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November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020
For me, Aunt Bev has always meant family. When I think about my earliest memories of her, they are of warm hugs, Oreo cookies, yummy hot dogs, and the fun I had swimming and staying up late watching movies while visiting her, Scott, and Melissa as a child. Mind you, these were visits that were by no means to be taken for granted— remember that by the time I can remember anything, Randy had already moved on. Aunt Bev stayed— no matter what. That’s one of the things I remember finding so extraordinary about her as a young adult— she never wavered, whether it was in including us in Scott and Melissa’s lives as we all grew up or including Randy’s daughter Stefanie in her Christmas Party (as hard as that must’ve been) in 2016— Aunt Bev was always family. 

I’ve often wondered if it was perhaps because of what I presumed was her undying love for my Uncle (she never remarried and was at least as distraught at his funeral as anyone else) or her partnership with my grandmother Anna Marie “Honey”— they ran her first store Gumbo together back when I was a kid. Regardless, I was always clear that whatever the status of her relationship with my Uncle, we were family. 

Whenever I would hear about who she was from her clients and customers though, it was clear to me: Aunt Bev was the living embodiment of family wherever she went. She was always there for people as much as she possibly could be. It came as little surprise when I discovered at that same Christmas Party that Aunt Bev and I shared something very special— the distinction of being Landmark Forum graduates. When I realized that, everything clicked into place. Whatever demons she wrestled with internally, whatever triggers, upsets, disappointments, or tragedies she experienced; Aunt Bev was always committed to the possibility of love and family, and that came through in every interaction I ever had with her. 

From her trip to Steamboat for our son’s baptism in July 2017 to the delicious culinary treats that she’d poured her heart into over the years; her big smile and warm hugs; and her patient, engaged listening to me while I regaled her with my knowledge of health and personalized nutrition— her love shone through in each interaction, in every moment… even unto the last. As I was leaving Houston this summer after my last opportunity to spend time with her (what a gift!), she looked straight into my eyes and said, clear as day, “I love you.” I like to think that was for all of us. To all of us who’ve loved her and to all those whom she loved. She loves us, and that love is one I hope we all cherish and I believe she would have us pass on to those in our lives in remembrance of her and of the possibility of love and family that she was for all of us.
August 16, 2020
August 16, 2020
I spent my childhood with Beverly, Nancy, John and Ann & Jack in their home in Briargrove. Ann & my mother, Kitty Stanley, were both ADPIs at U of Georgia so both had the loveliest Southern accents. My father, George Stanley & Jack just enjoyed each other & were good friends. When I was growing up I believe we spent every 4th of July with BBQ & fireworks. I recall John enjoyed terrorizing me with firecrackers while Bev, Nancy & I liked sparklers. I can still hear Beverly's laugh. She will be missed but always hold a place in my heart.
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020
I met Beverly when I moved from Hunters Creek Village to Fleetwood. It was at a fashion show sponsored by "IT's all about You "for the Ladies Lunch Group.
I fell in love with her shop and with Beverly. from that time on...I think it was 2010 I shopped for all my clothes there. Beverly was a savvy business woman and lovely human being.
She's not with us anymore, we will miss her but I guess shes enjoying herself in the big Store In the Sky. We love you Beverly.
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020
A friend in Houston sent me the news about Beverly. I was so sad to see this. She and I were great friends in the School of Fine Arts at UT Austin. I was one of her bridesmaids. Our lives took different directions after college and we lost touch, but I was aware of her successful shops. In our senior year I remember we were in a rather offbeat class and were trying to come up with ideas for the semester project. I suggested, as a joke, that she do a Claes Oldenburg-type soft sculpture of the UT tower. She did! I don't know how she put that thing together, but it was about 5 feet tall. I had to help her carry it across campus to the professor's office. I think the professor gave her a good grade just to make sure she graduated and left campus. My condolences to her family, the world is a lesser place without Beverly.
August 13, 2020
August 13, 2020
Scott, Deyra and family. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mother touched more lives in a positive way than you will ever know. She was so lovely.  I always loved walking into It's All About You just to see her beautiful smile and her sweet pup. She truly made you feel as if it were about you. I moved to Australia 6 years ago but would always stop back in to see her when I was home for a visit.  A funny story about Bev...Having a great eye for fashion on top of being a great salesperson...Bev talked me into buying a coat I was on the fence about (at least 10 years ago). I loved it but didn't know if I wanted to spend the money at the time. I did buy the coat and to this day, I literally get comments every time I wear it. I will now wear it with a smile and with gratitude that I was blessed to have known Bev. Her memory will live on in the hearts of everyone who was fortunate to cross her path. 
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
I was blessed for the short time I had with you Bev, the 2 years flew by! Having never worked in ladies fashion, I got a crash-course from the "best of the best" to say the least. We never missed a beat did we lady. Caring for a remarkable group of lovely ladies that you built over the many successful years in retail was such a treat. Didn't feel a lot like work to be truthful, every day was a pleasure. Getting to share the market trips to Dallas was so much fun, seeing you in your element was almost hard to explain.....magical is the closest word to sum it up! I couldn't keep up! Watch those ankles though, LOL. Although you slowed down a bit towards the end of our time together, I found gratification in getting us through those days. Even on rough days, we ended them with a smile and a hug! I love you Beverly Poerschke & will miss you dearly.
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
Sorry to hear of passing of Beverly. She was a wonderful lady. Until leaving Houston 2 years ago was regular customer at Its All About You. She was always very honest, friendly and helpful. RIP. Will be missed by all. Liz.
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
I am so very sorry to hear about Beverly's passing . I loved shopping at her store because of her. She was always full of life, warmth, and laughter and she genuinely cared about her customers. I've missed her the last few years when I've been in the store. My sincerest condolences go to her family.
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
May you rest in peace, Beverly. What an amazing woman. She was so gifted in her business with her fabulous taste and wonderful personality. It is always like visiting family when I shop at my favorite store. Beautiful Derya is following in Beverly's wonderful footsteps. What a blessing. Beverly will be missed. She adored her family. I loved hearing the stories and seeing pictures of the beautiful grandchild. I will always shop at the best clothing store in Houston, and think of her fondly. May the family be blessed by her wonderful memories. Your family is beautiful in every way.
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear of Bev's passing. I was a long-term customer or hers from back in the Gumbo days onward. I loved her personality & her sense of fashion. She was a really neat lady. My deepest sympathy to the family. Bev was a real treasure & she will be missed. 
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
Saddened to hear of this news, a classy lady with a great sense of humor and a bright smile. While maybe not blood relation, I saw her as an extended family member, and I would always look forward to a conversation with Beverly. To either catch up on the latest family details or sharing any news of my own while relaxing outdoors; I say outdoors because all too often this was the circumstance. Our families would either met up while vacationing in Kerrville to cool in the river or shade of the TX hill country or would catch up at Spring Green farm in rural Houston. She will be missed around the evening fire pit. Peace be with you Bev.
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
I met Beverly when she had Gumbo!
I admired her the day we met! 
I have shopped at IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU for many years. I am so sad she is gone! I have many things she picked out for me! All unique all beautiful! I will miss seeing her smiling face! May she Rest In Peace!
CJ Romano
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
I didn't have the honor of knowing Bev, but she raised a mighty fine son who loved her dearly. Any good mother is a friend of mine.
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
I met Bev through our Poker game! And though I didn't know her as long as others, I will always remember her twinkly eyes and her lovely smile.  Bev always played Texas Hold 'Em conservatively ( even with our $10 to play contribution) and always so quietly, but then all of a sudden, she'd lay out those cards and she'd haul in all the chips! She was great!

Bev - we are missing you and hoping that you have found a great poker game already! I know you will keep them on their toes!

August 9, 2020
August 9, 2020
It is hard to put into words what Bev meant to me. She was my big sister and the one who I always followed around. Growing up I always wanted to be like her. We shared a room growing up so we laughed and cried together many nights. We had twin beds but on special nights like Christmas Eve we would push our beds together to make a double bed so we could be closer together. She would be the one I would go to for help with anything from fixing my hair, makeup, or homework. She was always there for me.
I loved her family very much. Scott and Melissa brought so much joy to Mary Beth and David whenever we would visit. We spent many happy vacations together especially on the Guadalupe River. We would float and talk and just enjoy being together.
To lose a sister is losing part of yourself. Although it was difficult to communicate with her in the last few months I could tell by the look in her eyes how much she loved me. I will miss her immensely but I am comforted by the love over a lifetime that we shared.
August 8, 2020
August 8, 2020
Beverly and I both owned retail clothing stores and were actually competitors in the early '80s. We started meeting for dinner and became friends. I closed my last store in 1997 and Beverly took me under her wing and gave me a job working at her beautiful store Gumbo. Our friendship prevailed over the years. I was invited to attend her son's marriage to the beautiful Derya in Turkey - what a trip that was! Bev and I both loved art, jewelry, fashion, movies, books, and beaches. We would often catch a movie or drive down to Galveston for the day and enjoy the Texas coast. Not too long ago we took a cruise to the Amalfi coast and the stopped in Barcelona for a week. She was a great travel buddy- We both snored and enjoyed - shopping, Picasso, and everything Gaudi and more jewelry shopping- it was so much fun. When we got home invited Bev to join my poker group- who knew she liked poker. She really did and she won!!! I miss her so much... Rest in peace Bev and save me a spot next to St. Peter.
August 8, 2020
August 8, 2020
Beverly was my aunt. I grew up in California so I didn't see her often growing up but my family would come to Texas every summer to visit. I have fond memories of spending time with her in Kerrville on the Guadalupe River. In the summer of 2014 I moved to Houston and was very grateful to have her here. She was a big support to me as I knew very few people here in Houston. On Saturdays I would often help her at her store and we would have dinner together every Sunday night. Those are memories I cherish dearly. She was a talented business owner, a dedicated mother and grandmother and a wonderful aunt. I will miss her very much

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