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April 27, 2017
April 27, 2017
Mom i still can not believe you are gone I miss you everyday and think about you all the time moments I want to text you and am like oh I have to tell mom and then realize you can't I wish I had just one more day with you mom one more minute how do I live with out you you were truly my best friend mom I hope you knew that and how much I love you . You are truly unforgettable xo
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
Carol you were my best friend and my rock. We shared laughs, dreams and the occasional tear , you were the most caring, loving,beautiful,funny person I ever knew. I'll love and miss you everyday.
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
Grandma since I was little you use to take me to the park to play evertime I seen you I would hug you and tell grandma give you the biggest hug as I got older your would sing with me and tell me how great I was at singing not only that but we use to watch grease together those night at your apartment when I would play with my dinky cars reinacting the scenes from grease you would take me to the park I was always so excited to see my my grandma I would run for you and give you the biggest hug and in my most recent memory's I'd come home and see you always waving at me i can even hear your voice saying hey Jordan I'll miss that so much your the one person I told all my problems the only one who would love me and tell me it's ok and for that ill miss last memory was me rubbing your head as you were not feeling so well and I wish I could have saved you but I know you loved me your the one he made me want to carry on my guitar playing and the one person who always was there to sing with me forever tears in heaven my angel I'll see you soon grandma I'll always love you
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
I love you grandma we'll be together soon I'm gonna miss you what a positive impact you had on everyone I wish I could just hold you and tell you I love you one more time your the best grams I'll stand by you
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
It has been many years since I last seen Carol but I remember her as a very beautiful vibrant loving woman. She was on my Facebook and would always write such nice comments to me.  My words can never express the sadness one feels for the family when they lose someone. My sincerest condolences to you all.
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
It is with sad news Carol of your passing you were such a beautiful person inside and out and loved by many but gone just way to soon and all though many of us will only have our memories of you now you will forever remain in our hearts rest in peace Carol someday we will meet again.
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
I always remembered Carol, when I was very young she use to come over to cut my hair, and when I grew older my sister Cece and I would see her doing Karaoke and just having fun. She was always one of those people that always smiled and had a heart of gold, and will be missed by many, My condolences to all the family nothing is worst then losing a loved one. You will be missed by all, whose lives you touched with your warm & caring personality.
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
Carol you will be missed so very much you are to me my sister in law you were a best friend we had some fun times we lived next to each other we sang songs together in our apartment you had this amazing little girl  who had colic that we help take care of love that little girl then now she is the most amazing woman ever Ray and I LOVE YOU so much CAROL I know you are singing karaoke in have
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
Carol, we will miss your bubbly personality and fun-loving spirit. You had such an amazing bond with Barb, Pat and the boys and you will be greatly missed each and everyday by all. Our deepest sympathies xox
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Mom this has been the hardest thing i have ever had to do not sure how to live without you are my best friend i love you so much . I treasure every moment we had together we did some silly things through out the years . I feel lost without you but you will give me strength and the courage to get through. my time with you on earth was time well spent . I love you and miss you more then you know you are the queen mom and I'm your princess xo
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Although we never met Carol, I know how close you were to your daughter and how much she loved you. May you rest peacefully. Barbie, you life will never be the same but know that your mom loved you more than life and she will always be with you. Fly free and fly high with the angels!
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Aunt Carol ... My memories of you are and always will be strong .. weather it was Christmas eves at your place or you coming to my Grade 8 graduation or even sneeking my name in to sing at karaoke
i hope you are at peace now and know i will never forget you
Love ya aunt Carol xo
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Sister when I think of us growing up I think of how you looked after me and were like my second mom you were the best sister and were so good to me. Even thou we had not talked for a while i always had you in my heart and i hoped we would reconnect. I love you and will miss you xoxo.
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
"Carol, we met back when Barbie and I were just 14 years old. You were a second mother to me through difficult times in my life as well as memorable times we all shared! You were an amazing mother, grandmother and a great friend to so many who knew you. I loved to watch you sing and dance, you were a great lady and fun to be around. I will truly miss our long chats and all the advice you've given me over the years. Fly high sweet lady as I know you've joined forces with your loved ones on the other side. May you rest in peace, as you've left us too soon. We will all take care of your Barbie, the sweet daughter you always told me you were so proud of. You will truly be missed xo
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
Carol, I will never forget the events Barb had at her home on Nugent Drive that you and I could both attend. I remember one where Barb had a karoeke system and we all sang till our hearts content. You were always so sweet and asking about myself and Lily. I always felt you were my biggest supporter and encouraging me and making me feel good about myself. You always put Barb and her children first. You will be forever loved and always remembered. Rest in peace. You're a beautiful caring woman inside and out.
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
It is with great sadness that you suddenly left this world, but in your doing so you left behind a legacy a beautiful daughter Barb and three wonderful grandchildren Michael, Jordan and Brandon. They will carry on in different ways and paths that they will do something, stop and smile because what they said or done will remind them of you. You will never be far from any of their thoughts. Pat your son inlaw always had wonderful things to say about you. Your husband who you were separated from for many years but you knew when you seen each other together that you really were not apart and that you still loved each other dearly and shared a beautiful daughter and three grandchildren together. My family will dearly miss you and you leave a hole in our hearts with your passing. We loved you Brian Kim and children Michael Amy and baby who we will show picture to her of you. May you rest in peace my dear lady.

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