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best of 2011

June 14, 2012
Never will I forget when I met you. You met me and introduce yourself. We spoke and you drove with me to Pathmark. When you carried the bags to the car I knew you wouldnt leave my side. And it was true. You never left my side. Through it all, you was right by me. It hurts like every breath I take I'm dying but the kids depend on me. I know you are in better place. The good ones go first..God needed his Angel. I'm so blessed to have had you in my life. You was and will always be my blacky, man, best friend, my love...Love you, Amy your wife and the woman who you hugged and whisper in her ear at night, I love my bubble...Rest In Peace my love..


June 13, 2012
I remember the last time i seen said to me dont ever let no one bring you down or anything you said for me to live for my girls and no one else you made me smile and you were right all this time thanks friend with much love..ill def will go by your word.....GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN ...COREY YOU IN A MUCH BETTER PLACE THEN WE ARE IN ILL SEE YOU SOON R.I.P


June 13, 2012

To my brother yuh always new how to keep me laughing.. As much as we argued nd fought. Yuh nd I both know how much we ment to each other. I still can'y believe yur gone. But the truth hurts nd the truth is that yur really not with me no more. But yur in a much better place. I'm so glad nd thankful that yuh was apart of my life. Bro now that yur gone what am i gonna do without yuh.. Now that yur gone who am I gonna get to make me laugh as hard as yuh did.. Bro just remember I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YUH..

I can hear yur voice now says "Yo Stupid Man Up"
Bro I love yuh, But FUCK YA COUCH!!


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