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Art Show

March 16
Hello Amy, Thanks for sharing your art acquisition! I thought you might like to see a pic of my mom at an art show in 1970.
March 15
Just want to say, I will remember Claudia and Bob forever. They were the cream of the crop. Many, many happy memories during our 50 years of some embarrassing and slightly traumatic ones, too!! You are free from the trials and tribulations that so many are encountering on earth today!! But wish you were still here to add your humor and love into the mix.

I have her original art

April 25, 2023
Obtained some items from yard sale (in Georgia) and noticed artist info. on back - decided to look her up online… I’m sorry for your loss - she was clearly a very talented and loved lady! I just love this art! Just thought I’d share this! :)

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