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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Bunnies Sue Taylor. We will remember her forever.
May 27
It's been 8 years since you have been gone. Still can't believe your gone. I miss you so much and think of you a lot. Jenay has 3 girls now boy you would just live Leona she isn't mini me. You will never be forgotten and always be missed more than you know. I love you always and always in my heart love you so much.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Aunt Bunnie it's been a year since your passing and I know I still at times can't believe your gone. I still believe in my heart you waited till I left that morning to go home and get my work clothes for the day you waited till I left before you decided to leave this earth. I believe you knew it would be to painful if I was there and you passed. I say with you for like 3 hours before they came to.tale you to HOSPIC. I was talking to you and I knew you heard me cuz you would make a noise when I stopped. I love you and miss you everyday.
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
We miss you so much, we just sit and talk about all of our memories of things that we did or the funny off the wall things you did. Bear is doing really good. Even though you were not my mom by blood I still miss you like any other person would miss a mom. Thank you for everything that you did for me. Mom, you will always and forever be missed and always thought of, there is not a day that goes by that Rickie or I don't or say something about you. We would give anything just to have one more day with you. But I know the pain you were in and I always hated seeing you like that so you are better off up in HEAVEN and we know that you are looking down on all of us. We can feel you spirt. LOVE AND MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY, And some day we will all be together again.
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
First thing is thank you Kim,  HI MOMMA I MISS YOU SO MUCH,momma I remember every little thing we did as kids, I remember us going fishing an you get the hook in your eye it wasn't funny at the time but when we set back we would laugh are asses off, I remember when we would get in trouble an you would cover for us or you helped us put toliet paper in are pants so when James( are step dad) would spank us with the belt you told us we have to scream like it hurt we did it momma I can remember you get us kids fire works for the whole block or just for us and the cops came out you told us kids hide we would hide in trash cans dog houses any were we could an we did and then we go out lighting them off again and you said no one stopping my kids from having fun and I remember us kids not wanting anything because momma you made sure we had it all x mas time would come and are tree was so full you could not see are tree ,and boy let me say when it came to cooking for the holidays momma you would cook so much we even feed the poor you would bring the poor home and feed them , years went by an I had your first grand baby her name was chastity how you spoiled that girl so so much she didn't need anything an momma to this day I take those good days with me I do or try and do the same I cook to much every one says I could feed the army that's what they told you . I love you mom , not to make this short because mom there is not room or time on this earth to say all the good things about you or what I miss I am so thankful for the last few years you stayed with me up until your last hours until you had to go to hospital and then hosbist hospital I am so sorry but I know when it was your time you told me you didn't want them to bring you back so I did what I was told me an your son ( Rickie) made those last wishes of yours come true I guess that's how I would say it momma not a min ,second ,hour, or a breath from me I don't think of you I still hold you deep in my heart an in the room you stayed in when you lived with me your body ashes are still with me I am not ready to let you go completely yet momma I miss you I am so sorry for all the shit I did put you through when I was growing up but you was one hell of a mother and I am thankful for that because I am the same way so much like you when it comes to are kids may you always rest in piece but momma I would do anything just to hold an talk to you again and momma when you left this earth and the three of us kids ( me ,Rickie, Tammie was here at my house I know it was you here with us telling us you are OK and we would be OK my heart was hurting so bad we all was crying so so bad and at that moment we all was standing around in the kitchen area and my lights in my hole house went off 3 times and it wasn't one of those little flicker you get when the light blink off and one you made sure us kids seen it and at the same time as kids your kids said that is mom and it was we knew it by the way the lights went off you wanted us to know all will be OK but to this day momma I wonder if you hear me I talk to you all the time just as if you are right next to me but mom I know God is carrying you and you are drinking Pepsi with your mom and eating bread pudding with your dad , so mom like I said I would give anything right this second if I could have it all back again but at least I was so lucky to be able to have you at my home taking care of you your last few years I love you and miss you always momma my you rest in God's arms love an miss my mother Bunnie sue Arney Taylor
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
I love you and miss you so much can't believe it almosa year sonce you have left and went to be with Grandma & Grandpa. Love ya thinking of you always

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May 27
It's been 8 years since you have been gone. Still can't believe your gone. I miss you so much and think of you a lot. Jenay has 3 girls now boy you would just live Leona she isn't mini me. You will never be forgotten and always be missed more than you know. I love you always and always in my heart love you so much.
May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017
Aunt Bunnie it's been a year since your passing and I know I still at times can't believe your gone. I still believe in my heart you waited till I left that morning to go home and get my work clothes for the day you waited till I left before you decided to leave this earth. I believe you knew it would be to painful if I was there and you passed. I say with you for like 3 hours before they came to.tale you to HOSPIC. I was talking to you and I knew you heard me cuz you would make a noise when I stopped. I love you and miss you everyday.
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
We miss you so much, we just sit and talk about all of our memories of things that we did or the funny off the wall things you did. Bear is doing really good. Even though you were not my mom by blood I still miss you like any other person would miss a mom. Thank you for everything that you did for me. Mom, you will always and forever be missed and always thought of, there is not a day that goes by that Rickie or I don't or say something about you. We would give anything just to have one more day with you. But I know the pain you were in and I always hated seeing you like that so you are better off up in HEAVEN and we know that you are looking down on all of us. We can feel you spirt. LOVE AND MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY, And some day we will all be together again.
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Double trouble

May 8, 2017

  I always remember my mom saying for Aunt Bunnies Sue and me not living close through all the years we act so much alike. Things that Aunt Bunnies did my mom says I do to. Any time that we was together (Bunnies & I) we was getting into some type of trouble or doing stuff we wasn't supposed to do. I love my Aunt Bunie Sue so much and I think of her a lot. Her death was hard on me and I tried to spend her last couple days she was alive I was up there with her. I just remember reading on fb from Chasity about what was going on with my Aunt when she went to doctors and them saying she was Cancer free the the next check up the told my Cousin Candie that the Cancer was so bad and spread all throughout her body there was nothing they could do. It could be any time that she would be leaving us. They took her home and that night they called an ambulance for her she was doing things she wouldn't normally do the fire chief said that when the anomina is in the body this happens before they pass. So the ambulance took her to the hospital and they sedated her. I wa at work at Cheasepeake Arena and I found this out it we last year's Basketball play offs. I read what Chasity wrote and I left work and went straight there to Integra hospital on NW Expressway and say sat with her and talked to her until the ambulance came to take her to hospice. I was talking to her and she would mean like she heard what I was saying. I fo)Lowes the ambulance or so I thought but some how got behind wrong ambulance and got lost. My parents helped me get to the hospice place and stayed there with her till I had to go to work. After I got off work I went back there and stayed there with her all night. I went to go home to get my work clothes and I was gone but 10 minutes and I got the call she had passed. I felt like she waited for me to leave before she passed. I believe she knew if I was there when she passed it would be to much for me. I know me and my Aunt Bunnies had a special bond between each other good or bad she still my Aunt. I Love you Aunt Bunnies and miss ya everyday. I think of you and remember the memories we have of you. I will have you in my heart always. Your truly missed so much. Love Your Niece Kimmi

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