was ready to have him cleared into my presence for the assistance he came for and I am proud you know he told you.
 My eyes and head troubled me a lot in sacred heart high school, uncle papa Walson cried in the governor,s office calling my ancestors asking who was trying to destroy his work in me. When papa Walson cried, I could not stand it, I ran out and wept my eyes. That night back in sacred, I went to the bushes, I called on my Ma Lebande, asking her to help me because my deaths were my God besides the God. Yes, my head got better to university[medical school] I went. I was president of National Union of Cameroonian students, and president of the students in the university, you said thanks to me for what I did for Wasse and Belle. You thanked me for taking care of your dad Bwang Nelson NTUBA , always free medical consultations, admissions, and medicines, the same care to your brother Eseme Ntuba . As we prepared to bury Lawyer Epongo Ntuba, you had a special financial levy for Justice Bea and Dr. Ntuba [first] , different from others but we loved you and we just smiled as we pleased you. You cherished my invitations to our house in Kumba for lunch after which we talked a lot about our national politics, how I was leading as section president, my challenges from our people same you said you experienced, even saying i knew things in my 30s you did not know in your 60s. Though I had advised you not to join the SDF that you will regret it, I had to fight them when you left for the CPDM and they started calling you a political prostitute because they could not control you from Bamenda. When I could not take the insults any more I sent them messages from the USA about what was my strategic plans against them and I will execute them in Kumba if they do not stop insulting you because you are my blood and clan member and they stopped. I told you that you cannot be the father of the Ntuba clan because you were not a man and I never stopped to say I will never consider you father head of my clan as a deal with you. I told Nfaw in Mbum MD USA 2019 that Clans structures and leadership are Biblical and changing them is bringing curses and I never stopped telling you that, the same thing I told PCC church leadership in my teachings and preaching to them in Kamerun. When your aunt late Ma Clara Ebako wanted to be the father head of Ntuba clan challenging your brother Eseme Ntuba , you told her off defending your brother saying women are not and will not be the father head of the clans, contrary to Nfaw tradition and the Bible and I believed you then , later, now and always, and will always follow your wise words to her irrespective of who tried to change that and I am keeping my words, your wisdom. You were so proud of me starting NTUBA clan diaspora and running it with your brother Eseme when he was father leader of our clan. I still have that letter from you praising my leadership. When Wasse wrote me when your brother Eseme died that they wanted me to take the headship of the Ntuba clan and put the Belle Ngohs and Ntubas together, I was not surprised but told her that was not tradition and the Ntubas have men. You followed my courage into certain actions within the clan though the same me stopped you from going further. As political religious and civil society leaders in Cameroon, our paths crossed many times in activism. I was part of the World council of churches congress that voted Nya Sako Ni Nku as AACC president, you for the PCC and I representing independent churches. I may not have seen you in our SWELA meetings when I was a national chairman for health and taking over from late Hon NN MBILE as communication chairperson but still knew you were one of our top SW elites. I appreciate you a lot because I saw my self in you, a political, civil society and religious leader, former chair of PCC BASTOS Yaounde, synod member. We always understood each other while idiots who thought us stupid made stories behind, I have no doubt you meant very very well for your clan, the Ntuba clan. Like I protected my kid brother Akwo in Sacred heart high school, rest assured that we the Ntuba clan will continue to respect the Efimba clan for their seeds they never made illegitimate though our blood relatives. You confided in me that, you wanted to make the Efimba clan great and you did, I do not care what they those outside say, and like your cousin governor Ntuba made me respect Dr. Victor Efimba, former university lecturer and consultant ophthalmologist, I send an olive branch to the Efimba clan and promise that Ntuba clan will never interfere in their internal affairs, same respect we have given the Itoes, Epies , Nwengellas , Nattys , Juas, Makias, Eyambes, Abbah-Gwanulla , Nnoko Mboes , Akamas of Littoral , Ngalamens , Nambangis, BELLE-NGOHS , NGOHS and the other clans. Our blood means so much to us but we respect the law and Biblical traditions. In your presence in Mbum AGM 2019 BAFCUDA, led and directed by our joint ancestors, I told Nfaw that you are Ntuba, not Efimba Efimba, as you told us, you divorced and returned to the Ntuba clan with all rights and privileges due you, besides telling them that Nsah Tumban [CLAN head ]is not NYATumban I told Kamerun to call you, as the mother of your family. When we meet the ancestors and God , you will join them to thank me i know. WE BOTH, OUTSPOKEN NTUBAS, LOVED BY OUR ANCESTORS & GOD. You have returned home to the Ntubas and we thank you for you. Amen. TRUTH AND GOD WILL DELIVER US FROM THE "CURSE OF MARCH" IN JESUS NAME. SHI DR REV AKWO EBELLEBUMA BA[BONA]-NTU[A]. 
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Posted by Akwo-Fese Efimba on June 21, 2020
Sent by Sarah Ntuba:

Our only grand mom - Beloe, what a blessing and privilege it was to have you as our grand mum. From the two sons of our grand father Wilfred Mukwele Ntuba and Nelson Bwang Ntuba you were the love of all of us. News of your death came to me as a bomb. I became speechless and paralyzed waiting to hear that you are not dead, hoping to ask you my usual question. At late Mbone's death celebration, you were looking very good, smart and healthy.

Who are we to blame -the month of March 12/03/2020 or the doctor's in London? Grand mom, you were the only one who bored the name of our grand father's wife - grand mom Belowe. May the merciful lord judge you with favour. If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? ( Psalm 11:3). Bona ntua'wuke, don't weep but look up to Christ for guidances and protection. We are covered by the blood of Jesus. Let us only pray and cancel the spirit of death in the month of March.

From Ma Sarah Tonge Ntuba
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Posted by Allison Ntuba on July 17, 2020
Our dearest auntie Lydia, it is hard to believe that the angels have taken you home at a time we least expected. What a blessing and privilege it was to have you as a part of our family. You gave us so much care and attention.
It is hard to come to terms with the fact that we will never hear from you again. Memories, memories are all we have left.
Fare thee well auntie Lydia. You fought a good fight and won the race. You left a legacy that will be read through the generations, current and to come. You left a mark in our hearts, and nothing will ever erase. It is indelible in our hearts.
We love you,
Faustine, the Rs and Allison Ntuba.
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Posted by Akwo-Fese Efimba on July 25, 2020
My dear Mama, how the World as we knew changed and will never be same again without you. I wonder what you made of this year 2020 coming from such a memorable year 2019 of many highs. Little did we know we would have no more reunions, weekends and conversations with each other. In the last four years leading to time you departed our World, it was not unusual for you to go hospital and come back a few days later fit and sound. Why should it have been different? All I knew you were courageous, ever optimistic, you had your faith in God and that was enough to conquer any illness. Imagine our fright when your prognosis took a turn for the worse. You squeezed my hand on that faithful morning, looked into my teary face without a word coming from your mouth and yet saying all that to I need to know from your touch.

What a wonderful and inspirational human being you have been to me. Yes -you were my mother and you were my adviser, tutor, mentor, cheerleader and moral compass.

Coming to spend time with us in the UK was the best gift you gave your children. The time we spent together was unforgettable and it reinforced in me who and what your life was all about. We had times look back at some amazing times and still create some special moments especially around your grandchildren and children.

When I was a boy you would say; "Do your actions glorify God and is this what Jesus Christ would do". You would add: "There no achievement gained without meaningful purpose and intent". I saw you live these principles in your life. With your faith in God, you showed the world what courage looks like when you worked as a civil servant and as a politician; standing up for the truth and leading by example. I saw what compassion looked like, encouraging those who you believed were less fortunate and inspiring hope in them. I saw in you dedication, embracing whatever role you in front of you, giving it the attention and enthusiasm to inspire and rally people to a common purpose. Living a life of servitude to your Family, Church, Community and Country was meaningful.

Mama "Nyangha" , woman with style, composure and humility, my dear Mama how I admired the way carried yourself. Life for you was finding meaning and also making the world around fun and enjoyable. You made yourself a trailblazer by stepping into new situations that looked daunting and having the humility to learn along the way. At the centre of your being, you showed us that Family was beginning and after all was said an do that was institution mattered most. You showed us that a woman's place is at the heart of a Family, which inspires a community and encourages us to work together for a better tomorrow.

I look at your countless public accomplishments with great pride and the most important of all -you were a mother to me and my wife Mbone-Sike and a grandmother to our children Rina, Coen-Samuel, Liana-Lydia and Ava. I recall a mother’s joy when I graduated from university, the pride when got my first job, the excitement when I was getting married and your signature dance as you welcomed your grandchildren into the world. It was heart-warming to see you witness the sights and sounds of your grandchildren and draw parallels to my childhood. Mbone-Sike was so inspired by you and cherished the moments you had. Your grand-children miss you and pray that you rest in the external Kingdom. With your passing you have left a void, and into it, our family has poured all these sweet memories, moments we would savour with great affection.

We will miss you, especially our conversations on family life, culture, politics and any topic which just sparked your interest. We were blessed having you part of our lives, celebrating with you and enjoying your spirit of generosity. I am so grateful to have witnessed how you lived your life. Your final act was one of dignity and encouragement that we live our lives by being the best we can be. Adieu my Dear Mama, we can no longer hug you to say good-bye; however we give a round of applause and give a great cheer for just being yourself.

Love always your Dear AK, Mbone-Sike, Rina, Coen-Samuel, Liana-Lydia and Ava
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020
Posted by Akwo-Fese Efimba on July 24, 2020
Sent by Kidi Ntuba:

My loving Sister, your sudden departure from us has left a huge void that will be very hard to fill!!

Thank you for being a role model to us, your legacy will live through us and will be passed down from generation to generation!!!

I am glad to know that you had Christ as your anchor and am sure you are basking in His bosom now. Our tears are because we miss your physical presence but we know you are in a better place where there is no pain, no sorrow, no stress.

Rest well Big Sis, till we meet again to part no more!!


Kidi Ntuba
July 25, 2020
July 25, 2020
Posted by Akwo-Fese Efimba on July 24, 2020
From Mukwele Ntuba:

Following the passing and burial of our family head - Pa Eseme Ntuba some years ago, various consultations were taking place to determine the next Nsa Tumba for Bona Ntu'a Uke. In typical fashion while the rest of us were thinking of a status quo, Aunty Lydia had an innovation for us, the family and Bafaw as a whole.

When the time came to select a family head, she advocated and became the first Nya Tumba of the ethnic group. My "niece" was truly a trailblazer in every respect and never accepted mediocrity. We will miss your meticulous approach to everything. To God be the Glory.

"Your Uncle" Pa Mukwele NTUBA III

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