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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Brian - "Lansky", 38 years old, born on November 4, 1978, and passed away on June 23, 2017. We will remember him forever.
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Can't believe it's been 4 years... I should have flown back to the city the last time we spoke. I knew something was wrong and I think about that far too often. You left us too soon brother... If life transcends death, then I will seek for you there... If not, then there too.
July 7, 2018
July 7, 2018
missing you. brian i just wish you would have taken the job in brazil i offer you
June 8, 2018
June 8, 2018
Brian, not a day goes by that we don't think of you and weep for you. It's taken a year for me to try to understand how you could walk away from all the potential good that was here for you. I still don't fully understand, but I'm trying to. I miss you and love you. Dad
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
Brian and I had a love/hate relationship...much like a brother.

I was sitting outside 15 Englewood Ave around 4am enjoying a long drag on my Newport cigarette. And like a bell went off, all of the drunks pour out of the bars for the night into the streets and parking lots. I see a wiry figure in the shadows of the parking lot across the street so full of life and passion yelling and throwing his body around like the world was on his shoulders and he could not shake it. I could begin to make out that it was Lansky and he was moving between the cars in the parking lot swinging his arms and kicking his legs. Something had made him very upset and he decided that kicking the side-view mirrors off of the cars in the parking lot would release his tension. I did not think much of it and I can certainly understand the need to release the pressures of the world and live in the moment. As I saw his rant continue I looked up to see the love of my life walking toward her car in the lot. This is when I dropped my Newport, realized Lansky was kicking my soon to be bride's car, and I ran across the street to grab him by the neck..

Lansky was a year or two younger than me and I was able to watch him pass through our brotherhood so full of passion. At times his passion out weighed his logic, but it was always inspiring.


Shaggy (Iota)
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
As Sig Eps we all know the motto, "Loved or hated but never ignored"...that's a motto that pretty much summed up Lansky. He was truly one of a kind and I will never forget him. Despite all his actions (the good, the bad and the ugly...and there were plenty of each) I always had a soft spot in my heart to be there for him, to defend him, to be an ear for him to talk to and to even forgive. I will miss him and all the craziness that went along with being his friend. Gonna miss you pal...
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Brian, I want to thank you for everything you did for me. I owe much of where I am in my career to some wise and sage advice you gave me several years ago. When I met you as a young SigEp brother in 2000 I would have never imagined the man they called Lansky would be critiquing my resume almost 15 years later. For us young pledges you were the stuff of legend, we spoke your name only in whispers. When I reached out you were there, ready to help, ready to be a friend. You always understood brotherhood, you took so many of us under your wing and taught us what it meant not just to be a SigEp, but a brother and a friend. I will miss our occasional conversations, I will miss reminiscing about our glory days, but most of all I will miss knowing I had someone like you in my corner. Rest easy brother and know you were never heavy. HFF. - Deacon
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
From the minute I met him, Lansky had a special place in his heart for me. For 11 weeks he did everything he could to torment be but it was only because he truly cared. It took me a long time to realize the profound affect he had on my life but it will no doubt take longer for me to get over his passing. Damn glad to have known you Brian, you will always be missed. HFF
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
You were a crazy son of a gun.... But you were our crazy son of a gun. It will be impossible to forget someone who gave me so much to remember. Thank you.

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June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Can't believe it's been 4 years... I should have flown back to the city the last time we spoke. I knew something was wrong and I think about that far too often. You left us too soon brother... If life transcends death, then I will seek for you there... If not, then there too.
July 7, 2018
July 7, 2018
missing you. brian i just wish you would have taken the job in brazil i offer you
June 8, 2018
June 8, 2018
Brian, not a day goes by that we don't think of you and weep for you. It's taken a year for me to try to understand how you could walk away from all the potential good that was here for you. I still don't fully understand, but I'm trying to. I miss you and love you. Dad
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