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April 25
April 25
Hi Chad!
Thank you for all your help this week-you have been busy. I’m sure it wasn’t easy and hasn’t been easy on my side either.

As you’ve seen I made it to Allen outlet Cheddars, & Chick Filet. Sushi is avail this wknd. I’ll get a monster slice of cake for us both. I’m passing on carrot bc the rainbow is happier and more celebratory. You’ll see soon!
PS wtf am i gunna wear?!
“Your Sister”
April 22
April 22
Hi Chad This is our sad day for you altho everyday is April 22, 2005 for all of us here in one way or another. Mostly we miss you so very very much. Me & Jes went to see Madonna 2 weeks ago in Miami of all places. While we were taking it all in Jes said I wonder if Chad would behave gone with me if he was here or if all of us would have gone. I definitely think me you & Jes would have gone together and you would have loved it as much as we did. These are the thoughts we always have, We wonder what, if you were here.
Now you have Larry with you and that is also so sad. This is the first year he has missed writing his wonderful thoughts to you. I miss that too as he wrote, more like spoke, so very thoughtfully to you every year on this day. I am really grateful that he did.
I may write a bit more on here later today.
But for now, I’m going to say I love & miss you so much. And see you in heaven one day.
Love Mom / Mumsy
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Dear Chad
Hi It’s yer good ole Mom. I miss you so much Today is Christmas and I wish I could wish you Merry Christmas. I wonder if it would be a FaceTime call or in person with one of your famous hugs where you have to hunch down bc ur so tall and I’m so short. If it was a FaceTime call I wonder where you would be calling from and what kind of professional living you would be making and I would listen to how you’re doing and not want to hang up. But I’m sure you would be happy wherever that would be. Jess continues to be such an incredible support to me no matter what is going on. I got to see her when she came when I had my hip replacement Dec. 6th. You would be so proud that she is your sister and I always imagine the relationship the two of you had would still be strong and beautiful. All in all I wish was happy though… maybe you can focus on helping to make that happen, ☺️ I’m sure you and Larry have been hanging out and catching up on all Lar left behind when he passed away August 30. Poor Deb & Cody I am so very sad for them Fir one thing Debbie says he always made her laugh and cooked amazingly for her, including bringing her her plate and taking it when she was through. It’s the little things, you know and I have a million of those where you are concerned also and cherish. Please tell Lar how much I miss him and our phone calls and texts. He was not just my great brother in law, but also my friend ❤️. Matt is here for Christmas! As you know he’s still my rock and laughter thru everyday of my life. I’m glad he’s here to help right now too… wow u should see the to do list that Deb & I made for him Hahaha. But he won’t mind you and I both know Matt, right? In closing first & foremost, the amount love & how much I miss you is immeasurable. 2nd ly, please continue to watch over and keep safe everyone near & dear to me and you, especially your sister who loves & remembers perfect you.
Love always
Your Mumsy
April 10, 2023
April 10, 2023
Chad, Chad, Chad.
Thank you for showing yourself everyday.
I know you are looking after us.
I miss you. We ALL miss you. I know you see that.
Love, Your Sister
August 6, 2022
August 6, 2022
And oops I typo'd your age is 36. Not 38. Sorry Chad! But also meant to say thank you for watching over all of us It's s big job sometimes but please keep up the good work. ❤️
August 6, 2022
August 6, 2022
Happy Birthday with love to my beautiful son Chad who would have been 38 today - But is Forever Young to his family & friends & who we all adored for 18 years and since u became an Angel in heaven, we also on occasion wonder what kind of hair days you might be having in heaven. When I think too much I get awesome dream visits from Chad. Many times in those dreams I'm getting one of his great hugs which he had to lean over to give pretty much everybody bc he was 6'1". Chad gave the very best hugs. Other dreams are when he's younger. Recently I dreamt of us holding hands while walking down a small town street sidewalk (probably Granville). He was only about 7. He then asked me "Mom why are so many people were wearing garden shoes"...I explained they were wearing a shoe brand called Crocs and come in many different styles & colors. To which he responded in an oh so Chad way, "Oh I thot there were just an awful lot of people with gardens!" Chad loved his family and friends and was a good friend back to his friends.
When he was very little, Jes would let him be in her room so she could teach him her favorite music like Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, Boy George, George Michael, Cindy Lauper and many other late 80s early 90s big hit artists. Jes was a pre-teen but never minded hanging out with her baby brother. Later as he got older she loved taking him shopping to teach him how to have his own clothes style. What she taught him (& bought him) really had an impact because he was voted best dressed at Glenwood High his Sr year.. a very large high school! Chads high school years went by so fast but he made the best of the years by being involved with the school & his community. In Keys Club, the kids would meet on Saturday mornings to clean up trash along the roads in town. Sometimes it was wet & rainy but he went anyway. That was just how Chad & his friends were committed to each other, being leaders, proud of their community & school and setting good examples to those around them. I definitely wonder like all of us who love & miss him everyday, where and who he would be leading today if he was still here. I love you & miss you my beautiful son.
Love Mom
August 6, 2022
August 6, 2022
Good Morning Chad, Happy 36th heavenly Birthday, we sure miss you , don't know if I told you and I know you know Cody has two boys, Julian and Griffin , We get Julian a few time a week and he is such a hand full could you grab him by the belt loop and slow him down ? Thanks , I know your whole family is thinking of you today as they do most every day , Not as mush as your Mother and Sister . We all love and miss you say hello to all family the is up there with you Love Ya Bro
April 22, 2022
April 22, 2022
Good Morning chad , did Jess's pup make it there with you and Zoe ? we all sure miss you everyone is doing well, Debbie sends her love we have 2 new grand kids , yes Cody had 2 boys Julian and Griffin, Julian is a hand full , o look at me I am just going on and on , I will let you go , but before I do I want you to know YOUR MOTHER LOVES AND MISSES YOU EVERY DAY MORE . O ya Matt was in Florida with her this past week . well dude dance with those angels love and miss you , until we meet again
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022

I’ve been thinking about you alot lately. Miss you terribly. Sure wish my kids would have gotten to meet you. We’ve been enjoying going to a psychic medium a little bit just so we can hear you say hi again and know that you’re in heaven. Even though she was a little off last time and maybe a little embellished, pretty much everything she’s said about you has been spot on. Really love hearing from you in that way. The railroad comment really, really got us last year! Thanks for watching out for us. Til we meet again! ❤️
August 6, 2021
August 6, 2021
Hi Chad ,
Wow can believe it has been 35 yrs since the took you home ,Ya know your aunt Debbie an I finely tie the not I also have a grandson and on on the way,
I have been doing a lot of canning Deb is going try to take some to Texas, I know right remember when we drove you home from Texas ? Fun right , I remember also staying over in Springfield what fun times , we sure miss you, and Love you , hope you are parting with grand-pa Happy Birthday Hon Love ya
August 6, 2021
August 6, 2021
Happy Birthday in Heaven My Beautiful Son

You wouldn't believe the world today. There is a new "flu"...that has made the regular flu disappear. It is called CoVid 19 and nothing like any other flu you had when you were here. People have been made to wear face masks and stay 6 feet apart in order not to infect one another. Gramma is 82 and has never experienced anything like this in her life even. But it is real and no one knows if it will ever go away so please keep an extra watch over all of us as you know our family continues to grow so that is a big job!

You know we ALL continue to miss you and remember you in the many many ways you touched our lives.

If only one more time we could spend with you to see your bright smile, to laugh together, to have one more of those hugs of yours where you have to bend down to reach us short people. I know you are passing those along to all you see in your world now though and that is all I ask.

Happy Birthday my son I miss and love you more than I can ever ever say.
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
Damm kid whoops MAN almost forgot about this , thanks for reminding me buddy,
Its been 16 yrs now since you passed , You can't even imagine how much everyone misses you, But I am sure you know and thank you for keeping an eye on all of us Ya know Cody had a baby , so that makes one more , And I know your mother misses you she is the strongest person I know To make Carrot cake today LOL
I know what you mean Dude I will talk later Keep you peepers open on my wild Grandson Love and miss you dude
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
It’s carrot cake day Chad. How you loved it I can’t even count the many ways or even know the whys. But as with all things you were selective, passionate and thoughtful about who and what you liked for your special reasons so it is not for me to ponder, it’s just for us all to smile as we remember & say Yes Chad sure loved carrot cake!
I love and miss you so much my beautiful son. Thank you also for continuing to watch over your loving family & friends who speak of you often and miss you so very very much.
Love, Mom
August 6, 2020
August 6, 2020
Another year  hope you are dancing in the sky everyone misses you , until we meet again
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
Just a note to say everyone here missed you , Its been 15 yrs but it seems like yesterday we all at Gram Barbs eating and Riding the golf cart around your family has gotten so big and doing so well Hell I think they own the county ask you Mom . can't wait to se you again Love ya dude 
August 6, 2019
August 6, 2019
Missing you so much Chad. Have you had your birthday cherry cheesecake today with 33 trick candles on top to blow out? I know if I had one wish it would be that you were here to celebrate this August 6th, the day that you were born. I would make sure that Berlin Take My Breath Away would be playing. That is the song that always seemed to calm you as a baby if u were fussy bc I would walk around the house with you cradled in my arms and sing it softly to you. A beautiful song for my beautiful baby boy. 1986
August 6, 2019
August 6, 2019
Happy Birthday Chad We all miss you so much we visit you a lot , Deb says she really misses you and grandpa , hope you guys are together in heaven 
April 22, 2019
April 22, 2019
My buddy Chad How I miss you How your family & friends miss you. It’s impossible to explain the empty feeling yet there is at comfort thru sharing our 18 years of beautiful memories and priceless. What is not inexplicable tho is when we hear certain songs come on the radio seemingly at the exact time it’s needed, which at times provides strength. Then there are the random “Chad sightings” we all experience no matter where we travel and can’t wait to share with each other. Again providing strength as well as the surreal feeling that you are remain so close in our hearts, minds and daily lives.
I miss you & love you my handsome forever young son.
April 21, 2019
April 21, 2019
Chad another Yr WOW  we so miss you , I know your Mother is having a hard time . You will never be forgotten we all love and miss you , I know when the lord call me home I will be building Lego's with you , we will make a stairway
to Heaven so all all relatives can come visit . Love ya Bro
August 6, 2018
August 6, 2018
Happy Birthday Chad you are miss by all , How is Zoe? I hope she is fine also could you say hey to my brothers Lee and Louie , and if you have time my mom and dad ,
hope you are having a party with the Angeles I know I will be see you , We all love and miss you
August 6, 2018
August 6, 2018
Happy Birthday with love to my beautiful son Chad who would have been 32 today - But is Forever Young to his family & friends & who on occasion wonder what kind of hair days he might be having in heaven. When I think too much I get awesome dream visits from Chad. Many times I'm getting one of his great hugs which he had to lean over to give pretty much everybody bc he was 6'1". Chad gave the very best hugs. Other dreams are when he's younger. Recently I dreamt of us holding hands while walking down a small town street sidewalk (probably Granville). He was only about 7. He then asked me "Mom why are so many people were wearing garden shoes"...I explained they were wearing a shoe brand called Crocs and come in many different styles & colors. To which he responded in an oh so Chad way, "Oh I thot there were just an awful lot of people with gardens!" Chad loved his family and friends and was a good friend back to his friends.
When he was little Jes & he used to play Madonna’s music so she could teach him the words. Likewise Prince, Michael Jackson, Boy George, George Michael, Cindy Lauper and many other early 90s big hit artists. Jes was a pre-teen but never minded hanging out with her baby brother. Later as he got older she loved taking him shopping to teach him how to have his own clothes style. What she taught him (& bought him) really had an impact because he was voted best dressed at Glenwood High his Sr year.. a very large high school! Chads high school years went so fast but he made the best of the years by being involved with the school & his community. In Keys Club, the kids would meet on Saturday mornings to clean up trash along the roads in town. Sometimes it was wet & rainy but he went anyway. That was just how Chad & his friends were committed to each other, being leaders, proud of their community & school and setting good examples to those around them. I definitely wonder like all of us who love & miss him everyday, where and who he would be leading today if he was still here. I don’t know if it’s possible to miss you & love you as much as I do. I just wish you were here. But you are our angel always watching out for us and showing us in ways we least suspect until it happens.
Happy Birthday with love forever & always
April 22, 2018
April 22, 2018
Chad, Deb and I are thinking of you today and always thank you for watching over all of us Love and miss you, I hope you see Louie and Lee up there in heaven , Bet you are building all kinda of stuff up there , You are gods helper I can just bet .
August 6, 2017
August 6, 2017
My Chad I miss you so very much every single day & today of course I wish I could make you your favorite cherry cheese cake like you loved for your birthday...well you loved that anytime I made it. You were always such a wonderful & loving son. I'm just so sorry you are gone.
I love you. Love Always , Mom
August 6, 2017
August 6, 2017
Happy 31st birthday in heaven. I know you are having a big party in heaven with all who have joined you, Everyone here loves and misses you ,
August 6, 2017
August 6, 2017
Happy 31st birthday in heaven. I know you are having a big party in heaven with all who have joined you, Everyone here loves and misses you ,
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Chad I miss you awful every single day. We have a million great memories to always talk about and thank God for pictures. The world sure has not gotten friendlier since you went to heaven. For that, I'm glad that you don't have to experience. But the love you gave us and that we have for you is peaceful & forever. I love & miss you with all my heart. "Mumsey"
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Its been 12 yrs since you went to be with the Lord, I know there is nothing anyone can say how they feel , but I know you are missed very much each and every day , I know how much everyone loves you. Hope you are playin with Jackson Zoe and Reba .
August 6, 2016
August 6, 2016
I am rewriting this for the 3rd time (website issues)since this morning. Carly texted me this morning and said how much she loved and missed Her cousin Chad. She also wondered how Chad might celebrate his 30th birthday if he was here. That also got me thinking & I do believe he would choose to be with as many of his family and friends as possible bc of all the good times on passed birthdays.

We learned very early in his life that Chad preferred my cherry cheese cake over birthday cake so that was always a given each August 6th. If there was to be cake also tho, he wanted carrot cake! (Even the single serving ones in gas stations when it wasn't his birthday) Chad would always be humble while being honored on his birthday, and delight & appreciate the gifts he would receive. He was not spoiled altho it was fun & easy to spoil him with something as simple as a new beanie baby for his collection. He also collected very nice model cars and loved crowding his bedroom shelves whenever someone bought him a new one, which he routinely dusted. He also used his own spending money to buy his model cars, altho on the allowance I could afford it would take him a while to save, but he'd meet his goal and off to the mall we'd go. I could go on & on about Chad's ways, his likes & dislikes. Mostly I need to say he was a wonderful loving son who didn't grumble a whole lot when contributing to chores assigned.... Except he did not like doing dishes...but who on earth does? Happy 30th in Heaven Chad. That's not a lot of candles on a little cherry cheese cake, but be dramatic as you want, & maybe put some on that carrot cake too. Love "Mumsey"
May 6, 2016
May 6, 2016
I finally got to spend Jes's birthday with her. We hadnt done that since you went to heaven. Words cant describe how badly we still miss you every single day - no matter what is going on. The last time you were in Texas remember the fun we had at Pasado's, And at Macaroni Grill when you hung that giant spoon on your nose & of course your favorite Bluefish Sushi down on lower Greenville. I never knew anyone could love sushi as much as you did, but I think your cousin Shawna comes pretty close. Our memories of you live on like a tape recording constantly playing in our minds. If only, if only you were still here to tell you again again that I love you.
April 22, 2016
April 22, 2016
“Remembering with you, the life of someone so dear
We have no Idea how you mangage each day with out you son. we pray everyday for peace in your life. God Bell you.

Chad be with your mother this day as we know you are each day. Love you Bro Miss you
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Happy birthday my friend, I know the angels are singing today in heaven. We all miss and love you.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Happy Birthday I am sure u light up heaven as you shined on earth.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Happy birthday Chad! What we wouldn't give to have you back here with us. I love and miss you more and more every day.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Happy Birthday Chad. We all miss you so very much. We think of you often and miss you dearly. We miss your wit, charm, and sass. But most of all we just miss and love you.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Happy Birthday Chad! I think about you everyday and wish you were here with all of us.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Feliz Cumpleaños amigo Chad!!!
Hope you are having a flan
Great memories Of you
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Chad, the clue bus is feeling a little empty and unused these days. Also, my X-men knowledge has waned dramatically. Kennedy asks about you often and we always tell her how fun you were. Happy birthday in Heaven. We miss you terribly Earthside.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
My sweet friend, I'm so incredibly grateful for the time we had together. Your charm, sense of humor, and ability to light up every room you walked into are memories I will forever hold in my heart. I love you Peaches.
August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015
Happy Birthday my beautiful loving son. We all miss having fun with you, teaching you, sharing our lives with you.. every single day. Bet the angels have made u the best 5 layer carrot cake Uve ever ever had ...with trick candles of course to blow out. I love you so very much. Mom

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