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Wonderful bus driver

June 23, 2017

We  was sorry to hear of Mr. Newman gone on home. But not sorry cause Heaven is where we all must go one day. We  are happy we have been able  to be apart of his life. He was our bus driver for many years.  Drove us to and from school Chambers County High, Milltown.  Family we want you to know, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Know that God who comforts us in our trials, so that we may be able to comfort others in any sort of trials. The comfort that we receive from God. We will miss him sitting on the porch of his farm with Mrs. Newman sometimes. He always waved at us .  Never fail to wave when  we didn't blow our horn. May our thoughts and prayers bring you all comfort and ease the pain of this loss knowing others care. His students from school and bus,  Joyce Abner Chislom, Lesia Abner Lee. Tracey and Curtis Abner and families. He will now meet our brother Stacey in heaven, saying, I remember you form my bus . We will always charish his memories ,  Mrs Newman,  Luanne, Natalie and Marsha, God continue to be with you all.

June 21, 2017

My family and I never met Mr. Newman in person, but we always enjoyed passing by his home.  We've admired the beauty of the house and farm for years. Many times he would be sitting on the porch (often with his wife) - he never failed to wave at us.  Our daily commute is forever changed - we will miss seeing him.  Prayers for his family.

From the Groover Family

Milltown, AL



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