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A truly special Aunty

November 23, 2022
Googled Aunty Chiaka's name once again today in the hope that I would be able to reconnect with her and read the shocking news. Aunty Chiaka was not just a family friend, she was family. I cannot think of a time in my childhood that she was not present in my life. My fondest memory was when she picked me up from our house at Owerri in the late 70's and I spent the entire long vacation with her at her flat in Nsukka. Needless to say, I did not miss my parents or siblings for the entire duration of the vacation which ended with a visit to the university bookshop where she indulged me with all the books that my eyes and heart desired. My condolences to Uncle Ifeanyi and all the children that regretfully I never got to know (tried to reach out to someone I thought might be the daughter on social media but did not get a response). The last time I saw Aunty Chiaka was when she visited us at Nsukka with Uncle Ifeanyi and her first daughter who was just a baby then. I remember her laughter and the pride she felt at being a great wife and wonderful mother to Uncle Ifeanyi and her daughter.

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