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I miss you

February 22, 2022
To my one an only. 

The fun times we had together,  the crazy things you taught me,  the your memories we shared will forever be cherished.
You may be gone physically but your presence will forever be in our hearts. I miss you so much and wish we can turn back time and start again just to have you be with us once again. 
I love you and hope that justice will prevail soon so you can finally have your wings in heaven.  ❤❤❤❤

Dirty Sock

November 1, 2012

I thought I can take a quick nap one day and all of a sudden I woke up Startling cause I had something rubbing against my nose....And its your nephew Josh  Laughing soooo hard- Rubbing his dirty socks on my nose... ......

And then he turns to me and says mom - who does that remind you off?

And ofcourse It reminded me of you.....

When we use to play fight and rub eachother socks.... Damn that was pretty funy &

Apparently Mom has told him stories of all our memories ....
Gosh I only wish you were around to meet your neice and nephews.... Each one of them has got one of your traits.... We love you & Miss you - Rest in Peace Bro

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