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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Conrad Iklaki, 20 years old, born on June 19, 1996, and passed away on August 27, 2016. We will remember him forever.
August 29
August 29
I can't believe it's been eight years, Conrad. 8 whole years. I remember it just like yesterday, and I miss you and think about you ever so often. I hope you're very comfortable in heaven. You're forever in my heart. ❤️
August 27
August 27
Keep Shining and Radiating God's Light in His Presence. 
August 27
August 27
Ashi boo…

It’s been 8 years without you Udim…. Eight whole years….

Soooo much has happened….chai Udim!

Keep resting Ashi boo

Forever your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
June 19
June 19
Will forever miss you my pretty boy, happy birthday in heaven. Love you buddy.
June 19
Conrad, it is your birthday today. I can't believe you've been gone for so long. So much has happened and I really hope you can see all of us from up there. ❤️
June 19
June 19
Happy birthday Ashi boo! Another year of wondering what today would’ve been like if you were here…the photos…the love…everything…
You live on in so many hearts and as time goes on, it’s more evident how much of a blessing that is. You lived such a remarkable life and definitely left your mark at such a young age. You live on udim… Happy birthday Ashi boo! My brother! My friend! I love and miss you so much… Your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
May 25
May 25
Ashi boo,

I miss you so much….accidentally stumbled on those voicemails again and I’m a mess this morning… Udim…. chai….there’s so much I wish I could tell you. The Kendrick and Drake beef made me miss you so much because my love for Kendrick literally comes from you pretty much forcing his music my way… I miss you udim… Say hi to Mama for me… I know you’re both okay now ❤️

Forever your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

Conrad Iklaki (Flame)

Gone for Seven (7) Years!

Dear little brother, you're forever missed.

You lived a good life and made your own contribution to the earth.

I have fond memories of you and our time at Saint Patrick's College (SPACO). Although a class below me, we connected so much. Your calm, collected and organized demeanour spoke volumes.

I remember how you'd fondly call me "RSP something " and share your contagious cute smile. Flame!!!! I admired your courage and comportment. Many memories stroll through my mind... like the day you were appointed Senior Prefect for your set. It was a wonderful accomplishment. I remember when you'll stroll into my domitory room to have a brief chat and rob minds on how to go about your leadership.

It's unfortunate that you the "Last Enemy Death caught up with you in your Youth (1 Cor 15 vs 26 - 28). You were a perfect young gentleman with a promising future ahead. And I'll plead with the creator to kindly include you in the resurrection (John 5 vs 25 - 29).

Rest on Romanian Doctor Conrad Iklaki, while We carry on the the events under the Sun with you in our hearts.

Adeiu Flame!

Lots of Love Little Brother

August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
Ashi boo,
It’s been seven years since you left. I spent most of yesterday trying to imagine what your life may have been like if you were here. In all possible scenarios, you were insanely successful! I really wish the world witnessed your greatness…That’s something that will forever hurt.
Keep guiding us down here udim…I miss you so much bro…forever your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Ashi boo, happy birthday my darling! There’s so much to say but I’m sure I don’t need to say a word coz you’ve been seeing it all… I miss you udim… happy birthday baby boy! 7 years later and you’re still one of the flyest to have walked this earth! Show them today udim! Love always, your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Ashi boo, Happy New Year from this end! 2022 was quite the year but you know that already….
I’ve set goals for the year and we are going to be more intentional! Thanks for remaining a motivation…thanks for everything udim! Loving and missing you into another year udim…forever your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Hmmmm!! 6years. Still don’t seem real, your pictures seem like they was taken yesterday. I miss your voice so much, your laughs I miss you Ashi. Just like 2016 today is a Saturday aswell, it hits harder babe. Come visit sometime my love ♥️ Love always, Endurance ♥️♥️♥️
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
Ashi boo, six whole years without you and this time it’s on a Saturday just like that terrible day. Events of that day keep playing in my head but a part of me knows you’re fine. I miss you so much udim. So much is happening and I keep imagining what you may have said or reacted to these things. I hear a new song and wonder what you’d have thought of it….you were such a vibe udim… As they say, to live in the hearts of those you love is never to die. You live forever Ashi boo… Love always, your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
It’s been 6 years since you left this cold world
No more fashion updates from you Bro

Sometimes I do check your page and imagine how far you would have gone if you were still with us.

Sail safe Mate ⛵️
Till we meet and share more ideas in Heaven
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Happy birthday Conrad. I think of you ever so often. I hope you're having a good day with the angels. ❤️
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Ashi boo, happy birthday udim! Another birthday without you and it wasn’t any different…the countdown still happened. I really hope that having Antoinette with you makes this birthday better in some way… As usual, we’ll celebrate you here….this time I’ll be celebrating with Unimke Agiang and Mpeh. It’s Father’s Day as well so please say hello to our daddies for us and let them know that we will be celebrating them today. We love and miss you sooo much but I know you know that already…..happy birthday udim! Love always, your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
March 6, 2022
March 6, 2022
Ashi boo…Mama is gone and I can’t believe it. I don’t know why I’m telling you this when you guys are most likely together now and probably catching up on all the laughs and hugs you missed. I’m glad you have each other but I truly wish it didn’t have to be this way. Thank you for letting me experience your sister, I can truly say Antoinette was amazing in more ways than the world may have known. I’ll keep praying for the family to be consoled… Bye for now udim and please you two take care of each other…. Forever your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
January 14, 2022
January 14, 2022
Ashi boo, happy new year baby boy! I know it’s been a while but you know where I’ve been and how hard the last few months have been… I just wanted to say hello on here and remind you of just how much I miss you Okay I’ll get back to work now… bye for now udim …. Your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021
It’s 2021 and the memories of you are still fresh. You would never be forgotten. Rest on.
August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021
Another 27th of august, another dreaded day
So bitter it barely makes any sense
It’s been 5years UNIMASHI
How the past years have passed is hard to explain. How the thought of no more you makes me feel is something I can’t explain.
It’s something I believe you see because I can’t ever find the words to express this feelings.
This nightmare has gone on for 5years and hasn’t provided an escape.
Its Such sour reality, a reality I would rather live without.
1825 days without you present, many see forever as a long time but it won’t cut it, a lifetime is nothing when it comes to missing you, when it comes to keeping the memories you left alive, when it comes to trying to make the dreams you had a reality.
You were such a necessity to me, it’s surprising how these past years without you have turned out. If tears could bring you back then the river I have cried would definitely cut it
I miss you babe
You are forever in my heart ♥️
August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021
Today makes it 5 years since you left Conrad. 5 whole years my darling. You were such a kind person C, bringing everyone together and just being the sweetest person ever. You deserve more years than you got and I hope today, the angels are taking good care of you and your family is finding it easier. Keep resting Conrad.
August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021
Ashi boo, five whole years without you…I don’t think I believe it… I really have no words right now… I miss you so much udim
I’ll be back when I can process my thoughts…your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
August 25, 2021
August 25, 2021
Ashi boo, my heart’s been racing all week. It’s my dad’s birthday today which you already know makes me so sad and then Friday makes it 5 years without you….August is truly a hard month and this is definitely the toughest week of them all. I miss you udim….so much
Tell my dad happy birthday for me please ❤️
Your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
August 11, 2021
August 11, 2021
I keep thinking about how soon your remembrance is and I just can’t brush it off C. I don’t think I’ll ever wrap my head around the fact that you’re gone for real.
August 11, 2021
August 11, 2021
That day is gradually creeping up on us. It’s hard my love. I miss you♥️
August 7, 2021
August 7, 2021
The bitterness seems to be stealing the sweetness All I keep praying for is peace that makes no sense. I miss you Conrad ♥️
June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
Happy birthday Iklaki C! I hope the angels are celebrating and throwing you a big party my darling ❤️.
June 18, 2021
June 18, 2021
Ashi boo….happy birthday udim! I can only imagine what today would have been like…I’ll try to live it up for you today…more shots than tears. Love you udim….forever your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
June 16, 2021
June 16, 2021
Ashi boo…June 19th is almost here again…I miss you udim
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
Ashi boo, this week has been HARD. So much is happening all at once and I’m really trying to keep it together...I’m just going to stay hopeful and let God do His thing I could really use one of our FaceTime therapy sessions right now...I miss you udim Love always, your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
Hey babe... I miss you Ashi, keep resting my love ❤️❤️
April 11, 2021
April 11, 2021
OG, holla!
Hope you're keeping it a hundred over there aye?
Keep resting in power, my man.
Too short a time, to great a life.
You'll live forever in everyone's hearts, my brother!
E go be.
April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
Ashi boo, I’ve been away for a while but you know I haven’t really been. Oby’s Couture launches tonight udim and I’m all over the place. Super excited and extremely nervous What if I’m biting more than I can chew??? I’ve decided to take the risk anyway....I’m going to push myself all through the year and grow as much as I can...I miss you udim...I really do Love always, your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021
Ashi boo, happy new year baby boy! 2020 was a lot of things down emotionally draining year to say the least! Here’s to loving you into another year....forever and always....your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Thinking about you today C. Merry Christmas, I hope it’s a blast up there my darling
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Ashi boo, merry Christmas baby boy! It feels nothing like Christmas down here but I’m sure it’s a blast up there. I miss you so much udim...l love you forever....your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
August 27, 2020
August 27, 2020
So many thoughts are going through my head. How much I miss you. How I have been the past 4years. How I’ve prayed and wished them prayers answered. How I end up broken everytime. How the thought of you gone changes it all for me. How I stare at your pictures and tell myself you never left. I feel like I can’t move past denial. It’s been 4 years Conrad. 4 years since shit got blur. 4 years of wishing 27.08.2016 never came. 4years of Hurt. You got away babe. I just have this guilt in my head. Why was it you. Why did you have to go. I miss you so much Unimashi. #Ashiliveson❤️❤️
August 27, 2020
August 27, 2020
Ashi boo, it’s really been four years without you... I know you’re in a better place and I only wish days like this didn’t hurt so much. My brother, I know you’re at peace and I know you are constantly watching over us and being the angel that you’ve always been. I miss you udim... I hope the Benyin foundation is at least close to what you wanted... Your name will not be forgotten udim... As they say, you only live once and if you do it right, once should be enough - you did it right udim! I love you and I miss you soooo much my brother... love you forever, Your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
August 23, 2020
August 23, 2020
Ashi boo, August 23rd 2013, exactly seven years ago today. That was the last time I set my eyes on you... To think that you were running so late I almost left cause I thought we’d just have to see next time... I cried so much that day that now it almost feels like I knew I wasn’t gonna see you again... But we both know neither of us knew that. I miss you sooo much udim but you know that already. Just as we planned, I’m trying my best to leave a smile on as many faces as possible...the plan had always been to make a difference and that we will do❤️ Love always, your Benyin ❤️❤️❤️
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
Forever in my heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your beautiful memory lives on
Always good moments when I think of you
Rest well❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
June 20, 2020
June 20, 2020
Going through this made me realize how much I still miss you . I love you. Keep resting my fashion killla ❤️
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Iklaki Keep resting in perfect peace. I miss you and I love you ❤️❤️❤️
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Happy 24th my love❤️ I miss you more than I could describe we’ll meet again I love you Ashi❤️❤️
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August 29
August 29
I can't believe it's been eight years, Conrad. 8 whole years. I remember it just like yesterday, and I miss you and think about you ever so often. I hope you're very comfortable in heaven. You're forever in my heart. ❤️
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August 27, 2021

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August 27, 2020

August 27th

August 27, 2019

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