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A Great Neighbor

August 20, 2019
We in Quail Springs will remember Betty with love.  Betty was a great neighbor, serving her community as a Board Member and always willing to volunteer to help with our work and events.  Betty's smile brightened our days.  
We are thinking of Sid and all Betty's family.  We miss her, too, but are happy that she had her loved ones around at the end.
While we'll miss her, though, we will always be able to carry good memories of our great neighbor.
Bob & Markley 
August 18, 2019
We will really miss Betty. She was a lovely and caring woman.  Our lives mine & Genes were greatly blessed to have had her as a friend and neighbor. We will keep all of you and especially Sid in our thoughts and prayers.  May God keep his hand on you comfort you and bring you great joy for having had Betty as a part of your lives.

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