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September 4, 2017
September 4, 2017
Dear Carole:
The NTM gang misses you. Lyne, Jane and I still meet at Clydes but not as often. You were the glue to our foursome. We all miss you so much. Those few years of knowing you continues to bring me joy.
September 4, 2017
September 4, 2017
Happy Birthday dear Sister! You are so missed by family and friends but all of us are left with wonderful memories of your loving that, we are very fortunate.....but you know, I tell you each day how I miss you! Happy Birthday! Love You, Babe
September 4, 2017
September 4, 2017
We have a statue of a young girl holding a bird in Carole's garden, which I must stop and admire frequently. There is a brass plaque on it that has a line which says," the most important job is raising your children". A good job was done, and all of our grandchildren have turned out to be "gifted". A grandfather would say that anyway, but I do believe it.
September 4, 2017
September 4, 2017
To my dear mother: Annalise and I miss you every day in so many ways. We talk about you a lot because we feel you around us all the time. The world will never be the same without you but it is a better place because you were once here. Today, your birthday, has been the most gorgeous day of the year in Atlanta. We are enjoying it as you would - the first signs of Fall have arrived. Love to all of you who loved Carole. What a truly special person she was.
November 11, 2016
November 11, 2016
Dear Tats and Brandon, I've been thinking of you all day (though, now it's the next day). I so often think of your beautiful mother and how full of grace and joy and love she always was. She is such an inspiration to me. This date must be so hard for you to bear. Just know that so many of us are with you and love you and wish we could bear just a little bit of that pain for you. Love you always, Jeen
November 10, 2016
November 10, 2016
Mom - So, so, so beautiful in every way, and ever, ever, ever so missed by all. As mom aways signed her emails / notes: "LOVE!!!"
September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016
Happy birthday mom! You have no idea how much we all miss you; today and everyday.
September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016
Happy Birthday Susie! I think of you each day and want to email you daily to bring you up to date on the family and their cared so much for dear, you are so missed and loved so much....Love You, Babe
September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016
I read everyone's comments and memories of my little sister Suzie and the thing that was apparent to me was that all shared very similar emotions and comments; she was indeed a beautiful (in all the word's senses), loving, outgoing and sharing lady who immediately put strangers at ease. As always, I am hugely proud of her and will forever miss her unique and pleasurable personality and conversation.
May 14, 2016
May 14, 2016
Tara is my dearest friend, and I wanted to write down a few of my thoughts and memories of her lovely, wonderful mother. Carole was the embodiment of beauty and love. Not just physically beautiful and elegant, Carole would light up a room when she walked into it. She had a type of gentle, compassionate energy that put you at ease the moment you met her…..and she literally sparkled. I always loved talking to Carole - she made me feel like I was the most interesting person in the world when I was face to face with her.

It was so clear to me that, like others have said, her highest priority in life was her family. She was great with children, and I know that she simply adored her grandchildren. It was beautiful for me to witness the very close bond she shared with Tara and with Brandon. She was so, incredibly proud of them both.

I have many great memories of all the times we shared with Carole, Lee, Tara, Brandon, and their families. From parties at our old Plyers Mill house in the days before kids/grandkids, to the times I would come over to Carole and Lee’s house when Tara was home for a visit, to the birthday parties for Iona at our house with Annalise, Neil, Isabel, Tara, Brandon, Emily, Carole and Lee, to the garden parties… many wonderful times we all shared together. One of the most special things that Carole and Lee did for me and my family was hosting the engagement party for Raj and me. My cousins in Scotland still talk about that evening. Carole and Lee always made me feel like I was part of their family. I loved Carole and will remember her so, so fondly…..and will hold all these memories of our time together forever.

I am still having a hard time thinking that she is no longer walking on this earth, but that must mean that her love and spirit are so strong that they will always be here with us. My family – Raj, Etta, German, Calum, Iona, and my cousins in Scotland – all remember her with so much love.

One last thing I want to say is that I am very inspired by your mother, Tara and Brandon, and hope that as I go through life, I can be more like her.
May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016
You lite up my life with your kind words and awesome gestures of kindness,you were a tremedous friend. I had the pleasure of working with you for 14 years and kept in touch with friendly and loving emails and seeing you on special occasions.You had joy and such a sweet heart, your smile just made the whole room radiate. You will always remain in my heart and thoughts, and greatly missed.
May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016
I had the honor of serving as Carole's physician for the past 10 years or so. She is a woman of tremendous grace, courage, and kindness. I miss her dearly.
May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016
I had the pleasure to me Carole through my mother and Dr.Smith and in meeting her for the first time she had such positive energy and truly embraced life with a smile that infectious that energy just rubbing off on you. She always asked about me and how i was doing both in life and in school and was always so selfless and loving.
April 24, 2016
April 24, 2016
"I first met Carole in 4th grade and life took us in different paths after college, only to reconnect when we were both Grandmothers. How she loved her beautiful grandchildren, Neil, Annalise and Isabel!. We constantly shared pictures of our "Grans" and relished their accomplishments . Carole's dignity was legendary, but her strength and the unselfish way she handled this devastating disease of ALS taught all who knew her a life lesson not to be forgotten. Throughout her life, Carole was always one of the most beautiful girls I knew and her grace reminded me of the soft glide of a feather in a gentle breeze. Carole was truly one of a kind. Joy in my life will forever be enhanced by memories of her and deep sadness that she is gone for now.
April 9, 2016
April 9, 2016
Dear Sweet Carole: Truly a lady of extreme passion, love, devotion, elegance and beauty. I met Carole when she called me about the NTM illness and that she was going to the National Jewish Hospital (NJH) and wanted information about my experience with the disease and with the NJH. I called her several times while she was there to check in on her. Upon her return, we met at an NTM support group. It was then that we decided to do a monthly support group at a local restaurant to help and share with each other. Several others joined in. She often held support groups in her lovely home with her husband Lee and their two beautiful dogs. I remember when a few of us wanted to see her while she was ill and she said that would be fine as long as she did not cry. She was more concerned about our feelings than hers. That was Sweet Carole. Love of others always came first especially with her husband, children and grandchildren. An amazing woman and I will miss her so. Thank you Carole for your incredible friendship and supporting me through my own NTM. We will meet again.
April 9, 2016
April 9, 2016
Carole ( I grew up calling her Susie) was a dear cousin and friend. She was probably the only cousin that I knew really well since we both lived in the Washington, DC area. I looked forward to our occasional lunches and family gatherings. She was so wonderful to my dad when he lived alone after my mother died and came to visit him often at his house and also in the nursing home. She was so helpful to my sister and me helping to take him to appointments or just to take him out for a drive. She was a lovely, gracious person and I miss her a lot.
April 8, 2016
April 8, 2016
I have known Carole for 35 years. She was like a sister to me. We both shared an unconditional love to our children. We worried together, and cried together. She was the proudest mother I have ever met. She was so concerned about the injustice and poverty that surrounds us. A great humanitarian. I miss her terribly.
April 5, 2016
April 5, 2016
We first met Carole and Lee when we hosted them with family and other neighbors at our annual Fourth of July cookout. Carole's gracious thank you note to us for inviting the then "new kids on the block" (her words) and the delicious cole slaw recipe she shared with us were, in Bogey's words, "the beginning of a beautiful friendship". Carole was a generous friend, kind neighbor and warm, loving mother and grandmother. We shared chats in the alley ( our common meeting ground) , dog stories by the thousands, and holiday visits. She ended every conversation by asking after "our boys", even long after they had grown into young adulthood.We still haven't accepted that her brilliant smile no longer graces us. Gayle and I cherish the time we knew her and the memories we have of her friendship. We will miss her.
April 4, 2016
April 4, 2016
As I plant some flowers today I will see Carole blooming year after year. Hugs and hugs to her family.
April 3, 2016
April 3, 2016
Wow, my devotion to Carole is enormous and so there is so much to say.  An awesome human being with a smile that totally lit up the room and melted my heart....I think we met nearly 35 years ago and became brother and sister to a point.  we were 4 mo's apart in age and born within just a few miles of each other without ever having met until MFA.  she exuded charm, sophistication, elegance, humility and much more but the best is love to all she met.  as I sit here in tears, I bow my head and kneel to this fantastic creature of GOD.  may she rest in eternal peace and we should all be glad that the pain and suffering are now a thing of the past.  perfection has passed and cannot be found again.
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
Carole, I remember the day we first met and I know you did too. It was about 31 years ago and our friendship grew from that first meeting. I have never known anyone quite like you. You were and still are my inspiration, my confidant, the best mom there ever could be, the best wife, the best grandmother, the best friend anyone could ever want. I was so lucky. I have all those memories of us laughing, crying, singing, going to a ton of movies, aerobics class at GW in 1987 and me not being able to keep up with you, communicating without words, you finishing my sentences like an old married couple -- all of that and so much more. You had all the right values. You were so beautiful and I never saw you look at yourself -- only to refresh your lipstick. I am so lucky I got to spend a lot of time with you this past year. There was always laughter - even when you could not speak. I could see it in your eyes and you always had a "thumbs up" for me when I entered your bedroom. I was with you the day you got Jakey for the first time. You loved Amber, Jakey and Snickers so very much and they you. You had such a love and respect for animals and nature. We always agreed politically as well! You loved your father and I am so glad I met your mother. Your children made you so proud. And you adored your grandchildren. I will never forget my 60th birthday party that you and Lee graciously held in your home. My friends and 93 year old father talked about that party for years (and we know he lived 4.5 additional healthy years)! You also celebrated my 70th birthday in your home - a Sunday brunch -- you, me and 14 other female friends who celebrated with us. I feel your spirit with me all the time and am grateful to Fate that we met, that we shared so many wonderful, meaningful memories that a true friend shares. I love you and yes, I miss you each and every day.
March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016
Carole (Aunt Susie) as we would call her was not only an Aunt to us but also a dear friend. She was loving, caring and always had such a positive outlook that was contagious for Philip & I. We have so many fond memories together of the time we spent with her that we will always cherish. We have a special place in our heart for Aunt Susie. She is missed dearly and will never be forgotten.  - Philip & Samira
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
Carole’s life was surely God’s prize gift to our children, Tara and Brandon and grandchildren Neil, Annalise and Isabel. She was the perfect mother and grandmother, always offering unbounded love and support.  Watching them as their futures unfold will serve to constantly remind us of Carole’s loving influence. 

Carole will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
Carole was the light of my life. She was a beautiful, kind, caring, and loving wife. She had a great sense of humor and had a smile that would light up any room. Her dogs, Jake and Snickers, miss her too. She was a champion for the sick, underprivileged, and animals. I miss her deeply and memories of her will stay with me forever.
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
As a child, my mom was my world, and she remained my best friend through adulthood. We would often spontaneously pick up the phone to call each other and find the other already on the line, magically! We could finish each other's thoughts. No one knew me better than she did, and her love for me was strong and absolutely unconditional.

The older I grew, the more I realized how many others cherished my mom as I did. I was so proud of her character. Her calm and modest demeanor, gentle grace, and natural beauty were so unique and astounding to all who were fortunate enough to know her. She took pride in all that she did and was dedicated first and foremost to her family, but also to her friends, neighbors, coworkers, and all four-legged creatures, including especially her two labradoodles.

She never complained as she struggled with ALS - not even once - nor expressed feeling sorry for herself or being bitter in the face of this devastating disease. Instead, she was courageous, strong, and accepting, concerned only about the impact of her illness on others.

My heart is forever broken, and I know so many others' hearts are, too, including that of my precious Annalise, cherished granddaughter. Let's remember her and smile, and feel inspired by her wonderfully-led life and beautiful character.
February 24, 2016
February 24, 2016
Carole was the most beautiful and kind person one could ever imagine. She was the best mother hands-down. She loved her family, which included her dogs, like crazy!!! We all miss her more and more with each passing day. Please click on the 'Her Life' link above to read more about our mom, the lovely Carole Sue Smith.
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