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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Carmel Cooper, 67, born on December 27, 1946 and passed away on May 20, 2014. Gone but not forgotten, forever in our hearts.

May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
2 years ago today I got the call I didn't ever want to get.

You promised you'd always be there for me, 2 years ago yesterday you rang me & told me you had to go to the Drs in the morning. 2 years ago today I got the phone call but it wasn't from you it was from Henry. 2 years ago today my world fell apart, 2 years ago I still miss you & need you.
2 years ago & it still don't seem real.
May 18, 2016
May 18, 2016
it will be 2 years tomorrow & it still dont feel real that you have gone, i miss you so much.

i wait everyday for your phone call and nothing, i cry myself to sleep every night, you are my 1st thought of a morning when i wake.

yes we had our ups and downs but in the past 12 months while you were alive we had more ups, for that i will cherish for the rest of my life.

i love and miss you heaps.

for all those who read this how about you let me know who you are?
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
today is mothers day in australia, today i have not got my mum around, today i chose to remember her with pride and tears in my eyes.

happy mothers day mum , i love and miss you with all my heart and soul.
i lay here listening to this song i have tears in my eyes, thinking about you till i cry my eyes out till i cant cry no more. i love you and miss you
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
if your reading this who ever you are then please add your details in here and turn your volume up to listen to the 3 songs i chose for my mother, best friend
May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016
As each day comes & goes, it's 1 step closer to Mother's Day, then your death anniversary.
Yeah we had our ups & downs, but you were there when I needed you. Even if it was for a laugh, a tear or even to be in the room & nothing to say.
I love you mum
God I hate the month of May, in fact I hate everyday as I'm missing you so much.
April 25, 2016
April 25, 2016
hi mum
today was my birthday as you know, it was so hard to celebrate it without you, i tried so hard to be happy but all day i thought about you. i am tired of feeling this way, i want to see you again and for you to hold me and tell me you love me, as much as i love you and i miss you so much.

i love you mum
April 14, 2016
April 14, 2016
hi mum
just an update to tell you the same old same old, i am missing you like crazy, it's getting close to my birthday and i am hating every minute of it, i still hear your voice telling me that your going to ring me at 3.54am and knowing that is not going to happen hurts me so much.

i love and miss you heaps
March 30, 2016
March 30, 2016
hey mum
sorry i have not been on as you know i have moved, i am quite enjoying the peaceful life, yes i miss seeing the grandchildren but at the end of the day i feel good about myself i can do what i want when i want.

i am so glad you came for a visit last week, it was awesome to see your still looking out for me.

love and miss you heaps

March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016

i sit here day in day out, night after night wondering why?
i have no answers, my heart aches everyday depsite what anyone may think of me, you were my best friend.

i promise you this i am going to do all it takes to make you proud of me even though your not here on earth, to tell me your proud of me anymore i feel your presents everyday.

i get a sign from you everyday and i know your with me.

i love and miss you heaps mum.
February 7, 2016
February 7, 2016
hi mum
my guess is that margaret is now with you, and you are both with J OK, i know you both loved him to death so no doubt your dancing to his songs way up there, i hope you both dont party too hard as i am going expect you to show me the ropes when i get there.

anyway i miss you mum more and more everyday, and i dont care what anyone thinks.

i just wish who ever comes and reads what i write would write something then i would know who has been here.

i love and miss you heaps

January 16, 2016
January 16, 2016
morning mum,

god i am beginning to hate fake people, you go out of your way to help people and all they can do abuse you.

i understand now why you had the fight with uncle robert on the sunday before you died, i am so over his shit too. he tells aleshia to contact him about the cabinet that was suppose to be mine, but going to her, she contacts him and he ignores her. i am really starting to believe that what you said about him is true, he is selfish and only thinks about himself.

i know i shouldnt be airing out here what is going on but seriously if you were here i would talk to you face to face, not to upset you as that would be the furthest thing from my mind.

god i wish you were here and give me a BIG hug like you always did and tell me that everything will be ok.

i miss you heaps
January 10, 2016
January 10, 2016
morning mum,

i know that today is another day that i am missing you more than ever, i know it may sound strange but i long to hear your voice again, knowing that i wont hurts so much.

wish for the people that come on here to see what i write i wish they would leave a message for you.

i love you so much and miss you heaps
December 27, 2015
December 27, 2015
Mum today is your 69th birthday, I am here all day broken hearted.

Thinking of you, wishing you were here & thinking I had it all worked out what to do for you birthday. I got you a birthday present not thinking. So I will have to take it back.

God I hate days like today, I want you here so much.

I'm so lost for words at the moment, as all I can get out is " happy birthday mum, I love & miss you like crazy".
December 3, 2015
December 3, 2015
hi mum

just dropping by to say hi and say hoping your not partying too hard in heaven.

i have had a migraine for the past 2 days think i have to go get a injection, it seems to be getting worse.

so i will talk to you soon

love you heaps and miss you

November 21, 2015
November 21, 2015
today is 1 month till christmas and 1 month til your birthday, another one that i will be without you, i hate this feeling.

most people would think i never had a bond with you but you know yourself we had a special bond, but we never showed anyone.

i miss you so much, i hate not having you here, days like today are a example when no one is around it gives me time to think and remember the good things we done together. Eg i remember when you took me roller skating so i could learn how to figure skate, then one day you fell down a man hole, for years even to today i blame myself for that. i have never told anyone but that day was hard for me, still haunts me still today.

i love you and miss you so much
October 27, 2015
October 27, 2015
hi mum

just dropping by to say hi and tell you again i love you and miss you heaps, today i was thinking of you more than ever.
October 10, 2015
October 10, 2015
morning mum,

i a still having nightmares, thinking one day i will wake up and find your here beside me telling me that it was all a big bad dream.

i want you back and nothing or no one will ever know the bond we had, you and i both know that all was not what it seemed especially when it between you and certain other people.

we had our moments but you & i know that we got close in the past year before your passing.

i love and miss you so much
October 5, 2015
October 5, 2015
just sitting here remembering you like any other day, watching your video that moz made for you so we could play on your funeral day, sitting here crying.

wishing you were here so we could talk, i am missing you so much, i wish you were here just one more time so i could just have one more cuddle and you saying " everything will be ok & i love you".

i love you so much mum and miss you so much
September 30, 2015
September 30, 2015
hi mum,

i just wish this pain would go away, i missing you so much.
please say hello to all the family for me & tell them i am missing them too.

love you always
September 18, 2015
September 18, 2015
hey mum
i guess you, dad and ron are looking down watching the football, please tell ron he must be looking out for the roosters as they are winning, i want the doggies to win though.

would love our team to get into the grand finals as it would be awesome, anyway hope your not partying to hard up there. talk soon

love you now and always

September 5, 2015
September 5, 2015
although it's fathers day, and you were always there for me and were my father for 2 years before you met dad, i just want to thank you.

i love you and miss you so much, and do not care what anyone says.

love always

September 2, 2015
September 2, 2015
morning mum, just letting you know you'd be proud of me more now than you ever were before as i past my course with flying colours i am now a counsellor and have done it in a degree.
just letting you know i am still missing you so much, but everything i am doing i am doing for myself and no one else.

any way off to the heart specialist today so i will let you know how i get on. love you always your loving daughter.


ps i wish when people come on here to visit you they would write
August 17, 2015
August 17, 2015
mum i am missing you more and more everyday and i dont care what anyone thinks of me, it's been 15months and today more than ever am i missing you, i am sick with the flu and i miss having you around and putting your arms around me telling " you will be ok love, and i love you". i do hope you and dad and grandma are not partying too hard in heaven, i know pop maybe with you, but i am more intrested in you, grandma, and dad. i am missing you all so much
July 21, 2015
July 21, 2015
mum days are going so quick, too quick in fact i honestly dont think i can handle another day without you.

i know writing on here is not the same as talking to in person oh how i wish you were here one more time so we could laugh and carry on like there was no tomorrow, just one more time.

i love you and miss you mum
July 6, 2015
July 6, 2015
everyday it don't get easier, but now i know you came through for me last week. and told me things that i had to get cleared up i thank you for that.
i miss you more, than you could imagine but i know you are with me and you acknowledged that i done things for you, and i know your not in anymore pain, i love you more than i can ever write on here.

love always
June 25, 2015
June 25, 2015
today i found myself thinking about you, but that is nothing new.
but today i am feeling so alone and wishing you were here so i could have someone to talk to, i hate this feeling not being able to talk to you,
i talk to you in a way that i feel you could answer me, but i still have not got a answer from you i am praying you will be able to answer me soon.

love you always and will never stop

June 3, 2015
June 3, 2015
mum i see you have had plenty of visitors but no one will leave a message, it is beyond me why.
anyway mum, today i was thinking about you, but then that is nothing new, i am constantly thinking about you, and trying to remember all the good times we had, and how sometimes we laughed over stupid things and we cried about them too.
funny today i was thinking back when you used to take me roller skating and how you done your knee, god i still remember it like it was yesterday, they still have not fixed that hole.

i am missing you like crazy mum. and no it's not all bullshit as no one knows what we know, we hide plenty of secrets from plenty of people, i will hold them in my heart till the day we met up and get to talk about them again.
love you forever mum

May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015
It's been a a year today since you passed away, a year that I still have not got any answers.

I miss you so much, I often wish it was me instead of you that had to die that way I wouldn't miss you so much, yes we had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day you were always there for me.
I know you may of not thought I appreciated you, but I did a lot more than you think and will ever know.

Just have you back with me one more time would be great, I love you and miss you heaps mum.

May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
as the day closes in 6 hours time, it's another day closer that i dont want to wake up. i do not care what anyone thinks i know in my heart that we were close, not as close as we used to be only because i have only recently found out a few reasons why, if only you had of told me the we could of done things together and it would of being all above board.

i just wanna turn back time and have you with me one more time so we can do all the things we done, and do them all over again.

i miss your phone calls and at the end you telling me you love me.

i love you mum and miss you heaps

May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015
Mum its Mother's Day, who would of thought this time last year I wouldn't have you here.
Miss you so much & love you heaps. XXXX
Happy Mother's Day mum
April 24, 2015
April 24, 2015
on this day 49 years ago you gave me life I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I so hate that your not here for my birthday, but I know that you will be looking down at me wishing me happy birthday, but it's not the same.

I just want to say thank you for giving me life and you will always be my best friend despite what people may think.

I love you and miss you heaps oxxoxo
April 21, 2015
April 21, 2015
11 months on and I still can not believe you are gone, I have now also lost my best friend through my own insecurtites and I hate myself, god I wish you were here as I need your loving arms around me and tell me everything will be alright.

I hate not having you around, I miss you more than ever.

love you mum
March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015
mum it's almost 10 months since you have left me, not a day goes by and I don't think of you and all the good memories we had, yes we had bad ones as well but the good ones out weigh the bad.
I feel what ever will be will be, I find it hard to believe your not here in person but only in spirit, I just wish I could have you back, but we both know that is impossible.

but know this I love you and always will and miss you heaps

December 27, 2014
December 27, 2014
Mum today is your birthday and I can begin to say how much it hurts without you being here. I want the pain to go away but I know that this is impossible.

Everyday is so lonely without you around and today is nothing new.

So have a wonderful birthday in heaven with all the family, and we will met 1 day and make up for what we have missed.

Love & miss you heaps.

October 28, 2014
October 28, 2014
5 1/2 months have been and gone and still my heart aches for you mum, I want you back so much I want to cry. I look at the clouds and I try to picture you up there can you please come to me in a dream and talk to me I miss you so much.

love always
October 6, 2014
October 6, 2014
mum today is no different from any other by missing you, and loving you and cant wait till we met again.
I am just feeling god dam angry with all the shit that is going around about me at the moment, I need a mummy cuddle but I cant and it hurts so god dam much.
I want to wake up and someone to tell me that it was all a bad dream that your back here with me, but we both know that is not going to happen anytime soon.

I love you and miss you like crazy

September 30, 2014
September 30, 2014
it's getting harder each day as I am missing you more and more everyday.
I love you

September 27, 2014
September 27, 2014
mum today I was thinking of you but that is nothing new, I so wish you were just 1 more time I miss you more than you could ever know I love you and long for the day we are together again.

love you always

September 22, 2014
September 22, 2014
here I sit thinking about nothing but you, this just don't seem normal to be thinking of you more often than ever before, there is so much I have to be thankful for but don't know where to start.
I wish you were here just to say thank you and l love you.

missing you like crazy mum.

September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
mum today marks the 5th month since you have left me, I can not believe the time has gone so quick, I hate not getting your phone calls or cuddles.
I love you so much, I wish I could have you back and have the talks we used to have they seem so long ago.

I write to you with a heavy heart, as I can not deal with you gone. I hate it so much I cry every day, everyday I look for you and I can not ring you or go see you it hurts so much.

I love you mum and miss you heaps.

September 11, 2014
September 11, 2014
today I am missing you but that is nothing new I am doing it everyday day but today I am missing you more, tomorrow I go back to the dr's and find out where do we go from there. so as soon as I know I will let you know.

god I wish you were here I miss you so much. I love you.
August 28, 2014
August 28, 2014
carmel I know your up there looking down at us and protecting us, I want you to know that I will always love your daughter and her children like they were my own.
I know Terri misses you everyday, she cries everyday & everyday I try to help her get through the day, when I am not at work.

you will be missed and loved every day even though your not with us.

R.I.P Carmel
August 19, 2014
August 19, 2014
mum it will be 3 months on the 20th, since you left earth, I know god saw that you were tired, but I am saying I am so sorry but I can not do this anymore, I am missing your phone calls, me coming to visit you and us laughing over silly things and crying over our troubles.
If I could have you back for a little while I would assure you things would be so different to what they were.

I love you so much and miss you so much. xxxx
July 15, 2014
July 15, 2014
Mum it's been 9 weeks and I still can't believe your gone, I keep waiting for my mobile to ring & and your name to appear. When my mobile rings & your name doesn't show I get upset and wonder why don't you ring anymore , it's then I relise your never going to ring anymore. Oh it hurts so much, much more than I can write down in words.
Missing you so much mum & will always love you.
May 30, 2014
May 30, 2014
10 days have come & gone, i maybe smiling on the outside, but trust me I am hurting so bad on the outside. Love you mum
May 27, 2014
May 27, 2014
Today I say goodbye to you mum, tomorrow will be harder. it's been a week and a day and I still can not believe it. You were my inspiration I love you and can't wait till we see each other again.
Love always
May 26, 2014
May 26, 2014
Mum, just doesn't feel real I keep waiting to wake up from this nightmare. I will always love you xxx
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May 21
10 years ago today only seems like yesterday, I remember it all too well.
We spent the Sunday morning together laughing, crying over stupid things & remembering all the good times in the past, when I was leaving you hugged like you didn’t want me to go, but you knew I had to go back to do tea for the family; I look back now & think about it & wondering if you knew that something was going to happen to you that week.
Then you rang me on the Monday morning & saying “ thank you for yesterday & I’m proud of you & I love you, oh I forgot to tell you yesterday that I was going to the drs in the morning & I’ll call you when I get out & tell you what he said & we can organise Wednesday & do lunch”
Then Tuesday morning around 3:30am I woke up with pain in my chest & with a fright, but it went away & I tried to get back to sleep but couldn’t. Then at 11am my home phone rang & it was Henry & I knew straight away you had passed away, as you never rang me on my home phone it was always on my mobile.
I went & saw you & you looked so perfect as always, but I stayed with you till they took you away & I’ll never forget that terrible day.
Mum I now know a lot more about what happened & you must have gone through, I seeked legal advice but I can’t do anything about him because you are not here to help by telling them what he done.
So I sit here & cherish all the things you did for me when growing up & especially the Sunday we had together.
Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you & I love ❤️ you, you now have extra family members with you apart from the ones you greeted you when you got to heaven, I only wish heaven had a phone so I could call you right now as I still have your number 0458 314 283 in my phone, I can’t remove it, because then I will have to except that you’re not here anymore, & I can’t do that right now.
Until we meet again mum RIP
Love and miss you xx
April 27
April 27
Another birthday without you, without you stirring me up by saying you’re going to call me at 3:54am to wish me happy birthday. I can’t do this anymore mum I’m missing you so much
April 17
April 17
Hey mum
Are you with dad? Or with Ron either way I hope you are playing with your great grandson & enjoy being a beautiful angel, I think about you day & night & can’t believe it’s almost 10 years since you passed over.
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life's ups and downs

July 21, 2015

throughout life i have had my fair share of ups and downs, but i do know that my mother was there with me through them all, she may not of shown it but i know that she was.

we had laughter and tears along the way and now she is no longer here, i have more down days than anyone can imagine, i try to have more up days but it's so hard as the saying is true, :  you dont know what you have lost till you have lost it.....


you have gone to soon mum i miss you more every day, I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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