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July 30, 2023
I have a lot of good memories KeeKee and one just as vivid as the other one but she had a very big heart and if she was your friend then she would fight to the death for you. Which is my GOOD MEMORY AND NOT JUST A STORY. I was in an altercation with a guy who they called 6'9 and I pushed him which was mistake #1 But the second mistake belonged to Ole 6"9 when he came back at me what I thought was Full Force with bout what seemed a reach double size of mine, PLANTED ON my right eye. With no hesitation Kee Kee all up on 6'9 hitting.saying don't hit my friendI think she ended up with the WIN BECAUSE I KNOW I LOST THE FIGHT but I've lost much greater on this day missing you 4LIFE LIL BABY! FLY HIGH BABYGIRL YOU DESERVE YOUR PEACE AND ALL THE MANY RICHES THE GOOD LORD HAS IN STORE FOR YOU!

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