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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Catherine Cohoon, 63 years old, born on January 27, 1914, and passed away on April 4, 1977. We will remember her forever.
January 28, 2020
January 28, 2020
Happy 106th Birthday Mom, I love you and miss you so much! What I wouldn't give to hug you one more time and tell you face to face how much I love you and miss hearing you sing with Aunt Tiny in church. You were such a strong woman I wish I could be half the person you were for taking care of all of us kids and always being there for us. Rest In Peace Mom until we are reunited in Heaven. Bless You!
January 26, 2019
January 26, 2019
Mom it is going to be 44 years you passed April 4 2019. Miss you & love you forever. R.I.P. You were the greatest Mother. There never a day go by since you passed that I don't think of you. You raised 7 wonderful children and you gave up a lot to make sure we were taken care of right.
March 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
Mom it has been almost 40 years since you left us and I still miss you every single day. I love you more than I can say and would give anything to talk to you one more time. Our family lost a wonderful, strong woman on the day you passed. I Love You! Rest In Peace.
March 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
Miss you Grandma. My memories of you are few but ones I cherish. Love you. Rest in Peace.

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January 28, 2020
January 28, 2020
Happy 106th Birthday Mom, I love you and miss you so much! What I wouldn't give to hug you one more time and tell you face to face how much I love you and miss hearing you sing with Aunt Tiny in church. You were such a strong woman I wish I could be half the person you were for taking care of all of us kids and always being there for us. Rest In Peace Mom until we are reunited in Heaven. Bless You!
January 26, 2019
January 26, 2019
Mom it is going to be 44 years you passed April 4 2019. Miss you & love you forever. R.I.P. You were the greatest Mother. There never a day go by since you passed that I don't think of you. You raised 7 wonderful children and you gave up a lot to make sure we were taken care of right.
March 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
Mom it has been almost 40 years since you left us and I still miss you every single day. I love you more than I can say and would give anything to talk to you one more time. Our family lost a wonderful, strong woman on the day you passed. I Love You! Rest In Peace.
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