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We will be together forever

November 13, 2012

I want to share a story of Boz. He was the most charming and funny dog I have ever met. I bought him a playpen to sleep in since he was having accidents in the house. I could not get him to sleep in the playpen unless I put it on the bed with me and Joey. So I put the playpen against the wall and put Boz in it. He seemed satisfied enough with this arrangement. I would put my hand against the mesh of the playpen and let him know I was closeby. One night, he lay there in the playpen and put his paw up to the mesh, clearly letting me know he was closeby too. He and I put our paw and hand against each other and found comfort there. Now Boz has gone to the rainbow bridge and there is a thin veil between the two of us, like that mesh that separated us while he lay in his pen. As one of my friends told me, he is no farther away than that next heartbeat. It has been one month now since I lost my little guy and instead of time easing the pain, at this time at least, time makes me miss him all the more. 

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