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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Charles Driscoll III, 56 years old, born on December 18, 1960, and passed away on May 12, 2017. We will remember him forever.
May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
   So some of you don’t know, but right before I started working where I work. I lost my husband of 37yrs. I met him at the age of 12yrs., and at fifteen started dating him, and 18yrs married him. But in 2016 he started not feeling good, we had just moved into our home. Along with just moving to Wa. from the east coast. I was working on my Associates degree, and we had plans on going back and forth from Wa. to Fl. Instead we found out through the ER that he had Cancer, not only Cancer but one that they could not cure. WOW! The doctor we saw at the Cancer Center, no names, told him next time you get Cancer, get one I can cure. WOW! To go home and get his affairs in order.
   So here I was with a husband I Loved with all my heart. No job, student. Yet decided to stay home and take care of my husband. Family and friends did a Fundraiser for him. Which allowed me to let him fulfill dreams he wanted to fulfill. Such as going on a prop plane. Renting a car and taking him down the West Coast into Cal. and back. All the while fighting Cancer and sickness. He inspired me, because he lived like he was alive and not dying. Yet we both knew he was.
   Few months before his passing, we headed out on a good-bye tour. All the while he was so sick, we had to stop in Utah for a few days. While he rested, and again in Colorado. Heading to Texas to see the best friends ever. With a surprise visit from an old child-hood friend. From there headed to Florida. In Fl. the transmission to the truck went out, we were so close to destination. Stayed with his sisters for a few days. My husband got really sick, and I had to put him on a plane, where my daughter met him at the airport. We didn’t make it to everywhere he wanted to go. I was still in Fl. with a camper and two dogs.
   Heading back to Wa. alone. In Louisiana I had to replace the battery and the alternator that I bought at the auto zone. Where the guy there said,he knew a guy who knew a guy, on a Sunday. So trenching through Louisiana back roads to someone’s house. Sleeping in truck stops and Wal Marts. Through Texas, had major accident jams, saw some scary stuff. Lost signal to cell phone and in one section no one spoke English. Made it through New Mexico border patrol, and onto Arizona. Where I stay overnight at my cousins house. Got to meet his family, and it was really nice. In Cal. one of the tires to the camper, the tread just came right off. A very nice truck driver replaced the tire for me. He would not accept money for his kindness. Moving through Cal. into Oregon it rained into Wa. so bad at times I could not see the road. Took six days from Fl. to Wa. But made it home.
   I had a few weeks with my husband. Getting sicker and sicker, he stopped eating. Couldn’t get him to eat for nothing. I had to stand by while his body just started to shut down. All the while he was worried about how I was going to be. I kept assuring him I would be fine. But in reality I had no idea how I was going to make it. No money, no job, and new mortgage. But not for him to worry about, so smile face on. His body just kept giving out, but his will to live was so strong. He would not give up. His memory started going first, in and out of reality, then the strength in his legs, next went his speech, he was in bed for the last week of his life. With hospice being involved. Which is a whole other story. He passed away May 12, 2017 at 11a.m. In June 2017 finished my Associates degree, and in May went to work for where I work today. 
   All this has been popping up on FB history, while in quarantine. It’s been hard to relive those memories. Yet looking back on it I don’t know how I did some of the things I did. But with the faith I have I did. I’ve left so much of the story out, but it’s my burden to bear. I Love you Charles Eugene Driscoll III, with all my heart and will always feel this way.

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May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
   So some of you don’t know, but right before I started working where I work. I lost my husband of 37yrs. I met him at the age of 12yrs., and at fifteen started dating him, and 18yrs married him. But in 2016 he started not feeling good, we had just moved into our home. Along with just moving to Wa. from the east coast. I was working on my Associates degree, and we had plans on going back and forth from Wa. to Fl. Instead we found out through the ER that he had Cancer, not only Cancer but one that they could not cure. WOW! The doctor we saw at the Cancer Center, no names, told him next time you get Cancer, get one I can cure. WOW! To go home and get his affairs in order.
   So here I was with a husband I Loved with all my heart. No job, student. Yet decided to stay home and take care of my husband. Family and friends did a Fundraiser for him. Which allowed me to let him fulfill dreams he wanted to fulfill. Such as going on a prop plane. Renting a car and taking him down the West Coast into Cal. and back. All the while fighting Cancer and sickness. He inspired me, because he lived like he was alive and not dying. Yet we both knew he was.
   Few months before his passing, we headed out on a good-bye tour. All the while he was so sick, we had to stop in Utah for a few days. While he rested, and again in Colorado. Heading to Texas to see the best friends ever. With a surprise visit from an old child-hood friend. From there headed to Florida. In Fl. the transmission to the truck went out, we were so close to destination. Stayed with his sisters for a few days. My husband got really sick, and I had to put him on a plane, where my daughter met him at the airport. We didn’t make it to everywhere he wanted to go. I was still in Fl. with a camper and two dogs.
   Heading back to Wa. alone. In Louisiana I had to replace the battery and the alternator that I bought at the auto zone. Where the guy there said,he knew a guy who knew a guy, on a Sunday. So trenching through Louisiana back roads to someone’s house. Sleeping in truck stops and Wal Marts. Through Texas, had major accident jams, saw some scary stuff. Lost signal to cell phone and in one section no one spoke English. Made it through New Mexico border patrol, and onto Arizona. Where I stay overnight at my cousins house. Got to meet his family, and it was really nice. In Cal. one of the tires to the camper, the tread just came right off. A very nice truck driver replaced the tire for me. He would not accept money for his kindness. Moving through Cal. into Oregon it rained into Wa. so bad at times I could not see the road. Took six days from Fl. to Wa. But made it home.
   I had a few weeks with my husband. Getting sicker and sicker, he stopped eating. Couldn’t get him to eat for nothing. I had to stand by while his body just started to shut down. All the while he was worried about how I was going to be. I kept assuring him I would be fine. But in reality I had no idea how I was going to make it. No money, no job, and new mortgage. But not for him to worry about, so smile face on. His body just kept giving out, but his will to live was so strong. He would not give up. His memory started going first, in and out of reality, then the strength in his legs, next went his speech, he was in bed for the last week of his life. With hospice being involved. Which is a whole other story. He passed away May 12, 2017 at 11a.m. In June 2017 finished my Associates degree, and in May went to work for where I work today. 
   All this has been popping up on FB history, while in quarantine. It’s been hard to relive those memories. Yet looking back on it I don’t know how I did some of the things I did. But with the faith I have I did. I’ve left so much of the story out, but it’s my burden to bear. I Love you Charles Eugene Driscoll III, with all my heart and will always feel this way.

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