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July 16, 2019

Happy Birthday in Heaven, I am happy I fulfilled your wish and gave you grandsons to carry out your name that you asked me for, God Bless!

Labor Of Love

September 2, 2013
From Laurena Lafoy. Dear Dad, Today is Labor Day. I want to take this day to honor you, not in your physical labor while here on earth but for your Christian Labor of love to witness and follow after the God you loved with your life, your prayers for us kids and our families, the advice you gave to encourage us in our Christian walk. God honored us by giving you to us as our mentor who was faithful to the end. I love you dearly and miss you greatly. You are in my heart. Your daughter, Laurena

Missing You Still

February 27, 2013
Gramps, I know you are really enjoying heaven and being with Jesus . You are still missed deeply here on earth. And you are still loved very much. Thoughts and memories of you come to my mind often. You were such a wonderful grandfather. I know you touched many lives. I love you very much.

To My Beloved Dad

February 27, 2013
You have been gone from this life for a year now. I am still missing you and thinking about you often. I will always cherish the last days I was blessed to share with you. You are still my inspiration and I thank God for the season of my life I shared with you. I know your eyes have beheld Jesus and the heavenly kingdom, and one day I will see it all with you and Cleve. I will always love you. I have beautiful memories of our times spent together. See you soon.

By: Laurena LaFoy

March 19, 2012
Dad loved to fish and hunt and in his younger days,he trapped.My fondest memories are times I spent with dad ice fishing and hunting for deer. While ice fishing I would get cold waiting for the fish to bite and dad would tell me to get the hand auger and dig another hole in the ice. That got me warm in a hurry.One time while going deer hunting we were on our way in the woods where dad would put me in a good spot and told me to stay there and he would be on the other side of the woods stalk hunting so neither one of us would shoot in the direction of the other. While walking through the woods behind dad I tripped on a tree root and fell down in the mud. Dad heard the noise and asked me what I was doing. Still holding the gun up in the air to keep the mud out of it I said I fell down. We both laughed. I loved the times we shared doing what we both enjoyed. I loved being with my dad.


March 19, 2012
In august of 2011,mom and I took a trip up to New York. While we were up there we got to stay at grandma's and grandpa's for a few days. Whenever we went to walmart or out to eat, grandpa and I would sit in the back seat. Grandpa would sing to me from the time we left their place till we got to where ever we were going. The two songs he sang to me were, "Crawdad Hole" and "Little Henry Ford". I felt so blessed to be 41 years old and have my 97 year old grandpa sing to me. It may not sound like much to some people but to me it was a wonderful blessing and honor.

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