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August 20, 2012
by R Lopez

I was very sad to hear the news about grandma.  My love and prayers to You, Eddie, Aunt Connie And Aunt Jenny I am going to write something right now, and I hope these words will be a confort to all of you, even though the pain and loss is stillwith all of us   Why would God allow such a thing to happen? We ask ourselves that question alot.  We always look at that question from our own earthly, human perspective.  We forget that death is a part of life and that it is a necessary passage in existence to God.Death is not a bad thing, but merely a part of the way things are.  Death isn't a punishment or cruelty.  Our days on earth are a gift, and we should live them as fully as we can.  If we die, we are in the Lords hand, and everything will work out just fine.Faith is the key We must learn to know that God has everything under control, and that he will turn all situations to good. So even death is wonderful in Gods hands.  Dolores used to tell me and Ingrid. "not to fear death"  And her reasoning was simple, yet beautiful. She said "If I wake up and see Robert and Amanda I'll be ok.  If I don't wake and I see Jesus, I know I am ok"  even though we morn grandma and will miss her, and all of our loved ones who have passed.  I look forward to being reunited with all of them one day.   And if your last name is Lopez, Nunez,Crabbs, Banuelos.  Sandoval, Contreras, meza, Tai,or Gapasin, Our grandma  lives on through us and our kids, because every one of us through our own parents came from her  I love all of you  R I P Grandma Tina  Love Your Grand Son, Mario V. Lopez  

Chili Verde

August 18, 2012

I remember one time when I went up to see Rudy and stayed with mom she made chili verde because she knew it was my favorite. Well, when I came in she said "mija I made you your favorite but it turned out really hot" Why? Because she was mad at Dad and everytime she got madder it got hotter! But we managed to eat it anyways with her homemade tortillas.  Miss your cooking mom, miss you.

Chinese Food

August 16, 2012
by R Lopez

Chinese Food, That's what her grandson Gabriel called her.  He love his chinese food and he would always ask her Damma,(cuz he couldn't pronounce the G) can u buy me chinese food. and she would tell him  oh you and your chinese food.  So whenever I was talking to her or he saw her, they would say to eachother  Hi Chinese Food  When I told him that she went with Tommy and tia lolo, he cried so hard.  Then he grabbed a picture of her and went outside, sat in the driveway and looked up to the sky and started talking to her.  He loves you very much mom.


August 15, 2012
every morning Tia texted me to say Good morning and have a blessed day sound familiar? That's Tia..I miss you so much you were like my mom always listening and always a kind word.....I miss you so much Tia my heart is broken and is in so much pain.Tia fly with the angels and enjoy gods kingdom.

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