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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, CHARLES BAIERLE, 83, born on May 9, 1928 and passed away on September 3, 2011. We will remember him forever. Please feel free to leave a story, picture or video of yourself and your memories of Charles and his family.

May 9
May 9
The toddler picture of Dad that I just uploaded is also my screensaver. There's not a day that goes by that I don't get to see the wonderful origins of your life. You would have been 96 today, and I bet "just as handsome as ever!" I love you, Dad; thank you for watching over all of us from the other side.
September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023
Hi dad, mom, Greg and I were remembering together about your golf tournaments! Such a fun time with family and friends ❤️ Sure do miss them! I know you would love your beautiful great grandchildren, I can see you in some of them especially our little Calvyn. Miss you and love you so much!
September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023
Thinking of you as our life is flying by. Kim was out yesterday helping with construction for more of my items. Jonathan power washed the front porch, Cindy is on a trip to visit some of the relatives in Portland/Seattle area. Sandra and Ron placed first with his spiffy auto. Walt & I are winding down, but enjoying every minute. We miss you but the memories of you are clear in our minds. OK to be truthful it's day to day and we are so grateful you were my brother!! May see you before long! 
September 3, 2023
September 3, 2023
I remember many Labor Day weekend traditions: decorating our home for Fall, watching the tennis US Open, and your famous Golf Invitationals in Snohomish. Now those traditions include a tribute to your well-lived life. You and Mom now have two more great-grandkids; Rachel had fraternal twins; two boys: Alex Kelly Mayes, and Jake Patrick Mayes, middle names given in honor of their grandfathers. I believe you still have influence from the other side; thanks for watching over your growing family. Love, "Lynnie Pooh Pooh," one of your nicknames for me that I never should have shared with a girlfriend cuz she uses it occasionally!
May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
Sign on has changed so spent way too long getting here. As always Walt & I spent reliving Chucks prior birthdays..reminiscing the visits and how fast time is flying. Must just take time thinking happy thoughts and enjoying every day we are blessed with good health. Love ya.. Just Me                                  
May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
I called Mom yesterday to wish her "Dad's Happy 94th birthday" and was corrected, Dad would have been 95! She believed that you would have been as spry and handsome as ever. Love, and hope, spring eternal :-). As Cassie just said, "See ya soon," but not too soon, right?!
May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023
Happy Heavenly birthday! I was just thinking that I was a little jealous that you are living with Jesus with your new body. Not a day goes by that I remember how very lucky I was to have such an amazing dad <3 See you soon!
September 3, 2022
September 3, 2022
The world is spinning, you would be amazed. Memories of you give me great comfort! Childhood was perfect, later life was was exciting, you gave me so much joy! You are missed every day. Age is day to day but memories are still there. Love you, now & forever! Sis aka Lois
May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022
Dad you would be 93 today. But instead, just enjoy that eternal youth you have on the other side of the veil. You have been outside of our reach for 10 years now; that's too long. Hugs, Lyn
May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022
Happy Birthday Bro, busy days around here. go to Stanford for my 4th battery change, so should be up and running again in a couple days. While I am waiting for whatever Dr. uses to wipe out new thoughts, I will go to my special place and think of the summer times, (special times) we spent together..I'll be 6 and you are 10, your chasing me with those ugly crawdad's, (can share now that most of my screams came because you were laughing so hard and I knew you were happy), pushing me on Dad's bicycle, going to the store with 5 cents for candy. Sharing the treat with you, Sweating in the Pennsylvania heat. What fun going back to what was the "greatest times" in my memories!! Maybe I'll ask for a longer stay! I'm having too much fun! Love you then & Now. Sis
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
Dear Chas, well you are not alone. Ruth ( our sister ) passed away. I celebrate the wonderful lifetime when you brightened my life and continue to hang on to the "bright lights you both left behind" My family, my loves, my life examples will carry me through for whatever life I will be on this earth! Lois
September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021
Hi dad! You are so lucky to be with Jesus! This world is upside down. I think of you every day and I hope you get to see your grandkids and great grandchildren because they are what makes life worth living ❤️ Mom is amazing, so strong, she misses you like crazy still but is doing pretty good! I love you so much and am so thankful that you are my dad
September 3, 2021
September 3, 2021
10 years have gone by so quickly and yet the world is not the same..strife, fires and floods.  You are safe from all of this but I know you are always missed. Love you today as much as we all did years ago. If you were here you would say..."don't let the world get you down, sis" Tomorrow will come and life to the fullest!! I will! Lois
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Happy birthday thoughts as we also celebrated Mothers day. Spent the day with Cindy, she is such a blessing. Talked about you and when you had the stables. Visiting at Christmas, and all the family get togethers. The  pain of loosing you and Gary never lessens but the knowing you are both in a safe place while Covid 19 is taking it's toll in all areas is some comfort. Love you and realize what a special Brother you were to me!!
December 23, 2020
December 23, 2020
Christmas seems less meaningful with both you and Gary not here. Not sure holidays are welcome anymore! Loved you both so much. Mom
September 3, 2020
September 3, 2020
Time goes so quickly, the world is in turmoil with so many things that reflect how difficult it will be for survival much longer...Covid-19, masks, isolation, political trauma, burning, shooting, riots,etc. all point to things that will shorten our time until the return of a loving heavenly father. I think of you and am actually soothed by the thought of you resting in place, awaiting the day we can again hold hands! Loved you before, during and after! Missing you and Gary...days are going by rapidly. We have more aches and pains but enjoy every day; the warmth of the sun, the sound of the rain,the laughter of children but you are truly missed!! See you soon, bro! Lois
May 11, 2020
May 11, 2020
I love and miss you more than when you first went to be with Jesus. I so hope you have been able to see your family and are proud of them! You were the best dad that anyone could ever ask for and I am so blessed because of you!! See you later!!
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020
Today is your birthday, this month was also Gary's birthday. I miss you both so much. You were,in many ways, so much alike. Independent, determined, a little trouble maker, but always loving! Two of the brightest lights in my life! I will always cherish the precious memories you both left behind! Love you, Bro!!
September 4, 2019
September 4, 2019
8 years! There isn't a day that I don't think of you! I know you would adore these great grandchildren of yours! I often think of what umpah would do in certain situations. You left a great legacy day! I love you so much and was thanking Jesus this morning about how lucky I was to have you and mom as my parents. I am so grateful that I will see you again and that is what makes the sorrow a little easier! Love you so much!!
May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019
Thinking of you, missing you and Gary. Nothing is the same without both of you! Ruth is close to 95 and going strong. We love chatting about you, so many good memories. Happy Birthday, Bro
May 9, 2019
May 9, 2019
You'd be 91 today and "Forever Young!" Life has ebbed and flowed these many past years and you are never forgotten. Not sure if you were one helping steer the car when I crashed, but if you were, I believe it! 
Love tons,
September 3, 2018
September 3, 2018
Oh my goodness, I still miss you so much! I would be going to your annual golf party with the family today. Instead, I am left remembering you and wishing you were here to enjoy your amazing great grandchildren. You would be so proud of the family and legacy you left behind. So happy I get to see you again and that this isn't my home. I'm so glad that you were able to welcome Gary into the the Kingdom of God<3
September 3, 2018
September 3, 2018
Our hearts are heavy, please watch over your nephew, our son, Gary (deceased 8/15/2018). Bless you both!
May 9, 2018
May 9, 2018
Birthday wishes as Walt and I reminisce about the times we spent together! The laughter, the tears are so fresh in our fast fading memories. Time marches on as we see conditions in the world rapidly deteriorate, yet we celebrate the times we spent thinking of you. Soon we can all be together..Love you as much today as ever!!
October 1, 2017
October 1, 2017
Dear Dad,
A picture of you sits in my office at eye level as I spend multiple hours at my desk each week. I often think to myself, "I hope my life and actions are making him proud." Your direct influence may be removed from us, but it still lives on! I have no doubt that you have a circle of influence in your new sphere as well. Carry on :-). See you when it's my turn, Lyn
September 5, 2017
September 5, 2017
Oh my goodness! Six years without you has been challenging! Especially with all my grandchildren. So many times, I think of how you would have enriched their journey through life. I love you so much and thank you so much for being such an amazing dad!!
September 3, 2017
September 3, 2017
Can't believe it's been six years since we were on our way to the celebration of your life. Many things have happened in the nation and family lives. Floods, hurricanes, new babies, and Grandchildren reaching teens. The bad and the good impacting our lives while we make our way through heart surgeries, aches and joys at just being alive. It is wonderful to just take a few moments to think of you and all the terrific times we shared. Each day we celebrate your remembrance. Ruth has moved into a great retirement home in Tennessee and is really happy. She will soon be 93. She and I miss you so much!!
May 11, 2017
May 11, 2017
Happy Birthday dad! Still miss you like crazy! Now with the addition to your great grandchildren, Brayton Kyle Baierle Meacham arrived 8 months ago, he has been such a blessing to our family. You would have loved him! You would be so proud of what great parents Brandon and Troy are, They had the best example in you and Greg:) Love you so much! See you soon!
May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017
Here I am bro, Not the first time I've been late for your birthday. So many activities and family situations that the important times are often forgotten. Just as these times have happened in the past I want to spend a few minutes just thinking about you and the multiple happy times we spent over the years. They fill my heart with joy! Loving who you were and what you helped me to be over the years!! I extend my hand to touch yours..until we meet again. Lois
September 3, 2016
September 3, 2016
Five years today you drew your last earthly breath after such a long battle with cancer. Since that time there have been so many changes in all our lives and in the state of our nation. We continue to wonder at the changes in all of us, old age is a challenge but each day offers a new wonderful experience. Wish you were able to share some time with us but that is not to be, so we will smile knowing you are at rest and all of your time on this earth was time well spent. Love you now and always!! Forever you little sis, Lois
July 11, 2016
July 11, 2016
Hi Chuck,
Thought about you over the weekend and just wanted to leave this note celebrating the date of your entry into this crazy world on the 8th. Where do the years go! We miss you and wanted to let you know that your memory lives on with everyone here.
Happy B-Day Uncle Chuck!
May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016
Hi Uncle Chuck,
Late as usual I fear with this note but always thinking about you. Theresa and I were talking about our respective childhoods a few weeks ago and as always, the most memorable times I have are many hours in what I thought was a giant cherry tree in your front yard on the lake! What a perfect day!

Thank God that we have these memories given we do not have infinite time together. You are missed and celebrated as an important figure in my life. 

God speed,
May 10, 2016
May 10, 2016
Hi Dad! I hope you had a wonderful Heavenly Birtday with Jesus! I really miss you! As you know Troy and Ericka are having a baby boy! Troy is so excited! You would have been happy with the woman he chose to spend his life with, they are so great together!! I am so thankful that God gave you to me for almost 50 years! You are the best and you still bring such influence in our lives! Can't wait to see you again! Cassie
May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
Dear Dad,
It has been a long 5 years. We just celebrated Mother's Day plus Chase and Rachel's graduation. Your smile and encouragement was sorely missed. You would be proud of your grandkids as they age and mature!
I love you Dad; keep preparing a place for your posterity.
As ever,
May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
It's your birthday and memories of you are again running thru my mind. Today and frequently something, or someone, triggers a moment when we shared a laugh, a tear or a tender contact. What a wonderful brother you are to me. This year was exceptional since we shared family time with Barb, Lyn & Cassie. The 3 days were filled with a lot of activity, laughter & reminiscing. Their visit meant so much to me and we promised to get together again soon! Love you & miss you but having part of your family close was a very special treat!
September 8, 2015
September 8, 2015
Hi Uncle Chuck,
I am late as usual getting to spending a few precious moments remembering the many years we were able to see each other once and a while. This year Barb, Lynn, and Cassie served as proxy for one of those terrific times we used to share in person. We had a great day together enjoying each other's presence and frequently commenting on how much we all miss seeing you. Every memory brings a smile, from sitting in a giant cherry tree for hours eating the best Bing cherries I have ever had to watching you work with that retriever that didn't like water! Precious memories all. Can't wait to see you again one day!
September 4, 2015
September 4, 2015

Each year I am capable of further examining this site. This year I read under the tabs "His Life," Gallery," and "Stories." You were such a handsome rascal! Visited your sister Lois in April of this year. When I walked in I literally felt like I had been punched in the stomach; the resemblance was uncanny,,,of course, she's pretty as compared to handsome. A great, albeit too short, 3 WONDERFUL days with Walt Lois, and cousins. Truly, Tom Brokaw said it correctly, "The Greatest Generation." Love you...our new home has several pictures of you so I can walk by and say, "Hi Dad, thanks for watching out for your family while you perform your labors on the other side."
September 4, 2015
September 4, 2015
Hi dad,
I really miss you dad! Troy got married to a wonderful woman that I think you would have really loved! Although the wedding was wonderful, there still was that void of your presence! You were and still continue to be a part of all of our lives. You did a good job raising this family and you will always be our hero! Can';t wait to see you again!!

September 3, 2015
September 3, 2015
Hey bro, It has been 4 years since you passed, a day doesn't go by that we don't think of you. We have contentment remembering the great times we had together. Had surgery yesterday to replace the batteries that keep me from doing my continual hand "dance", That is still my miracle and remember your following me through the process six years ago. Your encouragement and love were so important to me!! Your family is so close to ours, Brings us much joy to share in their life experiences...although we are physically miles away, in spirit they continue to fill our heart! Rest in peace, we miss you!
May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015
Dear Uncle Chuck, just wanted to send this to you and let you know how much so many thoughts are with you....I'm missing my Mom right not and so give her an extra hug from me ok? It's also been 4 years now since Jeannie passed on, hope you and she are having good conversations...I sure miss my family that left too soon!
May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015
Hi Chuck,
I was thinking of you on your special day. Wanted to let you know you live on in our memories. Looking forward to seeing you again one day!
May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015
Hi Dad!
So much going on in the family you helped create. So our thoughts are always "wish dad,grandpa was here to see this or meet her". We got an amazing opportunity to go spend time with Aunt Lois and Uncle Walt and family. Being with them filled a hole that I've had in my heart since you left, for a little while. I love them so much! I miss you every day and the only thing that makes me get along without you is knowing that you are with Jesus, and we will be back together again. Please ask Jesus to protect our grand children in this time of confusion. Love you to the Heavens and back!!
May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015
Dear Family,
May 9th gives me added pause to celebrate my Dad who lives on in so many of your lives, habits and outlooks on life. Thank you for mirroring Ihis man who I love, respect and admire so much. (Dad, you probably know this already, but please now watch over me in Utah!)
As ever,
May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015
It's your birthday, our thoughts are with you and memories flood our minds! See you sitting at our little table and talking about the boat cruse you and Barbara were planning, reminiscing about Mom and her final days spent with us. Walt and I are enjoying reasonably good health but find quick "naps" are much more frequent and last longer then they used to! Life has been good to us, you are at the top of our list of memories that bring smiles to our faces! You are missed! Love you, Lois
May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015
Dear Grandpa,

Happy Birthday! I hope you are celebrating up in Heaven. We miss you so much! You'd be so proud of Kelly. He's working very hard and succeeding at his job. I know he attributes his hard work to your many teachings. We just had another daughter, Amelia on 4/23. I so wish that you could meet her and hold her. She's absolutely amazing. However, I'm sure you already know her :) Aliyah is huge and doing very well in school. We love you very much!!!

April 3, 2015
April 3, 2015
Dearest Chuck, What a wonderful three days we just spent with Barbara Jean, Cassie & Lynann. Just can't close out this time without saying thank you for choosing the perfect wife and bringing she & your children into our family circle! The days were a wirlwind of fun, memories & sharing family times. You were missed but know we will see you again. PS: Barbara is as beautiful as ever, Cassie is just so loving & sweet and Lynann sparkles wherever she goes! We love them so much. Sis.
September 10, 2014
September 10, 2014
Hi Uncle Chuck,
As usual, a little late but I wanted to drop you a note. Even though we did not spend much time together, I was always reminded how big a part of our family you were when Mom or Dad would mention "I talked with Chuck yesterday and ....." Always with a light heart and an obvious love for a kindred spirit. Thanks for your influence in my life. Know that you will always be missed and ever remembered.
September 8, 2014
September 8, 2014
Hi Dad,
Wow! I still tear up when I say those words! I really miss talking to you in person, but hopefully Jesus is filling you in on talks I still have with you. Thank you so much for "shining" on Brandon's wedding! We all could feel your presence. I love you so much and can' t wait to see you again. Cassie
September 4, 2014
September 4, 2014
Dear Uncle Chuck, you were quietly missed this past month especially, at Brandon's and Rachel's Weddings. You would have loved both the ceremonies and the celebrations with family, I'm sure. You are always in our thoughts!
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Recent Tributes
May 9
May 9
The toddler picture of Dad that I just uploaded is also my screensaver. There's not a day that goes by that I don't get to see the wonderful origins of your life. You would have been 96 today, and I bet "just as handsome as ever!" I love you, Dad; thank you for watching over all of us from the other side.
September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023
Hi dad, mom, Greg and I were remembering together about your golf tournaments! Such a fun time with family and friends ❤️ Sure do miss them! I know you would love your beautiful great grandchildren, I can see you in some of them especially our little Calvyn. Miss you and love you so much!
September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023
Thinking of you as our life is flying by. Kim was out yesterday helping with construction for more of my items. Jonathan power washed the front porch, Cindy is on a trip to visit some of the relatives in Portland/Seattle area. Sandra and Ron placed first with his spiffy auto. Walt & I are winding down, but enjoying every minute. We miss you but the memories of you are clear in our minds. OK to be truthful it's day to day and we are so grateful you were my brother!! May see you before long! 
Recent stories
May 9, 2021
Mother's Day and your 93rd birthday fall together in 2021, a bittersweet day this year for Mom.  For many years we all celebrated together these two events plus Chase's birthday.  Those were the best of times as we gathered in our Olympia house.  They say pictures are worth thousands of words.  I have hundreds of pictures which all attest to those good times.  I wish we could all eat, laugh, reminisce, tease, love, hug, and see each other today.....just one more time.  But pictures and memories will have to suffice until we all meet again in this eternal course.  Happy 93rd Dad; I love you.  Lyn
September 4, 2015

I'd like to say "Rest in Peace, Dad," but I know that the next life after this one is still full of activity and work.  You are such an industrious soul, carry on!  Lyn


May 9, 2013

Imagine if I was given one moment,
just a single slice of my past.
I could hold it close forever,                                                                                 and that moment would always last.

I'd put the moment in a safe,
within my hearts abode.
I could open it when I wanted,
and only I would know the code.

I could choose a time of laughing,
a time of happiness and fun.
I could choose a time that tried me,
through everything I've done.

I sat and thought about what moment,
would always make me smile.
One that would always push me,
to walk that extra mile.

If I'm feeling sad and low,
if I'm struggling with what to do.
I can go and open my little safe,
and watch my moment through.

There are moments I can think of,
that would lift my spirits every time.
The moments when you picked me up,
when the road was hard to climb.

For me to only pick one moment,
to cherish, save and keep,
Is proving really difficult,
as I've gathered up a heap!

I've dug deep inside my heart,
found the safe and looked inside,
there was room for lots of moments,
in fact hundreds if I tried.

I'm building my own little library,
embedded in my heart,
for all the moments spent with you,
before you had to part.

I can open it up whenever I like,
pick a moment and watch it through,
My little library acts as a promise,
I'll never ever forget you

© Sarah Blackstone

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