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‘My Bev’

January 24, 2023
What can I say about ‘my Bev’- a term coined by my friends to describe any  dear and close friend of theirs.

Everyone who knew her is keenly aware if her quiet grace and beauty and great kindness to others and we loved that twinkle in her eye and smile too , which meant laughter and great times were ahead.

But  I had the joyful privilege of knowing her as my friend since 5th grade and experiencing those coming of age ‘wonder years’ with her as we discovered the music, the poetry, the arts and our budding new universe together.

Bev was always in love with piano and introduced me to many classical pieces she played so beautifully.

we devoured movies of that era  together and aside from the new deeper realistic dramas we still liked the happy ones and I love recalling the night on the way home from seeing Singin in the Rain that we laughed and splashed in recent rain puddles under stage lit lamp posts and came home soaked.

So many memories and she was everyone’s Audrey Hepburn in high school.

I treasure  those years because our paths grew many miles apart with marriage and.children filling our lives .. andour forever friendship became  very long letters and phone calls.

In later years we were able to happily reunite in NYC , Montauk and San Francisco and I visited her and Charles in Maryland .. those visits mere like magic to enjoy her energy and sparkle again.

Having her light  in my life is a gift I hold close to my heart forever snd that is where she lives.

My love and sympathies are with Melissa and Chuck and family who gave her such joy and to me she is never gone. 

I love you, Bev.. we are forever young in my heart.

Janet Jefferson Anderson 
formerly known as Jeffy

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