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bryanna"s story

May 26, 2015

This is my daughter bryanna lee its been three years since she passed away still hard forme on a dialy basis . i remeber the day i went to have her i was so excited couldnt wait to me her then she was born with what the doctors said was the worst possible thing they call it lissencephaly meaning smooth brain .They told me her life be pointless and short lived i was shattered by the words didnt know what to do. Then i found the strengh for her to do what needed to be done . She was very sick had seizures trouble holding her head up couldnt sit up or talk or walk . She had alot hospital stays everytime was fear in my heart was this it was this the last time id see her ... but she made it to age five which was a milestone for me since they had said she die by age one i was so grateful to have her that long and always said i wouldnt be selfish id let god have her but now looking back after the fact she gone so long i feel selfish in wanting her back .On may 19th i woke to find my worst fear and it was nothing like i imagined she died in the night so by time i found her the event was devasting and forever marked in my brain all i remeber was the imagine and how i fell to my my knees  and screamed for i knew then i would never be the same again and i was right nothing has been the same in me since . Losing a child is th worst possible thing and no nothing can fill that emptyness in your heart so for those who take the time to read this thanks for this is my angel who forever changed my life 

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