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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Bijan ILA, 68 years old, born on July 11, 1949, and passed away on July 24, 2017. We will remember him forever.
July 13
July 13
Hello Bijan, it's your sister and brother-in-law, Pari and Paul Anderson.

Time has flown by; we miss you and wish you were here.

We have relocated to Sutherlin, Oregon, which is 20 miles north of my mother's house in Winston, Oregon.

We have heard from your son Jafar, and he's doing great hanging close to his mother and helping her. Russell is in Japan, and he's still employed with the same company. It seems he's doing well. We are happy for him and Jafar.

July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023
Hello Bijan,

Jimand Pari are here.
We want to say hello. We think about you often; we miss you.

We have some pictures of Jafar that we're going to post, but we do not have any of Rassul.

We see your brother Daryush two or three times a year. We speak with Koursh and Houshang by phone every week.

Please note the attached pictures.
July 30, 2022
July 30, 2022
Hello Bijan Ila,

Your sister and I just returned from Washington DC where we were with your brother, Daryush Ila. Unfortunately we did not make contact with Siroos; perhaps next time.

It was a quick trip. We left on 21 July and returned to Portland on the 20 Fourth of July. We're going to include some photos. 

Pari and I have relocated to Southern Oregon. We live in Sutherlin. It is 60 miles south of Eugene, Oregon.

This message is from both of us. Your sister is sitting next to me.

We will enclose some photos.

July 24, 2022
July 24, 2022
Mr. Bijan ILa,

May the voices of angels and the scent of flowers lull your sleep  _/\_
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
I missed you Amoo Jan. We will never forget our sweet memories with you and the big smile you always had on your face. Rest in peace amoo Bijan
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
Hello Bijan,

First, we want to say, Happy Birthday. We didn't forget!
July 11, 2021.

Recently, we have been in touch with your son, Jafar Ila. He is doing well in his new job with Umpqua Bank.

Pari and I decide to assist him financially in obtaining a Washington real estate license. We believe this will be a good tool for him in the future.

We are doing well here in Portland, Oregon. We miss you!

Pari and Jim Anderson
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Bijan, they are playing beautiful music, I am you can hear it.

Rest in peace.

Jim and Pari Anderson
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Hello Bijan,

This is the day we had hope to be in Washington DC, July 24, 2020.
Unfortunately, it was not possible due to the pandemic.

For sure next year, if all goes well with a vaccine for COVID-19, we will spend some time with you and catch up on past and future events.

We miss you, Bijan, and will never forget you.

Rest in peace.

Jim and Pari Anderson
July 13, 2020
July 13, 2020
bijan khan azizaaam kheyly jat khaliyeh hamishe be man migofty goleh khunamoon delam baray khandidanhat kheyly tangeh roohet shad
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
Hello Bijan, today is your day. Happy Birthday!
This last year has been busy. This year due to the pandemic that has taken over the world we will not make a trip to Washington DC for a visit, hopefully, next year.

Take care,

November 25, 2019
November 25, 2019
dear bijan i really missed you rest in peace
July 24, 2019
July 24, 2019
Dear Bijan,
I'm sitting here in Portland Oregon with your sister, Pari Anderson.
Today, July 24, and 2019 we are thinking of you.

Next year we plan on visiting you in the month of July, perhaps on your birthday or near July 24th.

We still hear the sound of your voice and your happy laugh, we miss you Bijan.
July 12, 2019
July 12, 2019
During the birthday of our dear brother Bijan, both me and our sister remembered him and decided to add few more pictures to his site.
Bijan the dearest, who would sacrifice himself, his time and all of his resources for needy individuals who he didn’t even know with no question asked and many cases no-one even remembered who that person was who helped the newspaper photographers during the revolution find safe spot to take pictures of demonstrations. Or who that person and his friends were, protecting innocents from being harmed during the chaotic times. We all miss you, dearest Bijan. July 12, 2019
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
Dear Bijan, it is late evening here in Portland Oregon and I'm with your sister and we're thinking of you on this day, your birthday. We miss you and wish you were here with us and in many ways, you are with us.
Bijan please take care till the next time we talk. Tomorrow I'm going to put two pictures up and I think you'll enjoy them.
We love you, Paul and Pari..
July 29, 2018
July 29, 2018
My Dear Brother Bijan,
We remembered you every day, since we lost you. Specially, this month. Pari, Jim and I came to see you at your grave site. Everywhere, I took Pari and jim, I had a story to tell about you and your children and how patient and fatherly you were with Jafar and Rasul. From the toy store near Pentagon Mall, to the eye store at the mall where Rasul wanted the snake-eye contact classes, to the theater we took them and you told me their mother will be upset if they see the action pack movie, to the day we were at the Original Pancake House where the wind blew the powder sugar over Jafar and he laughed. Mentioned, when you, your two sons, and me at the pizza place where they over ordered, to when we took a wrong turn and ended up at an area we should have no enter and how cool and relaxed you were trying to get us out of the wrong turn. I mentioned to them the days we stopped at the other side of the Potomac river having ice cream with kids and walking on the side of the river with your two boys. There are a lot to remember about my kind and sacrificing brother who would give everything for his family and friends with no question asked. We all miss you. Daryush
July 24, 2018
July 24, 2018
Dear Bijan, brother-in-law and friend, it has been over a year since we have heard your voice that we missed so much. Soon we will be in Washington DC to visit with you and to let you know, we have not forgotten you and, that we never will, promise.
August 23, 2017
August 23, 2017
I am so sorry and shocked to the sudden sad news of Bijan's passing away. I have known Bijan since 1986 and both of us kept in touch while we live across the US from each other. I have been shocked and sad, but we pray for his peace and God's Mercy on his soul. There is so much to talk about memories with Bijan and his family. I pray for his soul and will remember him in our prayers and memories. I am also sorry for the immediate family and the loved ones for this loss and please accept my apologies for any delay in my participation and the memorial services.
August 19, 2017
August 19, 2017
BiBi-John, you are going to be missed by me a lot. I will miss your advice, smile, voice, and handsome face. Rest in Peace, Brother.
August 16, 2017
August 16, 2017
This memory is from Bijan sister, Pari Ila-Anderson:

 Bijan, when he was student in England, told my mother, that he likes to save money to take her to England and be spoiled so that she can enjoy herself without worrying about other people’s wellbeing.

Bijan, also, kept talking about taking our father and our mother to see the world since they spent their life time taking care of their children.

Pari Ila-Anderson
August 16, 2017
August 16, 2017
Several years ago, Professors Zimmerman and De Alameda, had lunch with me, Bijan and his two sons at a pizzeria at Union Station in Washington, DC.

The two boys ordered several colorful drinks, sandwiches, French fries, and pizza. Bijan told me that is a lot of food and they may not be able to finish.

When it came to him to order, he said, he will eat their leftovers. Professor Robert Zimmerman mentioned that occasion to his brother and others so many times.
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
To Bijan Ila´s wife and sons, Pari, Daryush, Jim and to all Family Ila,

   I am very sorry for the premature loss of Mr. Bijan Ila. I remember my husband and I had the opportunity to know him and feel what a nice and attentive person he was. I still remember how nicely he treated his boys (in that time) and talked with us.
  I hope that you all have the strength to overcome this grieving period.
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
Dear Bijan, Brother, Brother-in-law and Friend,

   We the ILA and ANDERSON family, will miss you. Bijan, you left us before your your father would say, who died at 94, you passed away far to young.

  You were extremely , kind, caring and most sacrificing human being we ever knew.

Your attitude and behavior toward your friends and family is an example of selflessness and unlimited sacrifice.

You helped and gave, even when help was not requested and never asked anything in return. When it came to decide between yourself and others, you put other's need ahead of yourself.

  Your memory, your kind heart, your limitless support and your limitless sacrifice to even those who didn't know you or may never know you will stay with all of us.

We all love you for ever.
August 3, 2017
August 3, 2017
Amoo Bijan was a nice, handsome, honest and very caring man. He's gonna be alive in our hearts forever. We're gonna miss him so much.
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
This memorial site is for my dear brother, a great son for our parents, and a great father, we all dearly miss you.
July 30, 2017
July 30, 2017
My kind great uncle. It is difficult to believe that you are no longer with us. Howevere the beatiful memories we all had with you and your beautiful personality will alwaays stay alive in our hearts. You were truley a loveing and caring father and you will be missed by all of us.

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Recent Tributes
July 13
July 13
Hello Bijan, it's your sister and brother-in-law, Pari and Paul Anderson.

Time has flown by; we miss you and wish you were here.

We have relocated to Sutherlin, Oregon, which is 20 miles north of my mother's house in Winston, Oregon.

We have heard from your son Jafar, and he's doing great hanging close to his mother and helping her. Russell is in Japan, and he's still employed with the same company. It seems he's doing well. We are happy for him and Jafar.

Recent stories

Being a patient brother

August 20, 2017

                One of my trips to Washington, DC, I had a rental car and went to take my dear brother to lunch. On the way back, Bijan, as usual, started giving me advise back to back, when I got tired of variety advice and stop the car, gave him the keys and told my dear brother, if he wants to advise me non-stop, he can drive himself to his place and I will walk to his place to pick up the key. He stopped advising and said, I don’t need to walk. He was so patient, calm, and didn’t get angry of my reaction. I prefer to hear your advice, than lose you, my dear brother.

Passion for his brother

August 17, 2017

My dear brother Bijan, during my last year of high school, decided to come and meet me end of the school day at my high school. I don’t know where and how he heard of me confronting the bullies and how he knew of their plan to cut me off on my way home.  I remember, vividly, he and his friends standing end of ally from my High School, and I was surprised, but more surprised when he asked who are those guys following you! I was ashamed and up said but told him they are my friend, the bullies following me quietly, indicated that” yes” they are my friends. The images I remember are vivid, since I remember I was up said and the bullies, possibly, wet their pants, since Bijan and his friends were taller and well built.

Love for his kids

August 17, 2017

 Several years ago, Professors Zimmerman and De Alameda, had lunch with me, Bijan and his two sons at a pizzeria at Union Station in Washington, DC. The two boys ordered several colorful drinks, sandwiches, French fries, and pizza. Bijan told me that is a lot of food and they may not be able to finish. When it came to him to order, he said, he will eat their leftovers. Professor Robert Zimmerman mentioned that occasion to his brother and others so many times.

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