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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Brandy Asher- Mullins, 39 years old, born on October 31, 1974, and passed away on March 14, 2014. We will remember her forever.
October 31, 2020
October 31, 2020
Happy birthday Brandy. It’s been so many years and I still miss you everyday, your daughters and grand babies are all so beautiful, I know you would be a proud mama. I love you girl
February 28, 2019
February 28, 2019
Brandy, you were the most beautiful, strong woman that I've met. You were there for me when I had noone . I think about you and
miss you everyday. You always were the one to tell me when I was messing up and get me back on track. Whenever people ask me where I got my daughter's name from I tell them how we sat there for hours and you came up with it. I love you brand. Rest easy baby.
February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018
I love you more then you ever knew, you have and will forever be my favorite person in the world. I miss you more then words can explain.

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October 31, 2020
October 31, 2020
Happy birthday Brandy. It’s been so many years and I still miss you everyday, your daughters and grand babies are all so beautiful, I know you would be a proud mama. I love you girl
February 28, 2019
February 28, 2019
Brandy, you were the most beautiful, strong woman that I've met. You were there for me when I had noone . I think about you and
miss you everyday. You always were the one to tell me when I was messing up and get me back on track. Whenever people ask me where I got my daughter's name from I tell them how we sat there for hours and you came up with it. I love you brand. Rest easy baby.
February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018
I love you more then you ever knew, you have and will forever be my favorite person in the world. I miss you more then words can explain.
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