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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Chief Olatunji Fagbemi, 76 years old, born on July 5, 1933, and passed away on June 5, 2010. We will remember him forever.
June 6
It was a strange twist of fate that led me to rediscover the program I crafted for your service of Songs back in June 2010. As I read through your Eulogy once more, I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible man you were.

Time truly does fly by, but may your legacies endure and your memories continue to bring comfort to all who had the privilege of knowing you, sir.

Rest in peace. .
June 5
June 5
Dearest Father..missing you ..always in our memory..we still uphold your good legacy and keeping the discipline you brought us up with..your grand children are having families now and the great grand children wish to have the customized names you always you.
June 5
June 5
Remembering your legacies and the footprints you left behind... you are missed
April 11
April 11
Baba mi oni my mind every day and night since that day from 2010 to date. I see one feature or another in and around me that signals a trait of you all around.

You live forever but one can't longer feel or touch you.

Keep resting in the bosom of Christ.
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
It’s so hard to believe it’s been 13 years. Continue to rest Papa! ❤️
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
Gone but never forgotten Babami Happy posthumous birthday You would have been 90 years TodayLove you always for bringing me to lifeWe thank God for life
Lade Hephzibah Olugbemi
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
by Lade O
Remembering you today

It would have been your 90th birthday

We would have made some noise knowing how you loved to celebrate birthdays

July 5, 2022
July 5, 2022
The thought of you being alive today to celebrate your 89th Birthday would have been a big deal !!!!God knows best

5th of July

My loving Father Babami
Great Man with a large heart..
lover of People and a custodian of History

Always on my mind with so much emotion all the time...

Rest in Peace

June 5, 2022
June 5, 2022
12 years has gone so quickly… WoW!
Continue to rest at the bosom of your maker Pa Fagbemi.

May the peace and comfort of God rest and abide with the entire family. ❤️
June 6, 2021
June 6, 2021
Omo ugbe owo
Omo oyogba
Omo elekole abalayaso
Omo ajiro pariwo

I remember you in peace

June 6, 2021
June 6, 2021
Remembering you today Baba mi... your love for children, jokes and your family.

A stickler for excellence and always pushing the boundaries albeit in a very diplomatic way

Your work ethics and consistency was marvellous

I remember you in peace

June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020
10 solid years just like yesterday. How time flies. Continue to rest in the bosdom of the Lord. We all love u but God loves u more.
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
Baba mi,its 10 years you left, l thank God for your acknowledgement of Jesus minutes before you passed on.Sun re o Baba mi.We all miss you and always talk about you.
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
Baba mi rest in the bossom of Almighty. You will forever be in remembered. We thank God that all the children you left are doing well. Rest on baba mi.
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
It is going to be 10years!10years!!!!!

Giver of life we thank you, for keeping us all together.... Indeed you are a great God!!!!

Thank you Jesus!!!!!
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020
You are always on my and night...BABAMI your legacy lives on...Discipline, Integrity,great time keeper... Advocate of clean environment, descent dressing and show off of great compliment!!!! Gone but not forgotten!!!

Love you always!!!!
June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
9 years.... Feels like forever!!!
Still kept your mobile numbers. Didn't delete them...lolzzz
June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
You are forever missed. Thank you for your humility... In that I am consoled
June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
Miss Baba mi's call,humor and jokes.minutes before your departure to heaven you affirmed and confessed Jesus as LORD.sleep on Baba mi. Omo elekole.
June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
We celebrate you today forever missed BABAMI !! 9 good years gone without your you!! We give God almighty the glory for keeping us all and your Grandchildren ......we miss your humor and cheerfulness. We love you BABAMI sun re oooooo....
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
7th year today since you've gone to rest! May God continue to watch over your children and grandchildren papa! May the vacuum you left remain filled. Sleep on Papa (Chief) Fagbemi.
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
So hard to believe it's been 6 years... Just got a reminder it would have been your 83rd birthday today!
May your memory remain an inspiration for your children and those that have been fortunate enough to have met with you. Though I never met you, but I believe from all I have heard of you we would have hit off! Sleep on sir.
June 5, 2015
June 5, 2015
Baba mi, 5 years ago you left us, missing your calls,cares,humour.You stood for unity,may your legacy continue.Sleep on beloved.
March 14, 2015
March 14, 2015
Omo elekole obayalaso,omo ugbe eo, sunre o uba mi.
June 5, 2013
June 5, 2013
Sleep on Pa Olugbemi! May your huge vacuum be filled by God. The Lord shall continue to grace and protect all your children and grandchildren. Today I join your children to light a candle in your memory!
July 5, 2012
July 5, 2012
Baba mi, I remember you today. It would have been you 79th birthday
July 27, 2010
July 27, 2010
Mission accomplished ! Highly esteemed, dearest uncle, 'DADDY FESTAC' ran, and finished a good race... To live in our hearts, is not to die. Sadly missed, fondly remembered. RIP.
July 26, 2010
July 26, 2010
Buried but not forgoten, the memories of you are ever fresh. Yours was a glorious departure. You would have been proud of us.
June 14, 2010
June 14, 2010
I can safely say u lived ur life & left behind footprints engraved in concrete. U have rested from the pains, anxiety, and uncertainties that plagues many in this world of sin. Rest on Chief Fagbemi
June 9, 2010
June 9, 2010
Papa,may u continually find eternal rest with ur creator. U lived a gud life and greetings to my father ur friend who left a liitle over 10 yrs ago.My heart goes to Aunty Jola, Ike & others. Papa RIP
June 8, 2010
June 8, 2010
In memory of a father to many not just his biological children. Chief Olatunji Fagbemi, the strict disciplinarian, teacher - he taught in Christ School, Ado-Ekiti and was fondly called 'Alagba'.

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June 6
It was a strange twist of fate that led me to rediscover the program I crafted for your service of Songs back in June 2010. As I read through your Eulogy once more, I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible man you were.

Time truly does fly by, but may your legacies endure and your memories continue to bring comfort to all who had the privilege of knowing you, sir.

Rest in peace. .
June 5
June 5
Dearest Father..missing you ..always in our memory..we still uphold your good legacy and keeping the discipline you brought us up with..your grand children are having families now and the great grand children wish to have the customized names you always you.
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June 6
It was a strange twist of fate that led me to rediscover the program I crafted for your service of Songs back in June 2010. As I read through your Eulogy once more, I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible man you were.
Time truly does fly by, but may your legacies endure and your memories continue to bring comfort to all who had the privilege of knowing you, sir.
Rest in peace. .
June 19, 2010


Baba mi, as he loved to be called, was a man loved, feared, adored, respected and recognised by many. I still find it difficult to use the past tense to describe him. His memory is 'is' to me and cannot be 'was'.
I am trying to compile thoughts about you babami.
Strong man, a man of integrity. His yes was his yes and no was no. He was a diplomat. He knew how to negotiate and made peace with men. He was a peace maker and he enjoyed to keep the peace.
He taught me so many virtues. One of them is time keeping. My dad will not be late to an event. If he was attending an event billed for 12pm, you can trust that my dad will be there 15mins before the time. He was on time, despite the unstable and unpredictable nature of Nigerian life where it is difficult to plan because of traffic, no fuel and so many other incidentals. My father will be on time.
My father taught me that a clean environment was next to Godliness. I remember way back when he will make us sweep the main road of our street then in Festac. The compound had to be clean. We had an almond fruit tree that shed its leaves in November and trust me; he made us sweep beneath the tree sometimes thrice a day. He could not stand a dirty environment.
My father taught me that hard work does not kill. He showed me by example that there is a reward for hard work. Work hard at studies, at work and any other thing and surely there is a reward. 
My father taught me that education was key in life. It is the hope for the next generation. An enlightened mind is a liberated mind. An educated mind is an advanced mind. An educated mind is one that is cultured ready to be developed for greater works. Education of the mind is an exercise you don't compromise. My father!
He taught me that an idle mind was a devils workshop. So he will encourage me to read the newspapers at a very early age of 6years. He encouraged me to have a discourse with him on the things I read in the papers with him.
My father, baba mi, my father. Loving you so much even in death.

Meeting you would have been Fun

June 14, 2010

We never met, but you are fondly spoken of by many that knew and met with you. Indeed you touched lives by testimonies heard and read from others. You left such a great legacy in the Nigeria sporting industry.., I have been privileged to be in association with some seeds of your loins.., Indeed I can testify that you were blessed for a fruit never falls far from it's tree, If your seeds are what any man that has never met you can use as a yardstick to measure your character, then I would today say you were a man of wisdom, witty, intelligent, inspiring, thoughtful, loving, gracious, hardworking, tough, disciplinarian, and focused.

You will indeed be missed



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