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August 9
August 9
Brian —we are thinking of you today on your birthday!! we moved to connecticut, joining Diana and Dave and their now 5-year old and here we will stay. it is beautiful, with lots of forest, and we have weekly play dates with the child. sh’s smart, and knows what she wants… she’ll be a leader growing up and as an adult! i wish you could have met her and had magical play dates with her! Love, mom xxoo
February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021
We are thinking of you on this the third anniversary of your death. As a biology specialist, you would have found our era (2020-2021) very interesting as we are going through a pandemic, unprecedented, except back in World War I, when the war effort masked its significance. Much of the economy is shut down, people are quarantined, travel is restricted, and we are all wearing masks. Vaccines were developed and approved in a record year! However, the virus, called "coronavirus", keeps mutating into new variants, some of which are more transmissible, and some of which are more resistant to vaccines. I feel certain many places of employment would have found your skills of much use during this time. In fact, we still get some calls from such employers.

Last year I saw a hypnotist who asked me "What would Brian want of me". What I came up with was "Forgive him (not even necessary, as I understood your pain), Enjoy Genevieve (Diana's new daughter), and remember you at your best". I also picture you looking down from above at the t-shirt quilt I had made from your t-shirts, jeans, and bandanna. This gave me much comfort.

But nothing can replace your presence. We miss you. Love, Mom and Dad.
February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021
Keeping Brian in our thoughts and prayers, as well as all whose lives he touched deeply. Love is stronger than death.
February 26, 2020
February 26, 2020
Hi Brian,

I think you would have found Genevieve to be hilarious to hang out with, she is a hoot. I wish you were alive to meet her. I can picture it in my mind. I hope you are at peace.

Your favorite sister
February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020
Jon and Dale Hill, Brian's parents have financed the planting of a flowering tree in Brian's memory in the memorial garden of the River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation ( We will also put a plaque in the memorial garden. His ashes will travel with us to Danbury CT, where we can bury them next to ours. Brian's sister Diana lives nearby in Ridgefield CT, having moved from Los Angeles. Plans for
On this two year anniversary of his death, we are thinking of the good times as a family we spent with Brian.
April 16, 2018
April 16, 2018
Dear Hill Family, my sincerest condolences. I'm so sorry for your loss.
April 15, 2018
April 15, 2018
Big Eyes Loud Laugh Good Heart;
Brian from a younger sister’s friend point of view

macaroni and cheese?
video games
adored by cats
working at the computer, walking around the house,
enjoying pizza all together.
appreciator of granola bars
job at the outdoor sporty store
the college of new jersey
martial arts
adored by cats

Big eyes
Loud laugh
Good heart

high kicks
no low blows… not really
not bad.

I liked his company.
I wasn’t supposed to say that, but i did.
Once there wasn’t any more urgent girly stuff to talk about, once we’d gotten that out of the way …
It was nice to have a male presence in the room for a while.
Not oppressive or mean, just not girly.
Plus he was kind; he didn’t attack insecurities (as a teen i was insecure about all things, they would have been an easy target) that just was not his style.

Even though it wasn’t my job as the little sister’s friend to have many long talks with Brian, i remember he always had a really creative way of contemplating, and an interesting way of talking about things.
It was a really nice special casual kind evening, to get to join in family dinner with the Hills.

Good brother
Tight bond
comfortable honest companions..
inside jokes that could somehow be funny to outsiders     ..(or not, too, heheheh:)
The mutual respect between siblings was strong and obvious, but not in a mushy over-way. In a hilarious way, in a active way, in a level of reliability, or of caring what each other was up to…
like even to energetically listen to the other about activities they weren’t as interested in themselves
(unless it was a good joke at the time to sound bored and monotone)
And they did poke fun at each other too it was pretty good.

I know Diana could tell way better about their bond, or even a family member with more proximity.
But i’m just trying to offer an ‘outsider’s’ view.
They were close.
They did a lot together
Lots of mutual interests and time spent doing all sorts of stuff together,
From the athletic to the vegetative!! comfortable companionship.

Perhaps it was those travels so young to help form them that bond?
That tight comfort with one another after swirling past so many others a world away for years…
Or maybe it’s just a Brian & Diana thing, and would have been so no matter what.
April 3, 2018
April 3, 2018
Brian was always genuine, and enthusiastic about learning all kinds of things and gaining new skills, and I know he brought joy to many people's lives. I felt I was just getting to know him better as we were discovering some mutual interests, and it saddens me so much to know all that was cut short: all his connections to people, friends and family, the things he never got to learn, the people who will never get to meet him.
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018
Brian enjoyed being caretaker of our rose garden and other flowers. He used to tell me how roses require special care. It is the kind of thing he would research, to do it right. One summer he worked for a friend at our church taking care of her flower and vegetable garden while she was on vacation. She remembers his hard work that summer.
March 13, 2018
March 13, 2018
"I loved Brian very much! We had many dreams and plans together. I considered him my soul mate. In West VA, he helped me pick a piece property we were going to build a retirement home on. He was planning to take a motorcycle class and we were saving to buy him a bike so we could ride together this summer. We knew Dale wanted grand kids so he developed a fertility plan we could use; after all he was a fine Biologist. Clearly, we were becoming life partners.

I met Brian at a group gathering in a personal growth group. He was very strong and confident then, a man of great faculty, stamina, dreams, and aspirations. After all, he could fearlessly control fire and safety was always top on his mind. He had a certain beautiful smile I called a smolder in recognition of the fire inside him. His enthusiasm for life was contagious. It brought me and many others up. He also operated only from the heart, always honest, loving, and concerned for me and his friends. He had many friends who adored him. He was, you might say, adorable. He was on top of his life game. He owned my heart almost immediately. 

But he struggled with his job as a biology lab technician. I spent many night consoling him. When he would tell me he felt outcast at work, I would tell him, "Show them your beauty, let them see your heart, and they will adore you as I do"! When he became depressed after losing that job around Xmas time, I would hold him and tell him, "Just hang on to me as tightly as you can baby. This will pass and we will get through it together, you and I!" Every night, I would hold him in bed, and I would tell him, "You are my beauty. You make me beautiful. You make the world beautiful. I love you!".

Ultimately, in his death, I believe he felt comforted at my house and he knew I would be there to comfort him. In some odd but loving way, I am honored he died at home with me. I was raised Christian so the notions of heaven and hell were ground into me. But with Brian, the Christian teaching were turned on their head. Though Brian did not believe in heaven, I know in my heart god took him there quickly. I have a sixth sense in matters of this sort and I am 100% convinced. I also have some sense for reincarnation though I do not know the teachings of the Budda. I believe that it is the evolved souls that over time choose the hardest life incarnations. When I looked into Brian's soul, I saw one of the most evolved, kindest, and loving souls I have ever known. If he is reincarnated, he is bringing beauty and happiness to the world and those he touches as he did to me.

Rest in piece my beauty, my sweet love. I know we will meet again in heaven or on earth. I will know your soul when I see it. It will stand out as a shining light of beauty, grace, and love."
March 10, 2018
March 10, 2018
I knew Brian for several years. He was a very sweet person. My condolences to his family.
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
Through clouds’ billow and tower a golden light did shine
And glanced upon a heart of a friend of mine
He brought her joy and sweet caress
A reprieve from this life’s duress
He owned the fire, made it his
A gentle touch, a red hot kiss
Too soon gone, so much undone
He laughed, he lived, he loved someone

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