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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Marshal Younan-Kulato, 67 years old, born on June 4, 1948, and passed away on March 7, 2016. We will remember him forever.
June 4
June 4
Hi Dad!
Happy birthday! I love you and miss you very much. Since you left us our lives will never be the same. You bad a positive difference in our lives. I really wish you were still here to share more minutes hours days years with you! I will always remember your beautiful energy and smile. Please do your Magic from up there for us. Always in my heart n mind forever bye for now
March 10
March 10
Bobb, I miss you. I just found a framed wooden picture of Jidu & put it in my room too. Today my friend Randy’s dad passed away, he is with you now too. Miss you a lot Bobb. Kathy is right, our world here now is nothing like it was when you were here. ALOT of evil people everywhere. AZELLE is awesome Bobb. Miss u Marsh, can’t wait to reunite with you…
March 10
March 10
Hi bob, I miss you more and more every day. I wish you could have met your grand daughter. She is awesome. I tell her about you. I miss you so much words can not explain. Life is really tuff now days dad. Th world is not the same anymore. It’s very ugly down here. You way in a better place even tho I wish you were still here. We all miss you so much and bring u up all the time. You were definitely by far the best father. Thanks for everything you have taught us I wish you were here to be with us. I love you more than words can even explain. You are the smartest man I’ve ever known, and you had the biggest heart I have never met a person like your heart. So clean n sincere. I love love love u dearly and hope and wish it’s true, that I do get to see you again one day
June 4, 2022
June 4, 2022
Bobb, happy birthday. Life has been rough in this wicked world. It’s been 6 years since you’ve left but still feel like 6 days ago. Please don’t lose touch with us down here. We need you more than ever before. I just visited everyone in Michigan. Mom misses & love you a lot. I always feel you talkin to me through God. Plz don’t stop that. I’m glad you didn’t have to deal with the way the world is right now. Guess GOD want a true Angel watching down on us. I’ll never ever forget when you said in 1992, don’t believe most the news son. Happy heavenly birthday OG, fly high & tell them all I said hi up there. I miss celebrating our birthdays together, it’ll never be same without you forever. Can’t wait til we meet again my only friend. Your only son you named, CARLOS
June 5, 2021
June 5, 2021
Happy Birthday to the best Dad ever. I miss you so much. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you. I wish you were in my life a little bit longer and wish you were here to see your beautiful Granddaughter Azelle. She is almost two years old. I love you Bobb. Continue to watch over us all. Our memories together remain in our hearts forever.
June 5, 2021
June 5, 2021
Happy birthday my dear Dad. I wish you were here with us. You left us way too early. You never got to met Azelle I know you would of been so happy with her. Dad words can not explain how much I miss you. May you rest in eternal peace my love. Until we met again..
June 4, 2021
June 4, 2021
Happy birthday Bobb, I always feel your spirit around guiding me everywhere. My favorite tattoo I have is of course you on my shoulder. Today you’d be 73 if you were still here. It’s been almost 6 years since you left us & still seems like 6 days ago. Keep sending me your angelic signs, I live for them. Rafid visited you today here, he loved you alot. As you can see the world is a lot worse now since you’ve left. Hope you & blue are enjoying your heavinly walks. I really do miss you both a lot & Jidu(grandpa)One of my favorites pictures ever is of you & him playin tug a war in the backyard of via Nicole house we lived in. Georgina framed a picture of it & gave it to me. I keep it in my kitchen at the studio. The family here is doing alright thank God. I hope too visit your site soon in Michigan best friend. Happy early Father’s Day & Happy birthday dad! Love you talk to you again soon...
June 4, 2021
June 4, 2021
Happy birthday Uncle Marshal in heaven, may you have all the wishes you have wished up there. Watch over all of us as we stay remembering you and honoring your memory in our lives. Thank you for blessing us with Kathy, Carlos and Claudia. You are greatly missed. We love you Amu Marshal.
March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020
Sup pops, yesterday was 4 years since you left us. I always feel your presence though protecting us as our guardian angel. Especially when I see a feather on the floor. Theres much more I can say but I’ll save most til we meet again. Miss you best friend. Your one & only son, Carlos...
September 14, 2019
September 14, 2019
Hi Mr. Younan, you've been passed away for 3 years from now on but i'm sorry to hear.

mrhabaan alsyd yunan , laqad wafatk almaniat limudat thlath sanawat min alan fsaedana walakunani asif lisimae dhalik.

November 14, 2018
November 14, 2018
Miss u Marshal, still speechless after all this.
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
Ha bobb, OG hope your doing good. Been thinking about you a lot lately & been wondering if you been part of a lot I been facing lately. I'm sure you are I can feel it like always. Anyway this past month passing your birthday & Father's Day been kinda rough without you.  It's been like a daily funeral repeat all over again from last year when you were here.  I know you're here in spirit because I can always feel you. The ladies I'm taking take of like you always taught & told me. Love you Marshal, you really mattered.  Your one & only son Carlos...
March 12, 2017
March 12, 2017
Ha bobb, I figured this would be long so I thought I'd make it a poem. OG I don't even know where to start, ever since you left our hearts have been ripped apart. Last Sunday at church instead of us being hurt you used your super spirits & made us all laugh into bursts. I knew it was you, felt it in my soul too. The names of the newly dead were being read & yours was the first one said. It was mispronounced the 1st time which I didn't get to hear but the priest said it again which I got to hear very clear. Dad it had me laughing so loud it had me in laughing tears. I even had to walk outside of church a bit so I wouldn't look like a jerk. They also got your birthdate wrong on your stone & death certificate which I had to fix instead of the June 4th they put the June 6. One thing I do feel is that you're always spiritually near especially since this past year. Yesterday at the cemetery your stone was still the only one standing. It was mom's 1st time there, she instantly sat on the floor said Marshall get up we're here with her eyes full of tears. Bobb your funeral here was full, I got to meet your friends from all over the world and heard unheard stories of you from way back then. Khalu Hazim came from SD,Cali. Amu Esam came from Boston, even Aunte hiyam from Illinois but I felt kinda bad cuz she lost it. Ambulance came fast & when the medic checked her she was ok thank God. Bobb she loved u, we all loved u but one thing for sure we all share is your carefree in heaven above us. I seen u In my dream smilin shinin with your wings. Can't wait for the day I see you face at the gates Marsh...Love You
March 7, 2017
March 7, 2017
Amu Marshall it's been one year since you took your last breath on earth but it's also been one year of you being with Jesus in Heaven looking upon your family as their Guardian Angel

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June 4
June 4
Hi Dad!
Happy birthday! I love you and miss you very much. Since you left us our lives will never be the same. You bad a positive difference in our lives. I really wish you were still here to share more minutes hours days years with you! I will always remember your beautiful energy and smile. Please do your Magic from up there for us. Always in my heart n mind forever bye for now
March 10
March 10
Bobb, I miss you. I just found a framed wooden picture of Jidu & put it in my room too. Today my friend Randy’s dad passed away, he is with you now too. Miss you a lot Bobb. Kathy is right, our world here now is nothing like it was when you were here. ALOT of evil people everywhere. AZELLE is awesome Bobb. Miss u Marsh, can’t wait to reunite with you…
March 10
March 10
Hi bob, I miss you more and more every day. I wish you could have met your grand daughter. She is awesome. I tell her about you. I miss you so much words can not explain. Life is really tuff now days dad. Th world is not the same anymore. It’s very ugly down here. You way in a better place even tho I wish you were still here. We all miss you so much and bring u up all the time. You were definitely by far the best father. Thanks for everything you have taught us I wish you were here to be with us. I love you more than words can even explain. You are the smartest man I’ve ever known, and you had the biggest heart I have never met a person like your heart. So clean n sincere. I love love love u dearly and hope and wish it’s true, that I do get to see you again one day
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