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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Brandi Davis, 27 years old, born on October 17, 1988, and passed away on June 28, 2016. We will remember her forever.
October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019
I miss you girl so very much, miss the memories we had the laughs we had all the good times together. Happy Birthday in Heaven. Hope You and my mommy are having a good time fly high girl! #SistersForever #Blust #RipBabyGirl
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Miss you so much Brandi sorry we didn't get to go out to outback. I so miss your laugh. I prey you have peace. Life is so hard . Please keep a watch over you mom an son. She needs it. I so love it when you were little an came over. Then you got to big for your britches but I loved you the same. Love you so much mean Aunt Debbie
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
my bff..forever I will hold you while helping us raise your angel...he will face all our mom
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Brandi i miss u each and every day. I miss all our talks we had and when we was youger we played hide n seek, we loved to dress up, listen to all kinds of different music, bossy was our favorite, water works visit, memories will forever be held in my heart. I keep sending prays for ur mom and Isiah plus ur grandma. My wedding is coming up and i wanted to get wit u in person about being my maid of honor but i was to late, :'( girl if i only wish i had stayed as close with u as we were growing up, boys separated me from u an ill always feel horable for such pain im sure it caused on u. How i wish i can go back an redo it all an keep u one phone call away to talk about boy problems and continued to hang out and the list goes on. I regret alot of choices i had made, but one day ill be reunited with u to tell u all of this, u was a amazing person and a amazing mom, and one of my bestest friends. i always knew i could tell u anything and u never jugde me for it or talked behind my back about it, u was always true as a friend to me an i failed u as a friend to u. :(
I will always have that regret on my back. But i will see u again. Ill ask for ur forgiveness and we can party in heaven together lik old days lol
I love u brandi and u will always have memories n my heart
Until next time girl :* xoxoxooooo
April 19, 2017
April 19, 2017
Thank you sis for being my daughter...the for making me a nana...for being my best friend...for always having my made me a mom...and I hope I will make you proud...stay close to our us...RIP
April 19, 2017
April 19, 2017
Thank you sis for being my daughter...thanks for making me a nana...for being my best friend...for always having my made me a mom...and I hope I will make you proud...stay close to our us...RIP

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October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019
I miss you girl so very much, miss the memories we had the laughs we had all the good times together. Happy Birthday in Heaven. Hope You and my mommy are having a good time fly high girl! #SistersForever #Blust #RipBabyGirl
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Miss you so much Brandi sorry we didn't get to go out to outback. I so miss your laugh. I prey you have peace. Life is so hard . Please keep a watch over you mom an son. She needs it. I so love it when you were little an came over. Then you got to big for your britches but I loved you the same. Love you so much mean Aunt Debbie
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