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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Brigitte Mutah, 59, born on October 28, 1954 and passed away on June 22, 2014. We will remember her forever.

October 29, 2022
October 29, 2022
Happy belated birthday mama Sanga. May your soul continue to Rest In Peace.
June 22, 2021
June 22, 2021
Mom.I love you . It's been 7 years you gone . Your abscence can be felt at all levels.But one thing is for sure -You are in a better place watching over us next to our Lord and Savior. You wont ever be forgotten. You live as a lady , died like a warrior and now you live again as the Queen You have always been. Be blessed mom.
June 22, 2020
Repose en paix ma soeur Brigitte ! Que tes belles oeuvres te couronnent! Tu nous as laissés en l'arme, la séparation étant difficile! Nous te gardons dans nos mémoires! A toi les fleurs ma grande !
June 22, 2020
Ce fameux jour! Ce fameux 22 juin mon Dieu !! Bien avant cette date je vivais dejà la douleur je peux dire je t'ai accompagné progressivement à ta dernière demeure! Tu m'as tout dit, oui le 21 au soir tu parlais à peine, tu m'as même dit que tu sentais la mort d'envahir! En ce jour d'anniversaire de ton départ , je ne peux que demander au seigneur que ton âme repose en paix, chacun attend son tour ma soeur bien aimée !
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Another year's gonna without you and the space you've left is felt even more . You were just a wonderful mom and you will always be in the memories forever. May you stay blessed in power mom.
Love you.
June 22, 2019
Cette fois ci, c'est fifferent, de la tristesse à la joie, tu es partie, nous avons eu mal, nous avons toujours mal, mais, Olivia t'a fait revenir! Elle t'a restauré, Tekou aussi j'ai appris et je suis sûre tu es contente satisfaite. Ta mboumbo a effectivement un mois, Ngandono Brigitte S. Ton nom est à jamais en vie, tu es avec, tu es parmi nous? En ce jour de la commémoration de ton rappel vers Eyernel, je voudrais avoir une pensée pieuse pour le repos de ton âme! Ma soeur tu nous manques beaucoup !
October 29, 2018
October 29, 2018
Ma soeur, où que tu te trouves, saches que je t'aime bien, on fait tout pour maintenir la chaleur familiale comme tu le faisais , c'est dur !mais nous faisons de botre mieux ! Repose en paix, c'est le jour de ton anniversaire que dire! : ( Notre père qui es aux cieux, que ton nom soit sactifié! Que ton règne règne! Que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel donne nous aujourd'hui notre pain de ce jour, pardonne nos offences comme npus pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offencés , mais ne 'ous soumet pas à la tentation, mais délivrr nous du mal!!
October 28, 2018
October 28, 2018
Quatre ans e sont écoulés, mais c'est comme quatre jours,  tout est frais à nos yeux, la douleur est la même difficile de supporter la séparation, le vide !! Oui tu as souffert, tu as enduré la douleur, en ce jour de ton quatrième anniversaire mortuaire, nous voulons remercier l'éternel de tout ce qu'il fait, prier pour le repos de ton âme et demandons à tous ceux qui t'ont connues, d'avoir une pensée pieuse pour le repos de ton âme ! On aurait chanté Joyeux anniversaire ! Tu aurais dit j'ai 64 ans ! Dommages!! Nous avons l'espoir que tu t'es avancée pour préparer notre arrivée, toi Jean Pierre, Ambroise , Henri, Patou et hier encore Martine! Que la lumière du Seigneur brille sur vous! Pensez à nous!!
June 22, 2018
Quatre ans se sont écoulés, tout est resté
frais à nos yeux, la douleur est la même difficile de supporter la séparation, le vide !! Oui tu as souffert, tu as enduré la douleur, en ce jour de ton quatrième anniversaire mortuaire, nous voulons remercier l'éternel de tout ce qu'il fait, prier pour le repos de ton âme et demander à tous ceux qui t'ont connues d'avoir une pensée pieuse !! Repose en paix ma soeur !
June 22, 2016
Ça fait 2 ans déjà... 2 années de lamentations, 2 années de questionnements. On dit souvent que personne n'est irremplaçable, personne n'est indispensable. Mais toi, personne ne t'a jamais égalé. Tu étais une marque unique. Que le seigneur nous aide à être comme tu as été : aimante, rassembleuse, patiente, diligente, ambitieuse, pieuse, tu banalisais tout dans la vie et cela a fait de toi une grande dame. Je garde tous tes enseignements et je suis tes traces pas à pas. Afin que tu saches que tu n'as pas œuvré en vain .
  Seigneur puisses-tu nous aider à réaliser combien la vie ne tient qu'à un fil
October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015
J ai resisté toute cette année qui s'est déjà écoulée depuis ton retour auprès du père à écrire quoi que ce soit sur ce site pour éviter de buter sur ce silence. Parler, à Brigitte, ma soeur, sans qu'elle réponde! Elle aimait tellement les débats, les échanges d'idées; Elle s'est vraiment tûe à jamais.
A vous qui lisez, Brigitte était un symbôle pour nous;elle a pleinement joué son rôle d'aîné , mêm pendant les dix années d'épreuve de cette vilaine maladie qui nous l'a arrachée, elle ne s'est pas dérobé; au contraire, elle le rappelait.Nous vivons avec la douleur de sa disparition; Tout nous rappelle, qu'elle n est plus là.
Disons Merci au Seigneur Tout puissant qui l'a donnée et en qui nous avons la consolation! Nous savons qu'elle est dans la gloire du père pour l'éternité!
June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015
''Mom d'or''
It's been exactly a year today that I've been living with more than an empty space in my whole life .Wonderful mother I had , wonderful mom you were ...
You've not just been more than just a family to me and to people surrounding you , but you've as well been the strong head leading the family with courage, despite all the struggles..
Mom, I lack words to express how much I miss you .....You were the one that would do everything to send me to school even when impossible you always made it possible. You were that one that could sacrifice her day at work to come and check on me in boarding school when I was left alone .... Only you in this word gave me the real meaning of the word Mother with your tender love. kindness and care ,,, I can't forget the wonderful surprise you gave me on my baptism day. I had told you just once and never had the chance to tell you again about my baptism because I was gone back to boarding school ,but after 5 months , right on the d-day you showed up (just a little bit late but that's what made it so special )  with delicious food and gifts,ONLY A MOTHER CAN DO THIS ..
I miss you Mom,,,, , I can't help , I wish you could come back and be my mom again, send me to school . Check my homework , provide house teachers,ask me to get back home before 6 pm else get the ass beating ,check on me every single day , ring my phone to ask i'm OK . you were the best at your job MOM ..I can;t stop saying how much I miss you because I really miss you .
When things happened to get down on you . You never gave up , you were a fighter , and even at the edge of your life you could keep stronger than all the people around you could have ever been.
Today you are gone but you will forever be in our hearts ,
love you forever "mom d'or"

June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015
It's been a year already. It seems just like yesterday we were talking on the phone. Time goes fast but the beautiful memory of you will last forever! Sleep in heavenly peace maman Sanga. You are oh so dearly missed.
June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015
RIP Maman,
Nous ne nous sommes véritablement pas connu,mais le peu de temps passé en ta présence m'a révélé une personne spéciale.Je prie l'eternel de te donner le vrai repos.
June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015
Dear Sanga Amanda and ako,
With a big love from the Mbakwa family... Mum shall always be in our heart. RIP
June 22, 2015
Ma chère maman,aujourd'hui ça fait un an jour pour jour que tu nous as quittés, laissant des marques indelible dans nos coeurs. Personne n'à pu occuper la place que tu as laissée mais saches que tous les jours tu vis en nous à travers les bonnes ouvres que tu as suis sûre et certaine qu'une couronne de gloire t'attend dans le ciel.forever love.
October 28, 2014
October 28, 2014
Today is your birthday. We are thinking about you and we miss you. Keep resting in the most peaceful sleep until the day we meet!
October 28, 2014
October 28, 2014
Brigitte ! Que dire....., Tu nous manques ! Toi qui as été une soeur aînée, une amie, une complice ! Nous avons fait beaucoup de choses ensemble : DES BONS ET DE MAUVAIS SOUVENIRS ! Tu nous as appris qu'on vit sa vie pendant qu'on vit ! Tu as su accepter les gens ! Tu as garé, élévé beaucoup de gens dans l'amour. Tu as su partager la douleur et le quotidien. Tu as été stoïque. Ta famille te pleure en vain! Tu m'as laissé une tâche difficile, le poids de la famille. En ce jour d'anniversaire de vie, je voudrais te dire repose en paix, embrasses Nsoe Jean Pierre, Yene Ambroise, Papa, Mbarga Essama Herve M. et biens d'autres... soutenez nous
October 28, 2014
October 28, 2014
Ma soeur aînée, mon amie, ma complice ! Ensemble nous avons partagé nos souffrances à Nlongkack ! Ensemble tu as rencontré Mr.
Mutah ton époux ! Ensemble nous avons porté tes bébés ! Ensemble
nous avons partagé tes douleurs pendant dix ans. Nous sommes restées unies. Mais j'ai appris avec toi que la douleur ou la maladie ne tranforme pas l'Homme, il faut rester stoîque, vivre comme si de rien n'était. Tu as su dirriger la famille. Tu as hébergé tout le monde jusqu'à la dernière minute. Tu m'as dis : " Constance, Olivia gardera les enfants là; tu sais que j'ai toujours gardé les gens, je voyage et j'en verrai de l'argent pour eux..." Ca n'a pas été la volonté de Dieu ! Tu es partie, je vois le poids de la responsabilté que tu me laisse. Je pleure, je pleure toujours. Mais au regard du poids de la douleur que tu as endurée, j'ai envie de dire Va repose en paix et prépare notre arrivée, mais veille sur nous.
August 31, 2014
August 31, 2014
R.I.P Auntie Bri!...We loved and needed you but God loves and needs you even more!Memories of you are nothing but sweet and it's extremely sad you had to leave so soon.thank you for all the generosity, hospitality,loyalty and responsibility that you showed while that you are there,where we can't see you but you can see us, may you fold your arms and cross legs and enjoy your legacy,which contrary to your short life will last for eternity.
August 16, 2014
August 16, 2014
Mom, you may seem far but you will forever be in our midst. We love you so much, but God loves you most. Adieu our model.
August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014
La Mère,

I was gripped with grief when I heard the sad news of your passing. I remember our last phone conversation quite vividly. From your sick bed, you still inquired about my well-being and offered me soft words of encouragement. You were a true gem of a Mother - loving, caring, kindhearted... You took us all in as your children - myself, Derico, Victor, Halle Bosco, Nzume Loko, Marco etc. and we all regarded you as our Mother.

Gone but never forgotten! Your loss is a tough pill to swallow; we will remember and celebrate your life forever. You made a long-lasting impression on us all. Gone but never forgotten!

RIP Aunty Brigitte
July 26, 2014
July 26, 2014
Mother, you are now in the midst of the almighty who made heaven and earth. God's time is the best. You have accomplished your works on earth by raising your children. You will be forever missed n we will all meet one day in the blossom of the Lord. ...may your soul rest in peace
July 26, 2014
July 26, 2014
A mother and queen is now at rest.
Maman Sanga, I can say how amazing you were because it reflects in your children. Sadly I only got to hear your voice on the phone thinking that there would be time to meet face to face.
Unfortunately that time didn't come soon enough but I'm still hopeful because I know that on that day when our savior comes I will get to finally meet you.
Until then rest in peace in the arms and love of the almighty.
July 26, 2014
July 26, 2014
Dear mama Sanga, I only got to meet you once and it was enough to know the caring, loving and protective mum you were towards your family and particularly your kids! It was an afternoon I can't forget as your smile warmed my heart and made me feel welcomed.

You endured through your illness for so long which portrayed the strong woman you were. Whenever you were mentioned, you brought out this soft and completely different side to Sanga because of the love and special place you had in his heart and many others; Always spoke very highly of you and never gave up hope.
I know you are in a better place of rest next to the Lord, we shall definitely meet again... until then May your Soul Rest in perfect peace.
July 25, 2014
July 25, 2014
Dear Mama Mutah, I never got the chance to meet you, but I have grown to call your son my brother. He has shared stories with me of your strength, courage and your resiliency to provide for your children and push each of them to excel in their lives in their own way. I wish I would have had a chance to meet you, but I believe that your presence will be forever present within your children, your grand children and family.

My deepest condolences to the Mutah Family, and to Sanga, I am in your corner my brother, whether its a shoulder to cry on or an ear to hear your thoughts.
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
I met you once ..........but what an impression you left on me. Soft spoken, contagious smile and an apparent motherly love was what I thought of you. Over the years your Son has always justified those values to me with the stories he told me of you.
I know you are in a better place and I know you will watch over your loved ones back here. RIP mum.
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
Tiku! I cant even begin to imagine what you are going through...but know that at this trying moment, the Good Lord is holding your hand. Knowing the person that you are and have become, I am most grateful for Mama's life. Your pain may last a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Stay strong my are in my thoughts and prayers.
RIP Mama Brigitte Mutah.
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
My deepest condolence goes to you Sanga and to the rest of the family. I pray her soul rest in perfect peace in the hands of the Lord.
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
Ma Brigitte Mutah

Though overwhelmed with grief of the news of your passing away, I couldn’t help but smile at the memory of you. You always exuded an immense strength,stability and warmth that very few women posses in this world.

How sad that you had to endure the pain of sickness for such a long period of time, but now it’s all gone away.

Your generosity was limitless and my fondest memory of you is how much you loved to feed people, everyday always seemed like a feast, because there was always so much amazing dishes to eat and everyone was always welcome to your home. I guess you’re cooking now for the truly deserving in heaven.

‘Maman’….I call you so because not only did you give me a second  brother aka Small Tekou but because you exemplified all qualities of a loving mother and great lady.

Till we meet again!
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
Maman, you are my number one role model. Your immeasurable selflessness will always be engraved on my mind. Thank you.

You showed an uncanny resilience during the ten years of your illness. You remained positive, and never expressed any anger to anyone or the world despite your adverse fortune. Simply, you embody compassion and cheerfulness. The silver lining behind these ten agonizing years is I have learned from you how to remain positive even during the most arduous phases of life. Thank you.

You are an irreplaceable mom, sister, mentor, colleague, friend, etc. I profoundly miss you. I miss the fact that the person I trust most is gone. I miss the fact that the person who always stood by my side and supported me unconditionally is gone. I miss the fact that the person who gave me life and nurtured me is gone. I wish things could be different, but God has a better plan for all of us.

I am glad you are resting now, Maman. You really deserve this rest. It is now time for us to celebrate your immaculate life.
July 23, 2014
July 23, 2014
*Mme Brigitte Mutah; My dearest Wife & mother.

How deep hearted I have become knowing that you are no more.

You will forever be the missing link in the context of my whole world.

*Each day i think about you I realise you have gone. I cannot explain the emptiness that life has now become. They say time is a healer but I'm not too convinced, for every time i think of you more and more.

*The world may change from year to year, and friends from day to day,
But sweet memories of you will never fade.

*As a Christian child, I trust you are now rejoicing in the heavenly kingdom wherein peace, love and sanity dwells.

July 22, 2014
July 22, 2014
Dear Aunt, you have touched me in a special way. You were always welcoming and assuring the welfare of others. You took everyone as your own and I felt very comfortable on your presence. We love you but God love's you more. You have left a big gap in our hearts that can never be filled by anyone. Your memory will never leave us.
July 18, 2014
July 18, 2014
When a light stops shining and a spirit and soul flies away, we lose a loved one and often we are tempted to profess the greatness of our departed. Very seldom do the words actually depict reality, but in the case a Ms Brigitte Mutah, our dear Mother, Sister, Friend we can all attest our her purity and honesty.
With a big hearth she welcomed all, love all, forgive all, and endured it all. After enduring years of sickness she reached a peace that might have come too soon, but shall bring her closer to our Lord, our Father whom she adored and obeyed faithfully her whole live.
We invite you to join us in celebrating her memory and praying together for her final sleep to be a blissful one.

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October 29, 2022
October 29, 2022
Happy belated birthday mama Sanga. May your soul continue to Rest In Peace.
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June 22, 2016

I'll never forget the journey you made from yaounde to Dschang. As soon as you heard that i was sick , you forgot about everything else in your life. Just to come and rescue me. Despite the uncomfort inthe bus, all the headache, you were always ready to stand for me. The most sad thing is that after the return from that journey, you never were the same again. You fell sick untill death. 

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