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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Charles Carr 31 years old , born on December 3, 1984 and passed away on May 7, 2016. We will remember him forever.

May 7
8 long years...
  I miss you Freddy...
I loved you yesterday, and I will love you tomorrow. I will love you throughout our lifetimes together
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
7 years...7 years without you. Some days I still can't manage to breathe without you.
  I'll love you for a million lifetimes... See you on the other side
May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022
It's've been gone for 6 long ass years. I miss you Charles my love. I miss your voice, your smell, your touch, your eyes.
  Thank you for always being around us...YOU know what I mean. 
   I absolutely love you
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
Well, today is 4 years since you were allowed to fly with your tattered wings. You were set free, and I became caged. I am not the same without you, you know that. The kids and I miss you more than you can imagine. I love you my dear. Missing you, my love, today and always
May 7, 2019
May 7, 2019
My 3rd year without you Charles. It seems like you have been gone forever. I am so honored to be your last wife, your last love, and you are still mine. Keep flying high babe. I will find you on the other side.
May 7, 2018
May 7, 2018
Here I 2nd year without you. When you went away, I lost my my soulmate, my husband, and my best friend. I just wanted more time with you. I can't get over the fact that you aren't physically here with me..and I never will. I miss you my love. See you on the other side. I love you my love❤
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
I love you my love. I miss you more than you will ever know. Save me a seat beside you.... I will be seeing you on the other side. Love ya babe..

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Recent Tributes
May 7
8 long years...
  I miss you Freddy...
I loved you yesterday, and I will love you tomorrow. I will love you throughout our lifetimes together
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
7 years...7 years without you. Some days I still can't manage to breathe without you.
  I'll love you for a million lifetimes... See you on the other side
May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022
It's've been gone for 6 long ass years. I miss you Charles my love. I miss your voice, your smell, your touch, your eyes.
  Thank you for always being around us...YOU know what I mean. 
   I absolutely love you
Recent stories

My soulmate

May 8, 2017

Met Charles through JR... It was at CR and i asked about his tattoos. We were CR buddies for a few weeks. He kept asking me when i was taling him HOME... Well, needless to say, once we started talking, we never stopped. Yeah, he needed to come HOME❤ I had never been with anyone like him before. He not only won me over, but also was a SOLID, LOVING man of the house. Hell, he even won over                I will always be honored to be his bonded wife. I will love him forever. Be watching for me...i will see you on the other side... We can dance in the stars and swing on the moon. I LOVE YOU CHARLES MY LOVE 

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