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Treasured Friend

December 6, 2021
Over 54 years ago Brenda and I became friends.  We had many common interests, our home, our family, politics and a love of nature and the amazing beauty that God continues to give us each year in the form of flowers and the beauty of America.  She and I would drag her small children, Des and Bubba, along with my baby, Ron, to every garden nursery in the area to buy plants for our yards.  We collected glass bottles to sell to buy plants!  Yes, we did like flowers!!!  Brenda was filled with joy when she became a Grandmother!  You would think she had the only Grandchildren on earth!   Brenda cared for her Mother-in-Law in her and Lukes's home for a number of years.  She helped Luke care for his ailing Aunt & Uncle in Houston as they aged.  Brenda helped care for her very loving Grandma Reich when she could get her away from her Bingo game day and her beauty appointments.  Grandma was a hoot and Brenda thought she walked on water!  Brenda was challenged in many ways dealing with family drama and trauma.  She overcame dealing with drug/alcohol addiction of family member, divorces, critical surgical events and always managing to smile!  Brenda was a very determined woman when she wanted to bring about change, care for a loved one and always make sure anyone who walked through her door was fed!  She is missed by everyone who knew her.  The smile on her face always made everyone feel they were special!  If Brenda met you, talked with you more than an hour . . . you were best friends for life!
The memory of her smile, love and humor is what each person will forever remember about Brenda.
I am blessed to have had her for my friend so many years.

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