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July 6, 2020
Silhouette Carrie Holston will be sorely missed by the Carrollton Douglasville Kappa Silhouettes. She was a faithful servant, not only to her local chapter, serving a term as President, but she also served regionally as the Southeast region Treasurer, until she had to step aside due to her illness. Always willing to serve in the earthly realm, she has now accepted the highest calling of service. Beverly White, CDAC Silhouettes of GA.

Slap at the Airport

July 3, 2020
I remember one year flying into Atlanta airport to visit Mike and Carrie. They had called me to let me know they were in the area and I had gathered my luggage and was waiting outside the terminal. I was looking left and right for either the car, or for Mike or Carrie. Suddenly, from behind me I felt a 'love tap' on my right cheek. Upon turning immediately in that direction, there was Carrie, grinning from ear to ear while saying "looking for us?". Then she grabbed me and gave me a big hug! That was Carrie always, fun, playful, caring. We miss her smile and her wise cracks (she had sarcasm down to a science). Memories we will cherish forever.

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