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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved son, brother and friend, Christian Joseph Jacobucci, 20, born on August 26, 1996 and passed away on July 1, 2017. Please share your memorable moments, funny stories, or just your thoughts about Christian.

June 12
It doesn't get easier... I try to convince myself that it does but, I cant get over missing you. You were a part of my upbringing, you were the laughter I sought after in times that I didn't know if I would make it through tough times, you brought a light with you wherever you went. I looked up to you dearly when I had you here with me, and I still look up to everything that you showed me was possible. I strive on a daily basis to be a little more like you. It sure as hell doesn't feel like seven years has gone by... I feel hope all of the time that I'll run into you at Walmart again, or see your updates on Facebook, anything, something. I don't want this note to you to just be somber, but God damn, I miss you, man. I think about you all the time and everything in the world that's cool and fun, I just freaking wish you were here to share it with! Ugh.. I know I'm kind of bringing the sadness today but, I can't lie, it's how I feel. Just know that you're still a big part of me, of my life, and who I get to be everyday. Your value lives on in all of the ways you impacted the world around you, and I couldn't have been more blessed to have had the opportunity to know THE Christian Jacobucci. You live on forever, I love and miss you like crazy!
August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
Your memory is forever etched in me. You had always been a shining light, a beacon of hope, the friend that I had always wanted to be. I feel your presence whenever you cross my mind, it’s comforting. It’s comforting knowing that I was one of the blessed souls that go to know you, to know your humor, your laugh, your hugs, your care and genuine appreciation for life. I never feel alone in the world with you. Thank you for being you. I love and miss you, Brother.
August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023
Happy Birthday to my little Tinker, Tinkasaurus Rex, Buddy, Hammerhead!

27 years ago you made me a mom and it was one of the best days of my life. I love you beyond words and I miss you every single minute of every single day. 

Always and forever <3 Mom
May 12, 2023
Hey Christian,

I miss you and think of you often, as Mother's Day approaches I find myself feeling sad for your mom. I wish you were here with us. Life is marching on, but I know we will all see you again soon. You were loved and are missed!
October 27, 2021
October 27, 2021
I miss you, Brother. You've been on my mind alot lately. I missed your 25th, but I wish you a happy one. Wish you were still here.
August 26, 2021
August 26, 2021
Happy Birthday, 25th buddy!

I hope your days are filled with all of the things you love, especially music, laughter, rollercoasters, tons of food, and of course a whole bunch of cats too.
July 1, 2021
July 1, 2021
Christian my adventurous boy!

There's not a day that goes by that you're not in my thoughts and forever in my heart. Life continues on but just know that life will never be the same without you. I love you beyond words and hope to someday be reunited.
Until then, may your days be filled with all the things you love. 

Love always, Mom
July 1, 2021
July 1, 2021
Remembering you Christian, with neighborhood love.
August 26, 2020
August 26, 2020
Happy 24th birthday Christian!

I miss you terribly every day, but I find peace in the fact that your smile & happiness has returned to you. May every day be an adventure for you!

Sending all my

July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020
My song for you....
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all Yellow

You are forever my shining star and will always live on in our hearts.

Life is not the same without you...there's a huge void that can never be replaced.

I hope someday we get to meet again....

All my love... my sweet boy ❤
August 26, 2019
August 26, 2019
Happy, happy birthday 23rd to my "Golden hair" boy!

You're never far from my thoughts and on on this day, I wonder what you would have wanted me to cook/ bake for your birthday dinner? I remember the year you requested a Thanksgiving dinner with all of the trimmings, so in August we had Thanksgiving! :)

I love you more today than yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than today..... beyond words and beyond this world.
September 25, 2018
September 25, 2018
When I fall asleep I can see your face
What I lost in you I will not replace
I woke up thinking you were still here
And I get the feeling that it's all a dream
Your light it follows me.....
And I get the feeling that you're somewhere close
And if you see me in the darkness
I hope you know I'm not alone.....
I carry you with every breath I take
July 28, 2018
July 28, 2018
Christian... The more time that has passed, the more I miss each and every thing about you. I love looking through our old photos and videos because it feels like you’re still here in that moment. I love how we always stuck our tongue out together, and even when we weren’t. I love that look and laugh you’d always give. I miss having fires and watching movies with you all the time. I miss drinking whipped pinnacle vodka with you, even though we both hated it so much. I miss tagging you in things that make me laugh on facebook, which i also knew would make you laugh. I miss asking you to randomly go to the mall or go grocery shopping. I miss not being able to just sit in the car with you for hours and talk about everything and anything like we used to do. I miss being at work everyday and not having the ability to call grocery and have you pick up. There is now such an empty hole in my heart that no one could ever fill. I know you’re here somewhere. I hope you know how much we all love you.
July 2, 2018
July 2, 2018
July 2017
My husband was up there today not knowing anything about this and actually found a note from the family that said, Bucci if you are here please come home we love you! In those exact words, he left it there out of respect not knowing the man was recovered deceased. May not be related but we do believe in "ghost" or "spirits" and at the same time he read the note he heard something hit a tree right next to him and some loud rustling sounded like a deer or some other kind of animal but as he looked up there were no signs of any wildlife in close proximity to him, so if you are a family member and do believe in that sort of stuff I'd say go up there and talk to him let him know how much he is loved and missed, if I got a response from just reading the note I'm certain you will get one from talking to him, I left the note right where you had left it so it shouldn't be hard to find, We are sincerely sorry for your loss and wish you the best."
July 2, 2018
July 2, 2018
From the person who found Christian July 5, 2017:
Dear Joe,
  This is Darin, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to you or your family this last weekend after I interviewed with Trooper Lopez. However, I'm sure you had plenty going and I did not want to bother you. I just wanted to tell you I'm glad that my friend and I were the ones to help you and your family get the closure you were seeking and praying for. It's not what I expected out of my weekend but there was reasons now known as to why I was compelled to camp at that park and walk up that trail on that day. I feel like everything in life has purpose and reason even if we don't understand them at the time. I truly am sorry for your loss and I give you and your family my best condolences. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns .
Thank you and God bless,
October 10, 2017
October 10, 2017
Afterglow -
I'd like the memory of me
to be a happy one.
I'd like to leave an afterglow
of smiles when life is done.
I'd like to leave an echo
whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times
and bright and sunny days.
I'd like the tears of those who grieve,
to dry before the sun
of happy memories
that I leave when life is done.
September 1, 2017
September 1, 2017
August 26, 2017

Happy Birthday to my sweet golden haired boy! (If you asked Christian what color his hair was, it was not brown, it was gold.) Golden hair.... for the boy with the heart of gold.

At 10:06 am 21 years ago, you came into the world weighing in at 7 lbs 3oz and a whopping 21 ½ inches long. My life changed so much that day, I told dad I didn’t want to have anymore kids as I thought you were the most perfect baby in the world. Today, is hard, so so hard as I miss you beyond words.

I’m looking through old memories and have to laugh at your bigger than life personality.

May 1st 1997 (8 months old) – Christian is crawling all about now. He gets into everything! He likes chasing the kitty’s around too! Boy Kitty scratched Tinker’s face because Tink’s always crawling all over him. Your nickname is Tink, or Tinker.... short for Stinker. :)

June 1st 1997 (9 months old) – Christian is still into everything! He gets into plants, CD’s/ movies, pots & pans... you name and he’s there. Christian is such a happy boy. He likes to play chase, so we get down on the floor with him and he crawls always as quick as he can, then turns and stops to make sure you’re still chasing him....all the while laughing up a storm.

June 29th, 1997 First Word – Bye, bye

Preschool Journal Entry May 2, 2001 (4 years old) by teacher Christy Lind - Once upon a time there was three bears, Momma, Papa and wee Baby. Christian recites the whole story - every detail (I couldn't keep up, so I just listened) I have to pretend that I'm writing, but I can't write as fast as he's telling this story. Excellent memory skills and much expression is being used and every detail given. Wonderful story telling ability!!! He is well beyond his level in this area. I love to watch his face as he lowers his voice for Papa Bear. :)

Happy Birthday to you my wonderful son! You were always so smart beyond your years and I just feel that you were way too big for this world.

I love you forever my little Tink and stink, Tinkasaurus Rex, Hambone, Hammer head.... my little Buddy! <3
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
Christian I know I didn't know you to well but I did from family campout and what I did know is how special you are and how much all the younger kiddos looked up to and you always played with them no matter how old they were.. your smile was special your laugh was kind.. you are a very special kiddo.. you will always be in our thoughts..
Love the Heckers
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
Christian, You did so much for our neighborhood association, mowing, spraying, paving, planting, raking, helping your folks do much, to make our Woodburn neighborhood so much better. Thank you. You knew how to be a great neighbor and we miss you. ~ The Helwigs
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
I miss you everyday,
I miss your laugh, your silly smile,
you making fun of me and shaking your head when I would say something dumb,
the smell of you baking bread in the middle of night,
your quick comebacks,
you talking about your favorite sports teams,
you showing me your newest "nooty" cologne and asking me if I liked it and me telling you, "That all the girls are going to want you!",
you tagging me in food video's that you wanted me to make,
the sound of you spanking Bella kitty's butt every morning,
your sound effects you made when you were playing the X-box or were watching your sports teams play,
you making ridiculously large meals for yourself and eating it all,
you standing silently in the doorway of my bedroom until I noticed you just to ask me a question,
I just miss you with every ounce of my being. 
Life will never be the same, as there will always be a part of me missing.
I LOVE you little buddy forever and ever to the moon and back!
July 18, 2017
July 18, 2017
Bucci was everyone's best friend. A bright light whenever any of us felt down or needed someone to talk to. I can't remember a time I was ever mad at bucci because he was just to good to ever be mad at. I remember hanging with bucci over the last few summers and just making memories while swimming, dancing around, camping. Every time he'd walk through a door the room with fill with our voices shouting "BUCCI". He was my beer pong partner (even if he did make most the shots). Bucci was always there if anyone needed him to be. He was always the one to snap me back even if I alway send hundreds at once. He was loved by all. I am so thankful for how close I got to bucci in such a short amount of time. I'm thankful for all the fun and crazy memories I hold with him. The times we spent in the Bizon's house. Your spirit lives on inside all of us bucci. We love your goofy self and miss you dearly. Not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind.
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
Christian I wish we had more time together cousin, but you will forever be loved and missed. Look after grandma for us. love you cousin.
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
May we be given the gift of finding you one day, in heaven or here below; I'm sure we'll get there!
July 16, 2017
July 16, 2017
Christian Joseph Jacobucci of Woodburn, OR passed away July 1, 2017 at Silver Falls State Park. He was born August 26th, 1996 at St. Vincent hospital in Portland, OR. He is the son of Joseph and Kelley Jacobucci of Woodburn, OR.

He attended Woodburn Schools and graduated from Woodburn Academy of Art, Science, and Technology (WAAST) in 2014. He loved baseball and played on the Woodburn Bulldogs team throughout High School. He recently earned an Associates degree at Chemeketa Community College and was planning to attend Oregon State University to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. He worked at the Woodburn Habitat for Humanity ReStore as an intake specialist and enjoyed his time there.

Christian had many passions including camping, hiking, playing basketball, photography, music and anything outdoors. He was a devoted fan of Boston sports teams and an avid thrill seeker who enjoyed rollercoasters and amusement parks. In addition, he enjoyed cooking and baking for his family, as well as partaking in food challenges with friends. He always had a secret love for cats, and enjoyed gaming for hours with his sisters and friends.

Friends and family will remember Christian for “just being Christian”, he was a one of a kind and so intelligent with a goofy smile that lit up the room. He touched so many people's hearts with his caring nature, sense of adventure, always being supportive of others, and having a great sense of humor. He was a wonderful son, an incredible friend with a beautiful soul that will forever be in our hearts. It was a great honor to have him part of our lives for 20 years.

Christian is survived by his parents, Joseph and Kelley Jacobucci of Woodburn,OR, his three sisters, Julia, Jorden and Alexis, his Grandmother, Darlene Jacobucci of Canby,OR, his Uncles and Aunts Jason and Amneris of Oregon City, OR, Jeff and Michele Jacobucci of Lake Oswego, OR, Mike and Jessica Moore of West Linn, OR, Michael Hansen of Castle Rock, WA, Thomas Cox of Oregon City, OR and numerous cousins.

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Recent Tributes
June 12
It doesn't get easier... I try to convince myself that it does but, I cant get over missing you. You were a part of my upbringing, you were the laughter I sought after in times that I didn't know if I would make it through tough times, you brought a light with you wherever you went. I looked up to you dearly when I had you here with me, and I still look up to everything that you showed me was possible. I strive on a daily basis to be a little more like you. It sure as hell doesn't feel like seven years has gone by... I feel hope all of the time that I'll run into you at Walmart again, or see your updates on Facebook, anything, something. I don't want this note to you to just be somber, but God damn, I miss you, man. I think about you all the time and everything in the world that's cool and fun, I just freaking wish you were here to share it with! Ugh.. I know I'm kind of bringing the sadness today but, I can't lie, it's how I feel. Just know that you're still a big part of me, of my life, and who I get to be everyday. Your value lives on in all of the ways you impacted the world around you, and I couldn't have been more blessed to have had the opportunity to know THE Christian Jacobucci. You live on forever, I love and miss you like crazy!
August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
Your memory is forever etched in me. You had always been a shining light, a beacon of hope, the friend that I had always wanted to be. I feel your presence whenever you cross my mind, it’s comforting. It’s comforting knowing that I was one of the blessed souls that go to know you, to know your humor, your laugh, your hugs, your care and genuine appreciation for life. I never feel alone in the world with you. Thank you for being you. I love and miss you, Brother.
August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023
Happy Birthday to my little Tinker, Tinkasaurus Rex, Buddy, Hammerhead!

27 years ago you made me a mom and it was one of the best days of my life. I love you beyond words and I miss you every single minute of every single day. 

Always and forever <3 Mom
His Life
July 1, 2018
Christian Joseph Jacobucci of Woodburn, OR passed away July 1, 2017 at Silver Falls State Park. He was born August 26th, 1996 at St. Vincent hospital in Portland, OR. He is the son of Joseph and Kelley Jacobucci of Woodburn, OR.

He attended Woodburn Schools and graduated from Woodburn Academy of Art, Science, and Technology (WAAST) in 2014. He loved baseball and played on the Woodburn Bulldogs team throughout High School. He recently earned an Associates degree at Chemeketa Community College and was planning to attend Oregon State University to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. He worked at the Woodburn Habitat for Humanity ReStore as an intake specialist and enjoyed his time there.

Christian had many passions including camping, hiking, playing basketball, photography, music and anything outdoors. He was a devoted fan of Boston sports teams and an avid thrill seeker who enjoyed rollercoasters and amusement parks. In addition, he enjoyed cooking and baking for his family, as well as partaking in food challenges with friends.

He always had a secret love for cats, and enjoyed gaming for hours with his sisters and friends. Friends and family will remember Christian for “just being Christian”, he was a one of a kind and so intelligent with a goofy smile that lit up the room. He touched so many people's hearts with his caring nature, sense of adventure, always being supportive of others, and having a great sense of humor. He was a wonderful son, an incredible friend with a beautiful soul that will forever be in our hearts. It was a great honor to have him part of our lives for 20 years.

Christian is survived by his parents, Joseph and Kelley Jacobucci of Woodburn,OR, his three sisters, Julia, Jorden and Alexis, his Grandmother, Darlene Jacobucci of Canby,OR, his Uncles and Aunts Jason and Amneris of Oregon City, OR, Jeff and Michele Jacobucci of Lake Oswego, OR, Mike and Jessica Moore of West Linn, OR, Michael Hansen of Castle Rock, WA, Thomas Cox of Oregon City, OR and numerous cousins.

Recent stories

Recently shared with me by one of Christian's High School Friends

July 1, 2022
When I was in high school I gave Christian my paper heart on Valentine's Day. And any time I asked him about it he had always kept it and knew exactly where it was. He was the type of person that made you feel loved. He never let me feel left out and never let me sit through a football game alone. He was such a beautiful person and changed so many lives.

St. Paul Rodeo with Christian.

August 26, 2020
One fourth of July a few years back.  I took my two boys and Christian to the St. Paul Rodeo.  It was the Breast Cancer dedicated show and the boys all wore pink western scarves around their necks.  They sat through the show and ate red rope licorice.  A very good time and a heartwarming memory of Christian with my boys.  We miss him and think of him often.
July 1, 2018

Christian and Mitchell were such good playmates for each other. I used to love when Christian and jorden would come over to play, the boys in one room the girls in another ... it never failed the girls would want to go in the boys room and play and Christian and Mitchell would shut the door right in their faces. Of course wounded feelings would occur and the boys would say we want to do bioncles alone and the girls would say we want to play bionicles too. So? One time as Christian wasshutting the door on them he said “heressome bioncles for you guys, leave us alone”. Ever the diplomat he solved his problem and theirs. 

Once’s Christian was in my kitchen and said “why do you have all of those kitchen tools?”  I told him they were antiques and I collected them. I asked if his mom collected something, and sweet as he could be he said “cleaning supplies, she collects cleaning supplies”. 

He was the sweetest little kiddo

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