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My Bad French

May 21, 2018

I met Chris and Mark Blacke at a bar in Chelsea back in October 2017 for the first time. It was easy to be drawn to Chris's beautiful smile and kind , and handsome disposition. I met Chris first and then Mark arrived. Learning that Mark was from Strasbourg, I was delighted to say I had been there, and the I thought their Cathedral was the most beautiful and the city charming. I explained I was going to Paris for the first time in the spring of 2018. They both taught me how to pronounce "Place de Vosges" and "Pavillion de la Reine" The place where I would be staying. I have just returned from Paris to sadly learn of Chris's passing. I will always remember the laughter of that evening. I offer my condolences to all those who loved and knew him...

An amazing dinner

April 30, 2018

Chris loved cooking. We would watch SNL, Will and Grace, or Sister Act together.

April 25, 2018

This was one of my favorite Christopher moments. He showed up at the apartment with this enormous [terrible] painting of Zeus, and was so proud of it. I always appreciated how much he found value in strange kitsch. Our home was full of really interesting oddities! 

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