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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, carly bothwell, 20 years old, born on September 9, 1995, and passed away on May 30, 2016. We will remember her forever.
September 8, 2023
September 8, 2023
Miss you always; not a day literally goes by where you’re not in my head a part of it. Keep looking over us always ❤️
May 30, 2023
May 30, 2023
7years gone 2day baby girl and 7million tears cried. How I miss everything about you and all our wee laughs. Twice last week I was told of something about you. You left your forever mark and no1 forgets you.
September 9, 2022
September 9, 2022
Happy heavenly 27th birthday my best friend, love and miss you always. Always thinking of your mammy, Gerard, Ryan, Conor and Niall always. From your ginge ❤️
September 9, 2022
September 9, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday Carly thinking of your mum and family today ❤️
May 30, 2022
May 30, 2022
Here I am 6years on leaving you a tribute with a broken heart and though it may be 6years and a good part of the time we are doing alright and trying our best, this weekend I am transported back in time reliving every single minute. Love and miss you so so much my beautiful baby girl xx
April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
Hey Booty,

Just me again lol.

Can you believe Dani Mac and Coco has had a wee girl? Most beautiful wee girl and she called her Eala Carly after you, there will always be a part of you with us now! Loz and Tina are both expecting too and I hope you give them the health of safe births, Amy and John is getting married in 2023, Ciara and Mark has Tristan and Ethan now, two beautiful boys. You also missed Kaylee abs Chunks wedding too, the pandemic but I sure you know all about it! Niall is in the big Apple still, waiting on Shea to give this ring to Colleen soon, same with Stevie to Shauna but me Tilly, Jess and Thelma are still the single do what we want kind of people haha.
Right I’m out of breath typing that, come down and tell me yours?

Miss you and love you always,
September 9, 2021
September 9, 2021
Happy birthday beautiful angel.

Always are missed by your best friends.

Please keep looking down.

Love and miss you,
Declan ❤
May 30, 2020
May 30, 2020
4 years today Carly, missed more than words can explain. It still feels as raw today as it was 4 years ago, miss you and love you my wee friend❤️
May 30, 2020
May 30, 2020
Think of you Carly ❤️beautiful beautiful girl
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
Nearly 2 years have passed and we all still miss you and feel as if your heartbreaking death was yesterday. So much happened to your squad that your probably pissed off because you have missed it all haha, words cant describe how much all of us are missing you... Hope you are still looking down on all of us because we all need your strength at the best of the times.. Love you lots buddy x
May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
Lovely memorial yesterday and such a huge crowd turned out for you, you would have been loving it! Seeing our memories on facebook and pictures makes me smile because we always had such a laugh! Miss you so much
May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017
I had a dream about you last night Carly boot- not the first dream and definitely not the last. There isn't a day that I don't find myself thinking about you. I have tried many times to leave a wee message but nothing ever made since. I hope your partying hard and "drinking from the bottle" . Missing you always❤️
May 28, 2017
May 28, 2017
Well blade how's things? Miss you everyday. I'm not usually one for writing these sort of things but here I am anyway. Although it saddens greatly me that you aren't with us anymore, you have made realise how finite our time here can be. It is only because our lives are finite that we appreciate the time that we do have. If we lived forever, nothing would matter. I'll always miss you and I'm thinkin of you all the time. Too many nights spent watching Mulan and Spirit, knowing all the words and all singing the heads of ourselves, but I wouldn't change any of it.

"Though the river of life may separate us, we will forever be bonded by having begun our journey in the same boat"

May 28, 2017
May 28, 2017
I cant believe its been a year already Carly, miss you every day. Wish i could hear your voice just one more time. Watch over your Mammy. You are always in our hearts ❤❤❤
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
Well wee woman I hope u are enjoying life now as much as you did here x make sure and give your mammy and the boys a wee helping hand over the next few weeks hard to think it's a year x you are often in my thoughts and forever in the hearts of everyone who had the pleasure of meeting you x a beautiful girl who reached the hand of friendship to all x
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
Carly ❤ we had so many memories, from the chinese, the beach, brysons, dormans, going wee drives everywhere! You just loved sitting and having a wee nosy at everything going on! What I would do for one of our random nights again, like the night you made us leave Dormans early and we got drenched lol!!

Miss you like crazy doll
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
RIP Carly. Keep watching over your family and friends, don't forget to shine bright in the sky so everyone know where you are xx
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Carly, I will never forget your big bright smile, how you snorted when you laughed so hard. You saw the good in every bad situation, used to text me and say 'I'll give you a free feed if you walk up and go to the shop for me' so obviously I done it, you were my friend. All the nights we sat in the Chinese for hours and the constant gossip you had flowing from you! You just knew everything and everyone, but most of all you were loving and caring, I'll never forget the nights I felt like my life was going nowhere,and you always promised me that it would. Just wish you were here to pat me on the back on the day that I make it where I want to be, I love and miss you carly, watch over us all❤
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
What lovely tributes for someone who was so full of life. Heaven must surely be a brighter place with you there X
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Hey beautiful just want to say miss you everyday, your lovely smile, I miss you at work, and your text messages. I was so glad to have met a beautiful lovely girl and that's you Carly, always in my heart ❤️
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
I think the first time I met Carly was in St Paul's and they had a '5th year corridor' and when Carly was in 5th year herself and Thelma Darragh would hide me and Mark Hepburn so we wouldnt get kicked out because we were 4th years. The memories I have with Carly is unreal, from the fundraiser in Brysons where she smashed her target for Kenya to falling off the banana boat with myself, Danielle McCamphill and Thelma Darragh on a youth club trip in Enniskillen and still to this day we all have a good laugh about it.

No words will describe the pain that our young friend was taking from us so soon but the memories will last forever and we still think about her everyday. Sleep tight Booty B and I hope your having a party waiting for all us to come up.

Love you ❤
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Carly I miss you so much x we had some serious talks but as always with you no matter how you were feeling , we always laughed . You often told me of your love ❤️ and fondness of your mum x there is no doubt about it she was your best friend as well... thank you so much for the beautiful angel you brought me on your last visit x she has pride of place in my conservatory x you have left a huge void on this earth x Love you always x
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
RIP Carly. Keep looking down on your family and friends xx
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
All ways thinking of you if time could go back sleep tight angle you will b laughing at us with all the rest of them up in heaven
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
I first met carly at Myst around 2011 or so, was chilling on a wall then this random blade sat beside me and talked away, without having a clue who this looper was talking to me we still had a deadly wee gossip about god knows what! Would have seen her on nights out from then on and always got a wee yarn and a laugh, ended up meeting so many new people thanks to this crazy lady.

Then in 2012 when sitting in me new tech class with not a notion who anyone was I spotted the bright haired booty; had never really spoke to her sober but within an hour or so she managed to fall on the stairs which gave the class their first laugh, but no one laughed more than carly herself.

2 years at tech with booty made the weekdays a brighter place, with some form of gossip over a wee bine about her weekend scandal it's safe to say she was probably the one person in the class who brought us all together.. still laugh at her trying to brush her extensions and them flying across the room, or when we planned at mad rip and told everyone we were gonna do it, but really we ended up in a chippy scoffing til the bus came lol
One of the best times had to be when there was some equality doll or whatever in and you asked if Indians are born with the red dots on their head

Was so stuck for friends to tvital one year then you stepped in, I lost you as soon as we got of the bus fs lol... couldn't find the bus on the way home so I rang you only for you to say you were walking up the motorway (u were acc sitting on the bus) lmao
Getting back to Kilrea and getting a booty tour of the town, u asked my brother to run you 5 mins out the road, we were defo driving over 20 mins while u topped up the makeup, brushed the extensions and sprayed a lot of perfume lol

Weird how we just ended up going our separate ways after tech, apart from meeting in Ballymena one day... wish we had of kept in touch more often. . Despite drifting and not havin any photos together I still think about you everyday and wonder how someone so full of life could suddenly be gone... fly high booty, wherever you are I'm sure it's a better place since you landed....
- nanerz / rip cat mcnan x
March 27, 2017
March 27, 2017
my beautiful kind caring darling. you never saw the bad in anyone and your friends ranged from a whole variety of groups. From you first came into this world at 12.05pm on the 9th september you were my wee buddy. As you got older,and mind you the teenage years were challenging,you became my best friend and i will never have a friendship like it.x we shared everything and went on nights out together,you were the only person who could make me laugh every single day. i miss our chats and bines ,i miss you just sitting with me as i drive you around the country,i miss you coming downstairs round one when you got up,i miss you showing me some new app on your phone,i miss the word 'mummy' a million times a day,i miss our wee fights even cause your room was like a bombsite. I would give anything to see that bombsite again. Your room sits untouched but each time i open the door i smell you there and i can for a brief second imagine you there never having left. Its been far too long since i have seen you pet love you forever and always.xx
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
I will never forget the first day Carly and I met, we had to of been about 9 or 10 and it was back when Kilrea Sports Complex ran a summer scheme for the youth. I was in the queue waiting for my turn in the badminton competition they were running for the kids that day and I'll never forget getting a tap on my shoulder to turn round and see a young girl smiling from ear to ear and telling me her name her was Carly Bothwell and asking if it was ok for her to play me in a game. Fair to say we were two bad badmiton players lol little did I know this would be the start of a long and close friendship for us! But one thing I did take from that day is how approachable, friendly, bubbly and happy Carly was, traits that she never forgot and traits that I'll always miss about her.

Sleep well Boot, miss you more than you'll ever know!
March 16, 2017
March 16, 2017
Miss you Carly so much. Every occasion with your wee pals bring memories of you. Love always Rose xx

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September 8, 2023
September 8, 2023
Miss you always; not a day literally goes by where you’re not in my head a part of it. Keep looking over us always ❤️
May 30, 2023
May 30, 2023
7years gone 2day baby girl and 7million tears cried. How I miss everything about you and all our wee laughs. Twice last week I was told of something about you. You left your forever mark and no1 forgets you.
September 9, 2022
September 9, 2022
Happy heavenly 27th birthday my best friend, love and miss you always. Always thinking of your mammy, Gerard, Ryan, Conor and Niall always. From your ginge ❤️
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