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Bingo Boy

April 13, 2021
Back in his childhood days I had took Corbin to bingo( before the millennial era) and I tells ya this little boy was so excited to be able to play bingo with mommy. We made a deal that whomever won(if ) that'd be shared, no matter the amount. So of course my lil corby was set and intent to win and not just anything, he had his mind set to get the jackpot. So mother and son enjoying an afternoon of bingo playing , and my lil guy eating, eating and eating some more talking laughing having a really wonderful time. And then it's finally arrived his first win , it was for 2 lines and he got it. But he was so quiet it wasn't heard at first so I nudged him and said you gotta be louder baby, so he gets up stands on his chair and yells and I mean really yelled BINGO. He startled a few players but he did it ...he won himself $20. Not only that but the bingo players actually gave him an ovation for being such a good bingo player/yeller. The bingo caller came over to him during intermission and said with a voice like that young man, you could be our next bingo caller. Corbin was not interested to do that cause then he couldn't win all the monies!!!
One of the many life memories I cherish of my son.... Love you to the moon and back, C.B.G
April 8, 2021
So from the very beginning Corbin was taught that I his mother was the boss. And so we had this little saying ,a ritual you might say that we went thru I'd say on a weekly if not daily basis. It went like this........
I would start with: Who am I?
Corbin would answer: Mom
I would then say:And???
He would say: Whatever you say goes!!!
Then we'd end with both of us saying
          Capiche !
My Corby was a very good, well mannered respectful young boy who made his Mom proud everyday, and even prouder when he grew up into The Man he had been. 
I am very lucky to have been chosen to be your mom Corbin, I'll always love you angel!
         Forever missed by all!
April 7, 2021
When we lived together and you showed me some boxing moves while we ordered pizza and ate like pigs. The little things with you mattered the most

Another Angel taken to soon

April 7, 2021
A moment in life like this can happen to anyone and unfortunately my family an I are one of those people. But I remember the good times with my Big brother. An I will forever miss my TinTin. Bahaha I remember when we first met after so many years of being apart from each other. I turned around and he was there.. We both cried like babies my dude's. You'd have to be there to believe it Loll.. Since then...And since I can remember. I've looked up to Corbin as a role model. He always told me: NO PAIN NO GAIN LIL SIS. There's some truth in that. An I'm happy he drilled that into my head all these years of my life. It's kept me sane...Gosh, All He was trying to do was get me outta my bubble... And He achieved it. But I fudging wish he was here to see it. I love you Corbie. To the moon and back

Love Meg/Hank


April 7, 2021
One day when I was about five years old I went to the St.Francis school playground, I was just building a sand castle - doing girly things while my brothers played on the playground with one of their old friends. For some reason, the big bully came to me - said my castle was stupid and kicked the sand pile into my face. Being a five year old girl I started to ball my eyes out, begging my brothers to take me home. 
As soon as we crossed the street I seen Corbin walking towards us on the sidewalk, he couldn’t have been more than 18 at the time. He came up, giving the warm welcome he always gave anyone who was in his life, looked at me and seen the sand all over my little face. He asked what happened - my brothers told him and he immediately grabbed my hand and took me back to the park where the bully was still playing. Boy oh boy did he put that bully in his place, that’s the only time a bully has ever apologized to me about what they’ve done haha. 
Afterwards he took me back home, helped clean up my face, gave me ice cream and told me to come to him whenever someone treated me like that again. 
Since then I’ve always looked up to Corbin as if he was my brother. He was always there to put a smile on my face and wrap me in his arms until I felt safe again. 
I love you so much Corbin, more than you will ever know. 

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