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Michael “Big Mike” Karl Rudnick, 78, of Hallandale Beach, FL passed away Sunday, December 6th, 2020 at Memorial Regional Hospital. A son of the late Jake and Faye Rudnick, father of the late Todd Rudnick, brother to the late Robert “Bobby” Steven Rudnick, and great granddaughter Miracle.


He was a 1961 graduate of North Miami Senior High School. Mike wasn’t the life of the party. He was the party. He rarely missed out on an opportunity to make everyone around him laugh and share in that laughter. He loved to spend time with his many friends at the horse track, play cards, and looked forward to waking up early every day to have breakfast with his closest friends who he entertained on a daily basis. He also loved his children immensely and always wanted them to enjoy life as much as he did. He and his lovely wife Maria also enjoyed having dinner, singing karaoke, and dancing at Angela’s Restaurant each and every Tuesday night. Two of his favorite songs, and he had many, were “My Way” by Frank Sinatra, and “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong. He definitely made the most of his wonderful life no matter the circumstances and did it his way. Mike will be sorely missed by all those he has touched. 

Big Mike wanted all family and friends to know he loved you all forever, enjoyed every moment with you, and lived a wonderful happy life filled with tons of joy.

He is survived by two sons, Seth and Darren, daughter-in-law Isabel, two grandchildren Ciara and Logan, great grandson Xuede, brother Billy, niece Kara, nephews Shawn, Michael, Casey, and the mother of his children Sheena "Dede" Price.

This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Michael Rudnick 78 years old , born on June 10, 1942 and passed away on December 6, 2020. We will remember him forever.
June 10, 2022
June 10, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday to the greatest Dad ever
forever missed, forever loved, and forever grateful to be your son.

May 20, 2022
May 20, 2022
Everyone that loved still missing you as praying the Angels are taking care of you and that you are with our loved ones in Heaven....
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
I am missing you as Always..prayers that you are with God and the Angels are taking good care of you...that you get to visit with All the Family...and pets..much love..
December 6, 2021
December 6, 2021
The best man. The best friend. The best father to his children and grandchildren that Ever Walden on the planet earth. RIP my friend. Never forgotten
December 6, 2021
December 6, 2021
In loving memory of my dad I miss you so much.

The candle is lit. I am forever grateful to have had the greatest dad.

June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021
Happy Birthday Mike. You are missed. May you always rest in peace.
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
Mike Rudnick was like my big brother to me growing up. His brother Bob was my best friend. I spent much of my young adulthood with the family and have been blessed for it. Mike had the greatest sense of humor I have ever known. It was bigger than life. We worked at the Deauville Hotel for years at his family's valet business. I would ride in with him every day in his convertible. He was a real ladies man in those days. I looked up to him as he shared his knowledge about things in general. I loved Mike like a brother and will miss him. He was one of the highlights of my life when you think about people who touched you in a positive way. May you rest now in peace knowing you were loved by many. 
December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
Oh, Mike,..its hard to believe you're gone. I just always thought you'd be around forever. Isnt that strange? I wish I told you more often, just how much I appreciated your friendship. I truly did.

We shared a lot of laughs together for almost 30 years. I cant help but smile whenever I think of you. Or hear your name. Or see your picture. A lot of stories, a lot of laughs. Ups. Downs. All arounds.

We traveled the country together; many trips to Vegas, Reno, Tahoe, Texas. I dragged you and Seth (sweet kid) to South Dakota for a horse racing tournament. I told you no one would show up at that little outta the way hole in the wall, and we could sneak into town and steal the money.

We drove to Minne, then drove 4 hrs to Flandreau S. Dakota. Got in at 4 am, the tourney started at 10. At breakfast we saw no less than 4 former NHC champions there. They had the same idea. You were pissed. We caught our first winner, Beach Blanket Bingo at 11-1, and we never looked back. We won it, 13,800 plus a coveted seat to the NHC championship. Lotta laughs.

We drove to the Derby, me and you, last minute. Broke. We had to stay in Lexington, couldnt afford to stay in Louisville. You snored like a bear, the people in the next room were yelling "shut up in there". Then you put on your C pac, looked like an alien,

I had 4 comp seats to the Twin Spires Lounge. Private room for 100 VIPs and high rollers. Back in the day, when I was a VIP, sigh. 4 private betting windows, a lavish buffet, an all day open bar. Wow. Like kings. Horse racing heaven. We scalped the other 2 tickets for 2,000. That was our bankroll. Trip of a lifetime. Lotta laughs.

Mike had a big heart. He helped a lotta people. A lotta people. Friends, strangers alike. He was generous. In so many ways. He was the first guy to pick up the check. Lend you his car, give you a ride, a place to crash, lend you some money. He wasnt the kind to say, " you know I would if I could"..if he could, he DID. He didnt like to say NO. It was understood.

He loved to gamble, any game of chance, cards, horse racing, dog racing, video poker. sports wagering. He loved it all. He was terrible at it. He once went 1-19 betting college and pro football. 1-19. Documented. With money down. 1-19. Try it. You couldnt do it. Its as hard as going 19-1. That was so Michael. He couldnt be perfect,..go 0-20. Eeking out that 1 win was enough to keep him suiting up and in the game. Bookmakers loved to take his action, but Mike got the last laugh. He outlived at least 4 of 'em, all while in the red. He was lucky like that.

Mike had a genuine child like excitement and enthusiasm about things. Great movies, songs, great performances of any kind.a good cigar, something delicious. his eyes would roll back in his head and really savor it. He wanted to share them with you. He loved life. He got the humor and absurdities of little things of everyday life. Not many do.

The world was simply a better place with Michael Rudnick in it. Period. Not my opinion. Fact. He helped a lotta people.

He was never happier than he was at this stage of his life. He was comfortable in his place. He loved Maria, his wife. He always glowingly boasted to me in private, what a good woman she was, how good she was to him. And he meant it. He loved his boys. They had their own issues,..who doesnt? But theres nothing he wouldnt do for either of them.. He loved his grandkids and he would have been a fantastic great grandfather.

People always say nice things when someone passes, but all these things are true. And so much more.

They dont make em like that any more. Often said, but rarely true. But in Michaels case, it IS true. They really DONT make 'em like that any more. God bless you Michael. You and all yours. Gonna miss you, bro.
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020
I forever miss you.

Not only the greatest Father in the entire Universe, but my best friend in the whole World as well.

A dad who spoiled me with unconditional love from the day I was born and always had my back 100%. We shared so many awesome times together and I am so Grateful for all those times and was blessed to have such an amazing loving father.

I always admired my dad and looked up to him. my dad is the only idol I ever had, his love, personality, charisma, kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, and thoughtfulness was second to none.My dad had the biggest heart of anyone, filled with Kindness and full of love.

Always funny and uplifting amongst many other great qualities. my dad always had the natural ability to entertain and make everyone laugh, its funny how when I listen to one of his favorite songs "what a wonderful world" I could hardly differentiate his version from the Louis Armstrong version.

My dad was able to make the stress go away through the tough times like no other. always had the solution to any problem and taught me many great things in life for which I am forever Grateful.

I will forever remember and miss my pop. Not a day will go by that I won’t think of him. My dad will forever be In my heart and on my mind.

Even though my dad prepared me for the day he would transition, we both knew that it would be extremely difficult for me. I could never be ready for it even with him preparing me, but I remember how he always told me when this day comes to just carry on and enjoy life and always know how much we loved each other and to remember what a great life he had, all the fun times, and everlasting great memories.

Like how he would even make talking about when this day would come into a funny topic, being that he would always turn a frown upside down. One of the things he would say while spinning his cigar, lounging in his recliner watching a football game on a typical Sunday was a quote from a movie... just to change the subject he would make light of things like that, always made me laugh, as he loved hearing a good joke as well as telling his own.

“Don’t run down the mountain and f**k one cow son!!!!!,
just walk down and f**k em all!”. completely off topic Lol....

Live life to the fullest and “dont sweat the mule”. Even using late brother Bobby's quote

“Grab the bull by the horns” as to manage any situation or problem using strength and determination; to take charge of a situation.

how he would recite the drill sergeant from the movie "full metal jacket" word for word was hilarious. just thinking about it cracks me up.

Amongst many other great and funny things that he would do, and say, I will remember them forever.

he lived in the moment and enjoyed every bit of it, always loved by everyone.

My dad will always be remembered as the best dad a son could ever ask for.

Pop, I miss you so much. It will never be the same without you, but you left us with the greatest memories, lots of love, and amazing fun times. those awesome memories will last forever.

Today is now December 9th my dads late sons Birthday "Todd Jason Rudnick" his first born, and my eldest Brother. I know you are with him now in paradise together, along with the rest of the family that left before you, reunited and feeling the love from all.

my dad loved life, loved his family and all his many friends more than anything, he will be missed by all of us forever, he was the Greatest, always did it his way, and My dads way was awesome!

I will always honor My dad, greatest of all time "Michael Karl Rudnick"
in memory forever! I love you pop.

Your youngest Son, best friend, and your student in Life,

Love always,
Darren Allen Rudnick
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020
I married Mike as a young girl..We made three sons together. .got divorced..but never missed a Holiday together.thereafter many years..Good FRIENDS forever..hope you meet with all the family up there and make them laugh..Kiss Todd for me.❣️and Miracle and everyone else that matters to us.
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020
A bigger than life personality, my uncle was nothing short of a character. The center of attention anywhere he went, people just gravitated towards Mike Rud, with an incomparable charisma, natural gift of gab, and ability to lighten up an entire room with his unconstrained sense of humor, that at some times may have seemed inappropriate, but c'mon he's a fuckin' Rudnick. Mike could have done anything he wanted with his life, not only was he knowledgeable and able to talk about any topic in the world, but he was also well adapt in the Bullshit department and knew how to get around no matter the circumstance, as good or bad as it was. I beleive my uncle just wanted to Live the shit out of his life, he did just that, he could care less about material objects and he just wanted to live his life and spend his time here as best as he could. As sharp and charismatic as he was, he could have been a millionaire 10 times over, but that could never complete Mike, Mike genuinely cared for all his friends and family and wanted nothing more then to spend his time enjoying the company of the people that were closest to him, and putting a smile on everyone's face. He was an entertainer, a comedian, and a absolute lover of life. I truly believe the last few years of my uncles life he spent the happiest with his grandchildren and his amazing wife Maria who he loved dearly, he did what he loved to do every day and that was spend time with his friends and family. Regrettably, I did not spend more time with my uncle the last couple years for personal reasons but I loved him and admired him like a father, I know he left content and fulfilled with his life wishing nothing but the best for all of us, his friend and family.

Love you Mike,
your nephew,
Mike Rud Jr.
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020
Mr R was one the funniest and caring guy I ever met.. he will b missed . Rip mr R......

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June 10, 2022
June 10, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday to the greatest Dad ever
forever missed, forever loved, and forever grateful to be your son.

May 20, 2022
May 20, 2022
Everyone that loved still missing you as praying the Angels are taking care of you and that you are with our loved ones in Heaven....
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Uncle Mike

January 4, 2021
Every time I knew I was going to see you I knew there would be lots of laughter and definite smiles! All the Rudnick’s have that sick sense of humor and you definitely took it to that level where you couldn’t help but laugh so hardand want to hear more. You greeted me with love, you spoke words of love letting me know what a good job I’m doing and that you were proud of me. Thank you for showing me and my boys love and for being the kind soul that you were. It was an honor being in your presence and you just needed to walk into a room and your presence was known right away. You will never be forgotten, your spirit lives on and memories of you will be told with laughter. Thank you for being you, pure love ❤️ miss you uncle Mike, love you too! 

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