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March 26
Wow I’m so sry to hear this I will pray for Buck and his family may he rest in peace, I haven’t seen Buck since 2011. We went to hargrave together in Virginia than we both attended Barry university in Florida at the same time. Buck and I were part of Charlie company. We haven’t stayed in contact but I always considered him a friend. He was my smoking buddy in military school we would sneak in each others rooms in the middle of the night to smoke cigarettes. He was skinny but very strong he stood up for me once againts his own friends, he was a stand up guy and he has earned my friendship and upmost respect. We were very different people him and I didn’t have much in common we didn’t even have the same friends. He was a wild guy but I could see the good in him through his eyes.  I am from Haiti I arrived in Virginia on my own at 16 years of age, it was my first time living in the United States and it was a challenging experience for me. buck is one of the reasons I learned to appreciate that chapter of my life because of good sincere people like buck. I havent spoken To buck in over twelve years he went back to Virginia and I went back to Haiti but I want his family to know even tho he didn’t live a long time he impacted my life and even in Haiti we will be mourning and praying for him may GOD bless you and guide all of you during this terrible time. And may JESUS welcome buck into his arms.

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