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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Carolyn Woods-Etheridge, 62 years old, born on December 7, 1940, and passed away on February 4, 2003. We will remember her forever.

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Leaving. Cemetery with Nicholas

March 31, 2017

Soon after my mother's death I took Nicholas to the cemetery to visit my mother  in her birthday.  As we were leaving I was soaking wet with years trying to not let Nicholas see me I looked in my rearview mirror and saw Nicholas was crying just as sad as I was, he was only two years  old. It was quite clear I had an angel of a child with a heart of gold. I immediately pulled over and got in the back seat to hold  this beautiful being. I'll never ever forget  this moment as long as I lived, it touched my heart beyond words.... 

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