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May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022
From Pam Barksdale:
Missing my dear friend, Bonny….Bonny and I first met at a dog training class in Marietta in 2011. We became great friends and we would get together for puppy play dates and we would go out to lunch from time to time.  We had many long phone conversations discussing politics, religion and many other topics. I miss our chats, laughter and sharing our puppy stories. Bonny was such a thoughtful and talented lady. She made a beautiful runner that is on top of my piano and a dog bed with embroidered names, which my pups still use and enjoy. When looking for pictures of Bonny and me, I found that the pictures were mostly our pups, which sometimes included our shoes and legs. However, I am sharing one of our first pictures, a rare one, where we are both in the picture with our pups.  Bonny is on the right side and I am on the left side. Bonny will be remembered always, and my condolences and love go out to her precious family.
April 27, 2022
April 27, 2022
Bonny was a dear friend and a beautiful lady. She was also thoughtful and generous. She was an accomplished seamstress and made me a beautiful table runner which I will always cherish. She loved to bake, and I love to eat treats. Our friendship was a perfect match. (I still have some of the coffee cake and cookies she made in my freezer). On Saturday afternoons she would come over to my house for "Movie Day!" We laughed, cried and snacked a lot. One of our favorite movies was the "The Upside" which we watched three times. We just loved it! On Tuesdays Bonny was my shopping buddy. We would start at Tuesday Morning and end at TJ Maxx. I know the stores will miss us. 

Bonnie was a kind soul with a gentle spirit. I know she is in heaven with the angels. Please accept my sincere condolences. All my love, Esther & Max-i-poo (Bonnie's nick name for my dog.)
April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
Dearest Bonny, I remember when your loving husband Bill came to me for massage & he would talk about you & learn how to do foot massage so that he could go home & treat you. Then, one day I got lucky enough to meet YOU. We were friends instantly. I will treasure our laughs & our tears that we shared. You were a beautiful woman with such strength & courage. I am blessed to have had such a special friendship. You are loved very much AND you will be very missed.
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
I have many memories of my Aunt Bonny from childhood; summer visits and family celebrations. There was always so much laughter & joy when family gathered. She will be missed but never forgotten.
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
Bonny was a generous, loving and treasured friend. My husband and I first met her and Bill when they led a bible study group at St. Ann’s, and we quickly came to know and love them both. Bonny was clearly the heart of her family – a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and daughter.

She had the gift of welcoming people into her home and making them feel they belonged. The Bible study ended after a few years, but our friendship continued. Despite many challenges, the most difficult being the illness and death of Bill, Bonny always held fast to her faith in Jesus and freely shared this faith with others. When our son Matthew was confirmed, he chose Bonny as his sponsor.

After Bill’s death, Bonny continued to invite others into her home, hosting a summer bible study with a group of friends. She always provided a delicious homemade treat but more importantly, her beautiful smile and words of encouragement and love.

She exhibited love, grace and faith, even in the most challenging situations, and I am so thankful God brought her into my life to be my friend and Sister in Christ.

Christy and Eric and family, our prayers are with you all.
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Bonny's friendship was a highlight and a blessing of the four years I lived just across the street from her in Lake Bridge. We spent many visits together addressing the projects and challenges that her eager and energetic mind brought to the ever-changing and developing home she had carved out for herself and her pups along the Carolina Wren Trail.
Her attention to her decor, her landscaping, and her crafts kept her always creatively involved and determined to move forward with her life. The demands and discomforts of her competing medical afflictions were never in my experience as intrusive and dominant as she had every justification to make them. She would allude to them only in passing when she mentioned them at all; never did they dominate our discussions of what was important to her.
When, six months ago, my wife and I moved away to another community just a mile east, Bonny and I shared a warm and almost tearful moment of fond departure as I returned to her the key to her mailbox and the remote control for her garage door which she had entrusted to me years earlier. I know we were both confident in the fact that I was just a phone call and a very quick drive away if ever she needed any assistance within my skill set to provide.
As a proud Son of the South, I appreciated Bonny’s pride of place and her love for the family that allowed and supported her identity and her independence. I will miss the comforting awareness that she was there, overseeing and enhancing Chez Campbell to her own personal standard.
Somewhere in the cosmos Bonny Ann Campbell is redecorating a villa for her eternal enjoyment of being herself.
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
We've shared joys and sorrows with Bill and Bonny for more than 30 years.
We knew each other thru St. Ann's. Bill was all about Florida State football. They were doing the chant before the Braves did. I was Georgia. How bout' them Dawgs. Bonny she was just how bout' my dogs. We would joke about if Bonny had to choose between her dog or dogs and Bill or anyone else, well you don't really want the answer to that question.

Bonny and I were birthday buddies. My birthday is December 15, hers was December 20. We would meet for lunch every year, her favorite place was the Brookwood Grill. Invariably, she would peruse the menu and then order chicken salad, house salad, dressing on the side and take half of it home.

One of our bonds was talking about eating too much. I would confess Bless me Bonny for i have sinned, i ate too many Pringles. She'd ask how many did you have? OK, I ate the whole can. She would say Oh Joe last night I ate too many crackers. I'd ask how many did you have? She's say 3 and they were Saltines. ❤️❤️

April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
My Tribute by Karen Campbell Otto.
Bonny & I started sewing together when we were in our twenties. We continued improving through the years and she ventured into the world of quilting making beautiful designs for Bill & her bedroom. She never ceased to amaze me with the perfection of her work. Later on, we both purchased computerized embroidery machines & when grand babies arrived, we had such fun embroidering on shirts, bibs, blankets & any cute things we could find. Mostly we shared our ideas over the phone due to the distance between us, Iowa to Georgia. But our friendship remained strong & steady for over fifty years. She was a kind & loving sister in law & I loved her very much. I will miss her tremendously.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
From Ellen Lowderman
Bonny was a wonderful friend throughout my middle years in Atlanta. She was there in fun times and also in times of sorrow. Her 30 year friendship got me through this part of my life with a bit of levity and whole lot of faith. Thanks, Bonny for your friendship and being such a warm, gentle soul,
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
I will never forget the day Bonnie asked me to call her “Nan” and Bill “Pops”. A simple gesture, indicative of a life led with love. I’ll forever be grateful for being accepted in the Campbell family!
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
My dearest beautiful sister from another mister. You will truly be missed! We know you are now pain free and with those that went before you. I will miss your beautiful face and your contagious laugh!! It was the best. Love you!! 
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
My grandmother was a light in so many people’s lives. She was kind hearted and warm, and cared so much for her family. She was incredibly beautiful inside and out. She was an amazing cook, baker, and a wonderful seamstress. She had a good sense of humor and fantastic taste in clothes. She taught me so much about life and love. I miss her at every moment, but I’m thankful that I was able to spend so much time with her.

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