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September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023
I sent a tribute when I heard of Carols passing. There are still very few days I don’t think of her especially when wrestling with a color mix. Looking through all the tributes today I’m in tears again. Much missed.
September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023
Carol will forever remain to be my favorite professor. Every time I will step into the classroom it felt so welcoming and peaceful to be in.
One of the most sweetest and understanding souls I’ve encounter while my time on earth.
A passionate artist / professor who has impacted my soul to be a great artist and to be ok with the process of making art.
I took Art 401 in the fall of 2019 & I still have my art portfolio from 2019 & I found her sweet note message she wrote it in.
She’s strongly missed and my memories with Carol will remain deep in my heart.
February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
You were the first professor that I considered a friend and I can't believe I'll never get a chance to thank you. For making me feel respected and heard. For giving me the opportunity to collaborate with you, even though I was ridiculously out of my league. For being such a graceful example of the potential we have as educators (and humans) to touch the lives of others. We had a lot of interesting conversation ahead of us, I'm sure, and I'll never be able to look at a Duchamp or FLW again without thinking of you and your smile. Sending my love to you and your family.
February 2, 2021
February 2, 2021
My professor...I only knew for 2 years...I first met you as a Professor in class just 2 years, and you put darted your smile to me and helped me to feel: accepted and talented. It was a reward. You had your followers/past students/past friends in class--they were as gracious and wonderful as you. You worked--long hours--I was in your class from 9am to 6pm (yes a break) and your energy and concern was always to every student.
How beautiful your hand was painting--showing the students--what should be done....what not to do. Only two years for me--I am sure-you have inspired many many people who loved you. Bless you Carol--raise you from Bishop to Cardinal in heaven!
January 29, 2021
January 29, 2021

Dear Carol,

I will always cherish our conversations about the power of telling stories from the heart, through film, shapes, light, and color.

Now, I have tears in my eyes, but your warmth and laughter fill my heart.

I miss you...
January 28, 2021
January 28, 2021
Professor Bishop was one of the most brilliant women I've met. She was her students' number one supporter, always encouraging us to partake in art exhibits, and she always showed up to support us! She was incredibly smart, and knew so much about so many things. She always supported her students and inspired us. The care she put into teaching was beyond what I had ever experienced in college before meeting her. My thoughts go with her family, wishing them healing and peace. And I pray that her soul is floating with the souls of the other great artists that she so admired.
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
I remember when I first met Professor Carol Bishop it was during class Spring '18, I was a bit scared to speak up... but I noticed how witty she was and I relaxed. She made our classes enjoyable and little trivias she would throw her and there. She left behind a strong phrase that would be embedded in my head afterwards "some people will either like your artwork, love your artwork or hate your artwork, it's how it is". When I found out she is no longer with us physically, I did cry while in class. She has left a strong wonderful impact on all of us. Thank you Mrs. Bishop for always providing us a guiding light to our success.
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
A lot of people aren't lucky enough to meet their (S)hero in real life...I was one of the lucky ones. 

I had no idea that when I met, Carol Bishop, for the first time that I was meeting a legend. Made up intimidation in my head kept me from staring a conversation with her every time I saw her at parties - time wasted. We met for lunch and hours just flew by talking about everything. She became a mentor to me that day, I felt so incredibly special. I was her assistant in her art classes for about 4 years. Seeing her teach, create and problem solve was F@! incredible! All this before I ever knew a lot of her history. I found out 2 years ago that she was the first living female to have a show at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France She didn't like talking about herself much...she'd always turn the focus on you and how she could help you. Always supportive of anything I did and any idea I had...I don't know how she found time in her busy busy schedule to think about me in her life but that was Carol. Aspirations, I can barely remember what I ate the day before! She helped me with my first teaching job, submitting my art to the first show (post college) and when I decided to venture out to be an esthetician, she was the first friend that came to the school to get a facial from me.

I could go on and on about Carol Bishop so I'll leave it there...

Everyone, lost, Carol, she did so much for the community and the Art world. Forever missed. Thank you for making time for me, Harryspoon.
January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021
It wasn’t that Carol taught me how to make a mark on a surface, but that it was important. The “why” of art is the thing. Carol altered the course of my life. Her passing has left me feeling unmoored, without direction. But that has already started to pass because she taught me how to move forward. I am painting, creating, tryng to show the world what I see. She taught me how.
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020
Dear Carol, we will miss you in our lives. Thank you for telling me I was an artist and not failing me for leaving for Greece to do a “museum visit” in the middle of a semester. Thank you for the cookie parties and introducing me to a community of artists and tree lovers. Would love to see what you influence in the next phrase. My condolences, David. We met only once but I know how she loved you and the family 
December 28, 2020
December 28, 2020
Ever since I moved to the East Coast, instead of seeing Carol every day, I only saw her a few times a year. So, as far as I’m concerned, she is still in California, waiting to welcome me through the front door, tell me about something she just read or show me her latest art project or fill the room with her smile and laughter. We’ve known each other for nearly 50 years and, during that time, she’s never run out of things to do, places to go, or energy to share. I refuse to miss her. She will always be much too large a presence to fade. 
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Dear Teacher,
Your passion for Art was endless... you had such great visions in so many levels. I had the chance to take one class with you, Carol Bishop, in the Fall 2019. I was blown away by your creativity, by the originality of your assignments, and had such an immense pleasure to complete each one of them, and share them with you and my classmates. You always had the best motivating comments for everyone. You were so generous and kind in your feedbacks. Each students felt special after a class critique. My goal in future years was to follow you in your watercolor classes, I heard you were unique in teaching this medium.
You left us way too soon, and too suddenly. My heart goes to your family and your loved ones. Thank you for sharing your passion with so many teachers and students at LAVC. Thank you for your kindness and hard work. I am sure that you are making a beautiful, colorful space right now, wherever you are, using all kind of paints, acrylic, watercolor, gouache... to surround yourself with beauty and inspirations. Be sure you are not alone, you are in each of us, and we are with you forever. Rest in peace dear Carol Bishop.
My deepest condolences for your husband, children, and close friends.
From a grateful student.
December 21, 2020
December 21, 2020
Dear Carol, I miss you everyday. It hurts so much to lose you. You were more than a colleague; you were my family away from home. You were always the first one in the office to say good morning and left me notes with your beautiful watercolors, or an article about Cambodia because you knew how much homeland meant to me. You were an incredible artist, educator, mother, advocate, and sister. Your impact on me and on all of us is deeper than any of us will ever know. I feel so fortunate to have known you and will always hold space for you. I love you.
December 20, 2020
December 20, 2020
Rest In Peace Dear Carol.
Carol was my teacher for years and we became friends. She had a huge influence on me. She believed in me when I did not! I am still in disbelief that she is gone. As a teacher, she was always encouraging to all of her students. She was so generous with her time. She saw beauty in everything and always pointed out to the positive and the potential of the work, without criticizing. I loved her lectures... They were never boring! She was so knowledgeable in art and art history that I always felt enriched by the experience... She knew more about my hometown Paris, than I did! Sharing her knowledge was really important to her. As a friend she was kind, fun, giving, gracious, open minded, and immensely interesting! Last but not least, she was a fantastic artist. Carol was an amazingly creative woman to whom her family meant the world. Feeling so sad for David, Delaney, Isabelle, Vanessa, and all her loved ones... My husband David joins me in sending our Deepest Sympathy to her family. Carol will be missed by everyone... I will miss you a lot my friend!
December 20, 2020
December 20, 2020
Words can’t express the grief of losing this amazing BRILLANT artist, teacher, mother wife and devoted friend! Never said a bad word about anybody and brought out your most positive attributes❣️
Carol’s legacy will live on with her art and within each of us❣️❣️❣️
My love goes out to David, Delaney, Isabella and Venessa
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
I don't know how to put words that begin to paint the hugeness of what i see when i imagine her life because it is too colorful, too three dimensional, too nuanced. She was such a huge gift - i had the immense luck to grow-up a young woman with Carol as a role model. With her in my life, there was the possibility of growing up creative and independent but loyal and loving. She could could cook and have visionary opinions. I cannot fathom her not being here because of the hugeness that she is in my sense of what life is about. She is vision. Clarity. Taste. She is elegance but without pretense and with a dash of witty wry why. I love you Carol. I thank you. And, I am so sorry that you had to leave David and Delaney so soon.
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
The beauty that you embodied + the art that you have created will remain + impress. Thank you for giving art life + for giving life art + for sharing both, with us.
You will be missed
Bobby and Caryl
December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020
I took two of Carol’s watercolour classes and loved every second of them, because of the magic of Carol. How wonderful it was to have had the talent, humour, and sensitivity of Carol’s soul gifted to each student throughout the semester. Although, I was not part of Carol’s intimate circle, I was heartbroken to hear of her passing. Sometimes I felt awkward and at a loss for conversation beyond the subject of art when I was with Carol, yet I felt a deep resonance with her beyond words, as though I knew her my whole life.  Carol’s memory will remain with me for the rest of my life, the feeling I had in her presence, the memory of her enchanting smile, her cute hairstyle, her inspiring lectures, and simply the loveliness of her. I am so glad we met and I miss you.
December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020
We lost someone so immensely special...not only to the art world as a whole, rather to the individual souls that treaded through it. If you were ever graced by the presence of Carol Bishop, as a teacher, as a mentor, you knew that she was rigid but so welcoming. My first day of class, I already knew I could paint, and was offended that she insisted I take Painting I again, and fought my way into Painting II. On the first day of class she handed me the primary colors and told me to paint the figure in front of me, I struggled without the jazz of the brightly colored, pre-mixed tubes of paint I usually hid behind and soon realized not only could I have learned so much by taking her introductory class, it would have given me more time in all that was Carol. She didn’t just show up and instruct a “class;” she formed a community. Everyone looked forward to our time together, it was something transforming, something cherished. I was a lost and unconfident human being, and she brought out my voice. Not only did I find a life-long, bonding love of art from her, I also found a newfound curiosity of life and all of the “chiaroscuro” that makes it so worth living; for the light spaces in Rembrandt’s pieces would not be as vivid if it were not for the dark. Thank you so much Carol for not only being a teacher, a mentor, and a friend, but also being a role model for what I still hope to do with my life. I would not be who I am if it weren’t for you and I am forever thankful to have known you. The only reason I hadn’t reached out to you in awhile was because I had wished to be so much greater than am, but I realize now that where we are at is enough, and I regret not letting you know what difference you made. Thank you for this beautiful watercolor you painted of me. I would give anything to paint alongside you one last time. Rest In Peace, dear friend.
December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020
Words cannot express how saddened I am by Carol’s passing. The world, and my life, and the lives of so many others are darker without her. She was a tremendous person in every way: supremely accomplished as an artist, teacher, author, and speaker; the most wonderful wife, mother, sister, and mother-in-law; the very best friend; and the greatest aunt and godmother anyone could hope to have. She always took the time to be there when I needed her, and she literally saved my sanity many times. She told the truth and helped me and others see it. She was accepting and nonjudgmental but told it like it was. She was creative and resourceful and generous and frugal. She was always a perfect hostess. She was so thoughtful; we’ve been exchanging birthday and Christmas gifts for decades, and the things she sent were always among our favorites, along with her homemade cards. She credited David as being the main reason for all of her professional accomplishments, and their marriage was always an enviable one. There were no better parents than Carol and David, and her children are the coolest people I’ve ever known. I admire her tremendously, as well as her life filled with integrity and purpose. She lived her life so well and to the very fullest. It just wasn’t long enough. All my love to David, Delaney, Isabel, Vanessa, Sharon, Jerry, and everyone else who mourns her passing. There will now always be a piece of my heart that is gone.
December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020
One of my biggest advocates and supporters. There was not an event, whether boxing match, DJ exhibition or birthday where she did not show up with a huge smile, her arms full of flowers and a beautiful hand painted card.

Carol was at more of our parties and events than anyone.. she loved to eat good food, drink great wine and hang out.

She made the best brownies.

Truly, it would be impossible to have any words to describe Carol's life and influence over me.. she will be part of my life forever.

I love you and miss you so much, Carol. SO much.
December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020
I was once at a Group Art Show and there was one picture I had to have. I lost it but I wanted that pic! I went to the gallery owner and asked, he said he'd get it for me. I got a call from him and he said the artist would deliver it.
 A couple of days later, I met the artist and we became instant BFF!! She was from Chgo, a Lithuanian, and an incredible human being. That was 20 years ago and we remained best friends, doing projects, serving on Boards and talking all the time!!
 She passed on Saturday and the loss is huge. Life will go on but never be the same!
December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
Carol, I love you and miss you so much! Carol was my dearest friend, a mentor, and my sister. I could always count on her to come through on her commitments and to tell the truth, no matter what. Carol was always honest with me. She was a dynamic, inspirational and respected professor in both art and art history. She was the glue that bound the Los Angeles Valley College Art Department together in both difficult and positive times. Carol genuinely thought of all her students as artists, and brought out artistic expression in every one of her students, both abled and disabled. I will miss sharing with her her encyclopedic knowledge of art, architecture, books, popular culture, archaeology, and performance. So much more I want to say, but I just do not know how. Wait! How could I have forgotten to mention her great sense of humor?!  My heart is broken, but Carol will always be an inspiration to me. My sincere condolences to all those whose lives she touched. David, Delaney, Isabelle, Vanessa, and all of the rest of your extended family, I wish you peace and love. 

December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
It would be impossible to put a limit on the wonderful things that can be said about Carol. She was a loving wife, a devoted mother, a respected educator, an adored teacher, a volunteer who worked with children, an avid reader, a world traveler, a talented painter, a brilliant photographer, a terrific writer, a ground-breaking multi-media artist – the first living woman to exhibit photos in the Louvre, a best friend to many and a good friend to so many more. She will surely be missed by everyone who had the good fortune of knowing her. But it is inconceivable that anyone could miss her more than me.

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