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She's like a butterfly

March 9, 2013

Whenever you see a butterfly, think of Cameron.  Nothing could hold her down, she needed to be free to fly.

My baby sister

January 8, 2013

Not only are you my baby sister, you were the one i shared all my secrets with.. my best friend.  We faught, we argued, you annoyed the hell out of me with your loud music.  What i wouldn't give to hear dubstep blasting from your bedroom.  You see when you left you took me with you. Now I'm stuck trying to figure out who i am and whats left of me without you.  It was always the 3 of us.. you me and Jordan.  We're not complete anymore without you. 

   i miss sitting on the couch with you all day eating pizza rolls and watching movies.
i miss catching you sneaking out and yelling at you for how short your shorts were.
i miss taking long walks with you while i was pregnant and talking about everything and anything that was on our minds.

i miss scaring all your boyfriends away

i miss you coming into my room just so you could snuggle up with your nephew
i miss you coming home from school and yelling my name all throughout the house until you found me

i miss your laugh the most.  It filled the whole house with happiness.

i miss you sissy.  your on my mind everyday and in my heart forever.  Alot of people didnt know you the way me mom your dad and jordan did.  They have memories but we had the honor to be in your life everyday and to be your family.  We will always be broken without you.  I love you Cameron I miss you and i know writing this doesnt change anything but i just wanted to share the love i have for my baby sister with everyone.  You'll always be my sister and ill never let you go.           

It really hurts

November 29, 2012

A few years ago, Cameron and her dad came over to my house for a July 4th evening picnic and celebration. Joetta had to work that evening so it was just Cam and Tom. Within 10 minutes of arriving, Cameron was running around and playing with Caleb. The evening went on and before we even ate dinner, Tom came into the house and said "Cam hurt her arm". Apparently Caleb was driving his pedal car around with her acting as a hood ornament when she fell off during an evasive maneuver and hit the pavement. At first, she seemed ok but soon after it happene she was complaining that "it really hurts". When we all looked at her arm, we quickly noticed that it was not right. Thinking it may have been broken, dad took her to the ED. It wasn't broken, but it was bent! She followed up with ortho and no surgery was recommended as it was not a guaranteed fix--she would compensate for it as she grew---we are all imperfect--we all have flaws--Cameron was one if the best people I've known❤❤.
Another story---she went out on our boat after we first bought it. She had so much fun driving the boat, fishing and swimming. We really enjoyed it and were do glad to have the boat to make these memories with close friends. Something I have never mentioned is that for a week following the boating trip, I cleaned candy (blowpop suckers) out of the seats and carpet---she must have brought a dozen with her. I know she loved them---she had a bulk box in her room. When I saw it in her room after her passing---I thought of the boating trip and how full of life she was. Gone but not forgotten!

November 26, 2012

As the anniversary of your passing nears, I feel that now I can finally say the words I have kept so bottled up inside. Last year, upon hearing about your passing I felt as if my world came to a grinding halt. I was a senior in high school, all I wanted to do was walk the stage and leave this town behind. I was the quiet type, always watching but never saying much. We never exchanged any words; I was never friends with you. I didn't know your favorite food or song. I didn't know if you had siblings or not. I heard your name and knew who you were through friends. But when I found out you left this world, I felt a tremendous amount of guilt. I didn't know why. I was physically pained by your passing. I felt like if I had said something... Maybe you would be here today. But I am learning I can not dwell on the past, I can only learn from it. You changed my world as I knew it from that day forward. Now I take my time with people and have learned to truly listen to other's stories. I appreciate all the small things life has offered me and I work very hard to overcome the obstacles in my way. I make sure to smile as I walk down the sidewalk and I try to be extra kind to those who are having a bad day.
Because of you I am a much more forgiving and honest person now. I truly believe you were here for a reason, you were here to teach us something. And while it may be different for each person effected by your passing, I just want to thank you for opening my eyes to the world around me. This message is not intended for 'likes' or comments.. It's meant for me and it's meant for you. And although I have never meet them, I pray for your family. Your effect on my life has been profound and for as long as I venture in this world, I will remember you.
- Carlye


November 13, 2012
I still remember-I don't remember what year-Cameron's birthday party one year. We were having a coloring contest for her Bratz party. And I won, and she cried and I felt so bad and didn't know what to do so I just hugged her and tried to calm her down. R.I.P. Cam. I miss you.

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