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April 2, 2023
Hey sissy, I don’t know where to start or even what to say right now so I’m just going to start by saying I miss you. I miss all of our random FaceTime calls to tell each other about our crazy adventures and drama. I miss being able to call you just so you could tell me if I looked good in an outfit or not. I miss talking on the phone in the middle of class and laughing in a room that’s completely silent because you were always so funny. I miss hanging out with you and driving around in the middle of the night. I miss walking to random grave yards at 2 in the morning just because we could. Overall I just really miss you. Now that your gone I have no one to call and tell me I look good. I have no one to laugh with in class. I have no one to walk to grave yards with and run away scared because we saw a light from a distances, but most importantly I no longer have my beautiful sister anymore. You will never get the opportunity to watch me graduate high school or perceive a career. You will never get the chance to watch me fall head over hills in love and get married.  You will never be able to watch me become a mom. Nor will you ever be able to become an aunt, but I promise to tell all of my beautiful children about there crazy aunt Chloe. My heart aches the most for Mar Mar because now she will have to grow up without her mommy. You will never get to see her become a teenager graduate high school , get married, or have kids. I know a lot of use here probably regret a lot of things we might have said or done and even regret the things we didn’t do but from here on out we should all look passed that and focus on the good times we all shared with you. I know Chloe would want everyone here to laugh right now and celebrate her short lived life but that seems kinda impossible so how about this we will all laugh and cry together today in the celebration and memory of her name. I love and miss you so much Chloe Lynn. I hope you are giving haven some hell or you know hell some hell who really knows. 

Gone to soon

April 1, 2023
I think about you constantly since the Day you went to be with your grandmother and your great grandfather Ernest M Tolson who ever put RE didn't know he wasn't your family.. I wish this was all a horrible nightmare you deserve so much more than what you got The only thing that brings me peace is knowing you're with your grandmother my sister please watch over your mama and your baby Marleigh which I know you are ever since you gained your wings we we miss you and will never forget you and I'll always love you I hope you know that rest easy sweet girl until we meet again just know you're always in my thoughts and prayers

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