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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Caroline Murphy 66 years old , born on June 21, 1908 and passed away on July 17, 1976. We will remember her forever.

June 21
June 21
Aunt Cathy. I think of you so often. You were a very special person in my life and I am so blessed to o have had you. I know that you are with most of your loved ones, your Mom, Dad ,Sister, and some of your children. But Auntie, there are still some of us waiting to join you. 
You gave me two beautiful vases when I got my very first apartment and I still have them on my bedroom dresser. They remind me of how happy you were when you were going to the different markets to find goodies. I will cherish these vases forever and when it gets close to my time to join you all who have gone on, I'll pass them on to your Granddaughter Trisha. Until I see you again, know that your Niece Nancy loves you very much.
June 21
June 21
Hi Nana. Audrey ( Mom ) has reunited with you and family ; Garry is in seclusion , I haven't heard from him in almost 9 months . Life was good when you visited our family at Pine Close . I think you would have enjoyed the extended family with the great-grandchildren . Love, Jeff
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Aunt Caty. I think of you often and how much you meant to my mom. Although you were so different from each other, you had this special bond and love for each other. I have never experienced anything like that but I always felt as though you loved me as much as if I was your daughter. I remember the time you babysat me and I had an open house party. You didn't get angry with me but I think you were worried that my dad would be more than angry so you and mom never told him. Thanks for saving my butt.  I know you are in Heaven. Where else would someone as special as you be. I hope to see you again one day and I'll love you always
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Hi Nana, We miss you a lot; Garry is a proud grandfather to his two grandkids. Trisha is going through a rough patch , but she will survive it with Sue's help. Mom is turning 96 soon and we hope she is around another few years . I am down in Florida slathering on sunscreen and texting mom everyday on the cell phone. Hope you are eating lots of Jelly donuts and enjoying heaven .
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
hi mom i think of you often,and will always miss youyou would love trish .i know how much you would have loveed to have seen her before you left.she has turned out great and her sons and the light of my life..i love love and miss you
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Dear Mom,
Happy Birthday in Heaven. Another year has gone by and I am going to become 96 in a couple of months. There have been so many times that I have wished you were by my side once more. I have cancer and will be with you and all those that have passed on before me very soon. I hope when I pass that I will see you once more and give you a big hug and kiss. Life here in these United States is no longer the good place it was when you were here.
June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021
Hi Nana, What I remember best is Garry and I getting into mischief, and you bringing over jelly-filled donuts on your visits to mom back in the late 50s, 60s and early 70s. I remember you watching Perry Mason and your admiration
for the handsome Raymond Burr . I remember how much you liked mashed potatoes . I like them too so I take after you there . Garry did one thing right and that was having Trish; Garry's legacy will be the hundreds of hours spent caring for the grandkids . It is hard to believe that mom ( Audrey ) lived to be older than you . Rest in peace, love, Jeff
June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021
Dear Mon,
Happy Birthday in heaven and I know that if anyone is in Heaven, it had better be you because you spent your entire life caring for others. I cherish my memories of you and think of you all the time and miss you and love you.'
Love always,
Your daughter, Audrey
June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021
mom i miss you ,you would have loved to have spoiled trish shes, grown into a great mom caring and loveing like you.i think of you garry
July 17, 2019
July 17, 2019
My mom, out of necessity, was basically a career woman or breadwinner as
the case may be. But, when she wasn't working,, she did as much as she possible could for the family. She raised my three half brothers and worked while she was doing it. She was a good sister to AnnaMay and a good Aunt to Nancy. Even though I was raised by her mom whom I called "Nanny", she and I developed a very close relationship after I graduated from High School, for which I will always be thankful. Miss you and love you Mom, Love, Audrey
June 21, 2019
June 21, 2019
Dear Mom,
I'm catching up to you, I'm almost 93 years old. I'm so glad that you and I became so close before you passed on. We had a lot of mother/daughter talks and even though we never said "I love you" to each other, I know you loved me and I know that you understood how much I loved you too. You were a wonderful "Nana" to my sons, don't know how I could have handled them all without your help. Rest in peace my sweet mom.
July 8, 2017
July 8, 2017
Dear Mom,
You and I were separated for most of my first seventeen years, but
you more then made up for it by becoming very close to me after. You were always there when I needed you and that was very often. You were a good "Nana" to my boys and you and I became best friends.
I loved you and I hope you knew that. Miss you so very much.
July 5, 2017
July 5, 2017
Aunt Caty, I'll never forget how loving you were. You always made me feel special and loved and, my Mother, your Sister AnnaMae, loved you so very much too.

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Recent Tributes
June 21
June 21
Aunt Cathy. I think of you so often. You were a very special person in my life and I am so blessed to o have had you. I know that you are with most of your loved ones, your Mom, Dad ,Sister, and some of your children. But Auntie, there are still some of us waiting to join you. 
You gave me two beautiful vases when I got my very first apartment and I still have them on my bedroom dresser. They remind me of how happy you were when you were going to the different markets to find goodies. I will cherish these vases forever and when it gets close to my time to join you all who have gone on, I'll pass them on to your Granddaughter Trisha. Until I see you again, know that your Niece Nancy loves you very much.
June 21
June 21
Hi Nana. Audrey ( Mom ) has reunited with you and family ; Garry is in seclusion , I haven't heard from him in almost 9 months . Life was good when you visited our family at Pine Close . I think you would have enjoyed the extended family with the great-grandchildren . Love, Jeff
June 27, 2022
June 27, 2022
Aunt Caty. I think of you often and how much you meant to my mom. Although you were so different from each other, you had this special bond and love for each other. I have never experienced anything like that but I always felt as though you loved me as much as if I was your daughter. I remember the time you babysat me and I had an open house party. You didn't get angry with me but I think you were worried that my dad would be more than angry so you and mom never told him. Thanks for saving my butt.  I know you are in Heaven. Where else would someone as special as you be. I hope to see you again one day and I'll love you always
Recent stories

Memories of Mom

June 21, 2021
My earliest memory was when I was about 5 or 6 and she was upstairs looking out the window while I played outside.  I called up to her, I forget what I called her and she said, Don't call me that and I answered what do you want me to call you? and she pauded a while and then said,  Just call me Mamadear so I did and every two minutes I called Mama dear and she finally said, OK that's enough !   LOL  funny but sad when I think about it.

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My Mom, Caroline Snyder Murphy

July 7, 2017

My poor Mom was a very intelligent woman, HOWEVER, when it came to selecting a mate, she failed, not once, but twice.  She married my father, Daniel Maloney, who was a Policeman in Tuckaho and Eastchester, NY.  He was insanelyj ealous of her so they divorced, and weeks later, I was born,  My mom had to work and got a job with the Tarrytown, NY Telephone Company while her mom, whom I always called Nanny, raised me, with the help of Mom's sister AnnaMae.

When I was four, Mom remarried Garrett Murphy and had three sons by him, Tommy, Bobby and Garry.  Brother Tom became a "top Sergeant in the Army and brother Bob passed away after going through many different health issues,  Brother Garry is still alive and lliving with his daughter Tricia,

My Mom worked all her life, mostly with the New York Telephone Co. as an operator.  She enjoyed  participating in Flea Markets and going on trips with the Telephone Company Pioneers which she was a member of.  Mom had some very close friends and will be remembered and missed by all of us.  I loved you
very much Mom, and I wish I had told you so, but I think you knew.  Audrey

Here Comes Aunt Caty

July 5, 2017

I'd look out the window and see Aunt Caty get out of her car with a box of goodies from the bakery and my Mom, Aunt Caty and I would go into the kitchen and have tea and whatever great bakery item Aunt Caty had brought that day.  I remember the way Mom and Aunt Caty would go on and talk and laugh and I would just sit there, listen, and fill my face with goodies and wish I had a sister just like Aunt Caty.  She was so loving and kind and I miss her and will always remember her.   

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