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Condolence from Sister-In-Law (Geraldine Stewart and Church Family)

January 8


5782 Hwy 371, Heflin, La. 71039


On behalf of our Pastor, Geraldine Stewart and the parishioners of United In Christ Pentecostal Church, Inc. We resolve and humbly submit to the will of God in the loss of the late Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Kirkland. We offer our sincerest heartfelt expression of sympathy. It is in times like these we reevaluate our connection to God and let his unfailing love give us strength. He is sustaining you this very moment as you walk through this valley.

Rest in his comforting arms, find solace in his bosom, and hold to his sustainable hand. Always remember, death leaves a heartache that only God can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. Those we love never die, they just depart before we do. In their departure they leave us a memory which becomes a treasure we will forever hold in our hearts. May the light and love of Christ continue to illuminate your family in the coming days ahead. You are continuously in our prayers.

Respectfully submitted,

Pastor Geraldine Stewart

United In Christ Pentecostal Church, Inc.

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